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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 minute ago, Declan said:

Looking like - 

Hard Brexit - Brexit party + UKIP = 35%

Remain - Libs, Green, Nats, Chuk = 40%

some sort of compromise - lab and con = 23% 

Brexit basically hoovered up the UKIP plus a bit.

The Beeb team interviewed Ann Widdecombe. What a car crash. Like lots of deluded, ill-informed folks in the UK right now she didn't know the negotiations with the EU are over.

But she still got elected.....

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

I was appalled to see Tommy Robinson (Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) on the ballot paper.

Stayed up to see him come near the bottom of the list.

But people like him shouldn't be on the list in the first place....

ETA Unbelievably 38,908 deluded souls DID vote for him. Shameful....

A lot of petty minded racists in the North West of England. Jealous that immigrant communities have done better than them. 

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I’m coming around to the view there should be a second referendum. The poor showing of the Brexit and UKIP parties and the strong showing of the remain parties suggest the tide of public opinion has turned  

Probably due to the failure of Brexiteers to find a way to leave despite having had 3 years to achieve the task. 

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20 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Great Britain sends more to Northern Ireland than it sends to the EU. The U.K. as a whole would be poorer if Northern Ireland were left to fail, as it would if Eastern Europe had been ignored and followed the path of the likes of Belarus and Azerbaijan. 

By the way, what makes you think the pound has a brighter future with the U.K. outside the EU? 

The strength of the unfettered trading economy post Brexit.

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17 hours ago, P.K. said:


You get all the usual lies pedalled by the UK lowbrow right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, like the EU is "undemocratic" - and that's directly after an EU election! But comparing it to Russia! Sheer comedy gold....



Doesn't matter how many elections it holds the EU is undemocratic. It's an inalienable fact. Particularly if you believe in the self-determination of sovereign states.

  • Haha 1
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12 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Why was it 45 years ago? Do you think that UK would have improved of its own volition?

Europe pulled the UK's standards up by its bootstraps. The UK was obliged to and in some cases still can't meet the standards (and neither can IoM). But there's nothing wrong with aiming high and coercing compliance.

There's a cross section of the Brexit mob that wouldn't give a damn as long as they were getting wealthy out of turning the country back into Smog Central.

I dispute this totally. Environmental standards across the continent were atrocious in the early 70s and the improvements have been worked up since in unison. It is partly a result of shipping out a lot of the polluting manufacturing processes away from Europe, and the move away from coal power. Globally, the situation is far worse now than it was in Europe or Britain then. Do we care? Of course not.

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14 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Like our and the UK's bathing water, drinking water, air and emissions standards were, pre-EU? Britain used to be called the "dirty man of Europe" IIRC. Acid rain and all that.

But of course you could drink tap water all around the UK without fear but not on the continent. Strange, that.

So you credit the improvement in standards in the past 50 years to the EU? What sort of logic is that? Who do you credit with the improvements in standards in the previous 50 years? Or the improvements from Victorian squalor?

This is similar to the "peace in Europe" argument. The EU has been fortunate to exist in a time of peace. It didn't create it. Same with clean(er) air and water.

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10 hours ago, P.K. said:


Amen to that.

"Sovereignty" - what a joke that is....

Repetitive post about 13% of law coming from EU. Apart from the fact that any figure at all is an affront to a sovereign nation, it is far more than 13% and I've explained fully why that is before. Not doing it again.

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9 hours ago, P.K. said:

Brexit basically hoovered up the UKIP plus a bit.

The Beeb team interviewed Ann Widdecombe. What a car crash. Like lots of deluded, ill-informed folks in the UK right now she didn't know the negotiations with the EU are over.

But she still got elected.....

Negotiations are over on May's deal and the Article 50 process. That doesn't mean negotiations are over. The EU says they are. But they would say that wouldn't they?

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15 minutes ago, woolley said:

the improvements have been worked up since in unison.

Precisely, that unison being the EU. And if it hadn't been for the EU, it wouldn't have happened, in Europe or the UK. But I'm still waiting for your take on how Britain gained the reputation as the dirty man of Europe. And if Britain's standards were so advanced, why were we exporting our acid rain off to Scandinavia?

The facts are that Britain was a dwindling industrial powerhouse whose interest in the environment, even its own, was zero.

The changes were imposed upon us and in some cases still can't be met. Which would indicate that the home grown previous standards were either inadequate or non-existent.

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10 hours ago, P.K. said:

I was appalled to see Tommy Robinson (Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) on the ballot paper.

Stayed up to see him come near the bottom of the list.

But people like him shouldn't be on the list in the first place....

ETA Unbelievably 38,908 deluded souls DID vote for him. Shameful....

This is interesting, PK. I don't know what was in their minds. Perhaps they were thinking of Lee Rigby, or maybe the Ariana Grande bombing in Manchester and registering a protest. But being fair-minded as always, supposing we accept your take on the 38,908 who voted for him. That then takes care of your racist, feeble-minded, Wail reading little Englanders. What about the other 600,000 plus in the same region who voted for Brexit?

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1 hour ago, Declan said:

I’m coming around to the view there should be a second referendum. The poor showing of the Brexit and UKIP parties and the strong showing of the remain parties suggest the tide of public opinion has turned  

Probably due to the failure of Brexiteers to find a way to leave despite having had 3 years to achieve the task. 

Poor showing? From a 6 week standing start, the Brexit party absolutely knocked it out of the park. Then there will also be Brexit supporters who stuck with their traditional parties.

I agree though that it is still a deadlock that it is difficult to see a way out of. Unless the scales fall from the eyes of a lot of people who think the EU virtuous it is going to take something special to move forward. I don't see what another referendum would achieve either. This cuts the population right down the middle.

ETA: Don't forget of course that this election turnout was virtually half of that in the 2016 referendum.

Edited by woolley
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