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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Just going back to that news that the House of Lords Select Committee on the EU is suggesting Parliament might like to debate Fox’s deal before it is ratified. Switzerland is the EU’s third largest trading partner outside the E.U. (even though it is in Schengen and has to follow all the EU standards and regulations). Total trade is worth £32B, of which £8 is finished cars (not much use if them manufacturers have all left the U.K.). 52% of trade though is in services, in which in recent years the U.K. has enjoyed a hefty surplus over Switzerland. Strange to think that the Swiss would just rollover those agreements, made when the U.K. was a member of the mighty E.U. - and surprise, surprise, it hasn’t. Insurance should be ok, but banking and other services look to have been frozen out. On top of that, U.K. nationals will require visas to work in Switzerland, and numbers have been restricted to 3,500 - over 2,000 of which will go to current residents. The Swiss have stressed that U.K. nationals will have to face the same standards of entry for employment as any other third country national. 


From the House of Lords Select Committee on the E.U. report:


“Switzerland is the UK's third-largest non-EU trading partner. The trade agreement seeks to assimilate eight existing EU-Swiss agreements into a single instrument.

The trade agreement was drawn to the special attention of the House on two grounds: that it is politically important and gives rise to issues of public policy that the House might wish to debate prior to ratification; and that it differs significantly from the precursor agreement to which the UK is party as an EU Member state.”


Proof of the UK’s diminished power after leaving the mightiest trading block on the planet?  



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33 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

....The Swiss have stressed that U.K. nationals will have to face the same standards of entry for employment as any other third world national.....

Proof of the UK’s diminished power after leaving the mightiest trading block on the planet?  




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4 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

The withdrawal agreement does have an "get out clause" though which is both parties agreeing on how to resolve the issue with the border in Ireland.  The AG has reassured us all that the withdrawal agreement sets out a year in which to achieve this after which efforts will be redoubled...  If the EU acts in bad faith then the UK can go to arbitration to have the backstop withdrawn - equally under a new Government with a fundamental change then article 62 can be used.

I would suggest that you are not paying close enough attention. 

that is laid out in the wa- arbitration would end up under the ecj.......

vc is something different.......

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4 hours ago, mojomonkey said:


"The Treaties shall cease to apply to the State in question from the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification referred to in paragraph 2, unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period."


If not the 27 other member states of the EU, who is the extension down to then?

its down to the 27 not the eu......


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4 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Does anyone else enjoy the irony of a Prime Minister having a third "meaningful vote" in the House of Commons on a withdrawal agreement that has already been voted down twice by a significant majority whilst maintaining that it would be undemocratic to have a second referendum on a 52/48 decision to leave the EU?

mv4 already pencilled in........

whats worse is the peoples vote not wanting a ref. voted on today......



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8 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Anyone (not Woody!!!) know what the timeline is if Article 50 is withdrawn and then there is a people’s vote and the people vote Brexit? Will that mean Article 50 gets submitted again and there’s another two years of this charade? 

I cannot imagine Article 50 being withdrawn.  An extension is much more likely especially if the intention is to hold a second referendum as the EU will not just want to go through more of the same with the UK.

I would assume that a peoples vote would set out options such as;

- Remain;

- Leave (No deal)

- Leave (Mays deal)

The content on any such ballot papers will no doubt be a massive topic for discussion as two leave options risk splitting the Brexit vote and indirectly resulting in remain, however, choosing between two leave options will be unsatisfactory to many of those in the House of Commons as they believe that any form of brexit is worse than remaining.  

"May you live in interesting times"

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47 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I cannot imagine Article 50 being withdrawn.  An extension is much more likely especially if the intention is to hold a second referendum as the EU will not just want to go through more of the same with the UK.

I would assume that a peoples vote would set out options such as;

- Remain;

- Leave (No deal)

- Leave (Mays deal)

The content on any such ballot papers will no doubt be a massive topic for discussion as two leave options risk splitting the Brexit vote and indirectly resulting in remain, however, choosing between two leave options will be unsatisfactory to many of those in the House of Commons as they believe that any form of brexit is worse than remaining.  

"May you live in interesting times"

so you want to fix the ref. outcome before a vote.......

no need for may's deal to be on any vote if it can't get through parliament.......

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‘Thick as mince’ David Davis voted for it second time around, even though he resigned from cabinet because he couldn’t stomach it first time he saw it. And yes, even though he was in charge of negotiations for two years and couldn’t get a better deal, even if the lazy toad only spent four hours in negotiations. 

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

its down to the 27 not the eu......


Are you unable to read English? It is down to the European Council (Tusk is President of the European Council) in agreement with member states. Those member states are the 27 members of the EU.


unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period."

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6 hours ago, mojomonkey said:


"The Treaties shall cease to apply to the State in question from the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification referred to in paragraph 2, unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period."


If not the 27 other member states of the EU, who is the extension down to then?


1 hour ago, woody2 said:

its down to the 27 not the eu......


The pair of you please read the quote posted by mojo. 

Its the EU Council, not the EU27 countries individually, or the EU, that unanimously agrees extension with the Member State ( singular-not plural, please note. I.e. the country which gave Art 50 notice) concerned. 

Thats why the EU Council meeting on 21 March is important.

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9 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Are you unable to read English? It is down to the European Council (Tusk is President of the European Council) in agreement with member states. Those member states are the 27 members of the EU.


unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period."

which part of the 27 need to agree don't you understand.......

tusk can't do it by himself......

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