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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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7 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Woody, re that list of lies you posted earlier; now you know you’ve been lied to, why are you still siding with people who lied to you and made you look stupid?

Freggy: If you hadn't noticed the entire landscape around this is strewn with lies and half-truths on both sides. Not exactly surprising.

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35 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

I haven’t noticed any outright lies from the remain side. I’ve noticed a few exaggerated predictions, but no lies. If you have noticed outright lies akin to the leaver lies posted by Woody please point them out. 

Ridiculous sweeping assertions have been legion:

Plains won't fly.

There will be food shortages.

People will die for want of medicines.

UK citizens will be expelled from Europe and vice versa.

The economy would collapse the day after a Leave vote in June 2016.

"No Deal" will mean that trade as we know it will cease.

We can't survive "on our own".

EU companies will no longer trade with UK companies.

Just a few. It would be funny but people actually believe this baloney.


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Plains won’t fly - Up until the 19th of December 2018 there was no agreement that U.K. planes could fly to the EU in the event of no-deal - so it was a legitimate concern. Do you have a link to a Remain source saying there would definitely be no planes flying to and from the EU after Brexit? 

There will be food shortages. This is a prediction, if it wasn’t a realistic prediction individuals, supermarkets and the government wouldn’t be stockpiling and preparing for shortages. Even the ultimate leaver bogroll the Daily Express is advising it’s readers to stock up on certain items: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/news/politics/997931/Brexit-news-latest-prepping-what-to-stockpile-no-deal-brexit-food-shortage/amp

People will die for want of medicines. Don’t bother with political propaganda if you want to gauge real concern. Look at Pharmaceutical News instead: https://www.pharmaceutical-journal.com/medicines-shortages/104430.subject?firstPass=false

UK Citizens will be expelled from Europe and vice versa: The U.K. did start threatening expulsions and weaponised EU nationals rights early on, but that’s all been sorted now. I haven’t seen any remainer lies on this subject, have you? As ever, one link will do. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.irishtimes.com/news/world/uk/british-home-office-apologises-after-eu-nationals-threatened-with-expulsion-1.3195984%3fmode=amp

The economy would collapse the day after a Leave vote in June 2016. The Bank of England had to make a huge intervention, and the pound collapsed, but the economy didn’t collapse. Do you have a link to anyone saying it would? 

"No Deal" will mean that trade as we know it will cease. In the event of no deal WTO rules will apply to trade with France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Greece, Luxembourg, Portugal, the Netherlands, Sweden, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Singapore, Serbia, Norway, Ireland, Turkey, Ukraine, Croatia, Denmark, Austria, Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia. 44% of U.K. trade is with the E.U., 16% is with countries that have E.U. FTAs (but that figure would have been set to sore with Canada and Japan coming online). Free trade replaced with WTO tariffs for at least 60% of the UK’s total trade. It’s certainly going to feel very different. 

We can’t survive on our own. Who is saying that? The U.K. is a trading nation. If it becomes a trading nation with no trade deals it probably won’t do as well as it has - the government impact assessments agree with this analysis. Even if you disagree you cannot say this is a lie, it is merely a prediction you don’t agree with. 

EU companies will no longer trade with U.K. companies. Who is saying this? I can believe remainers have said that doing business between the EU and U.K. will involve a lot more paperwork, but have remainers really said such trade will no longer happen? I’m afraid I’m calling bullshit on this one Woolley. Any link to prove your point?

You forgot to claim remainers say the sky will fall in. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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I'm actually more devastated that I used the word "plains" for things that fly than anything else! I plead overwork. However, I won't take the coward's way out and edit to cover my embarrassment. All of the things I listed have been cited to frighten the living daylights out of people. Some people are easily scared. :)

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

I'm actually more devastated that I used the word "plains" for things that fly than anything else! I plead overwork. However, I won't take the coward's way out and edit to cover my embarrassment. All of the things I listed have been cited to frighten the living daylights out of people. Some people are easily scared. :)

And I'll hide behind my grammatical faux pas so I can conveniently forget to try and challenge Freggy's post because it's just a little bit too close to the truth......

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Put it down to autocorrect.

It’s a Faragist tactic to take a legitimate concern such as;

‘I really don’t think it will be as easy to make trade deals as they think.’

and first twist it into;

‘The remoaners who talk Brexit down say we won’t be able to make any independent trade deals!’

and then, after a deal is finally struck with the Faroe Islands, or Chile, to twist it again into;

’The treacherous remoaners who talk Britain down said we could never make an independent trade deal in time for Brexit, but look, here we are, a free trade deal and others in the pipeline!’

And when asked who it was that ever said that the U.K. wouldn’t be able to make a trade deal before Brexit the question is ignored, but the claim will be repeated again and again to try and make the UK’s new international trading reality look like some kind of victory, instead of a crushing and tragic failure. 

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