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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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7 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Precisely, that unison being the EU. And if it hadn't been for the EU, it wouldn't have happened, in Europe or the UK. But I'm still waiting for your take on how Britain gained the reputation as the dirty man of Europe. And if Britain's standards were so advanced, why were we exporting our acid rain off to Scandinavia?

The facts are that Britain was a dwindling industrial powerhouse whose interest in the environment, even its own, was zero.

The changes were imposed upon us and in some cases still can't be met. Which would indicate that the home grown previous standards were either inadequate or non-existent.

You hear more about the failings of your own country that you do about others. All of the moans you hear about the Manx government and the UK government and standards and whatever else are mirrored in other countries by complaints about their own government and standards. I'm in Europe a lot and the natives are pretty hot on complaining. Why were we exporting acid rain to Scandinavia? Prevailing wind. Acid rain is historic and would have been consigned to history EU or no EU. It's simply progress.

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1 hour ago, Declan said:

Probably due to the failure of Brexiteers to find a way to leave despite having had 3 years to achieve the task. 

Weyand and Robbins put together the best possible deal for the UK they could under the circumstances. Even The Woolster thought it was decent. However it wasn't uncompromising enough for the bug-eyed brexit loons like Rees-Mogg and his smirking rotund fag Mark Francois and their ERG idiots. So the chance of getting the best deal on the table has been lost.

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11 hours ago, Declan said:

Looking like - 

Hard Brexit - Brexit party + UKIP = 35%

Remain - Libs, Green, Nats, Chuk = 40%

some sort of compromise - lab and con = 23% 


Looks like that for England and Wales, meanwhile in Scotland it’s looking like  ‘stick yer brexit up yer arse’ and in NI it’s looking like 1 seat United Ireland or bust, 1 seat United Kingdom or bust, 1 seat ‘European Union or bust’. 

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3 hours ago, woolley said:

Poor showing? From a 6 week standing start, the Brexit party absolutely knocked it out of the park. Then there will also be Brexit supporters who stuck with their traditional parties.

I agree though that it is still a deadlock that it is difficult to see a way out of. Unless the scales fall from the eyes of a lot of people who think the EU virtuous it is going to take something special to move forward. I don't see what another referendum would achieve either. This cuts the population right down the middle.

ETA: Don't forget of course that this election turnout was virtually half of that in the 2016 referendum.

The low turnout shows the lack of support for the Brexit Party. If this was a massive vote for Hard Brexit the 52% would have been out in force to support Farage. 

Lets face it Brexit is just a rebranded UKIP so it’s not had 6 weeks build up it has had decades. The Leavers have had many years of bleating about Europe in the press, and since about 2010 or so  even the BBC has been too scared to challenge  them on anything because they’ll go into meltdown. Then they won the referendum and it turns out they didn’t have a clue how to implement it and have spent the last three years thwarting any attempts to leave in orderly manner. The U.K. could have left  months ago but the Brexiteers ballsed it up. No wonder millions who originally voted Leave are staying at home. 

Any further move to Brexit is clearly against the will of the people and the next PM will pay the price if he drags the country out. 

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25 minutes ago, Declan said:

The low turnout shows the lack of support for the Brexit Party. If this was a massive vote for Hard Brexit the 52% would have been out in force to support Farage.  

Any further move to Brexit is clearly against the will of the people and the next PM will pay the price if he drags the country out. 

If that were so , and you maybe right ,would not those who want to remain in Europe , the 48% , voted  for the Liberals ?


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27 minutes ago, Declan said:

The low turnout shows the lack of support for the Brexit Party. If this was a massive vote for Hard Brexit the 52% would have been out in force to support Farage. 

Lets face it Brexit is just a rebranded UKIP so it’s not had 6 weeks build up it has had decades. The Leavers have had many years of bleating about Europe in the press, and since about 2010 or so  even the BBC has been too scared to challenge  them on anything because they’ll go into meltdown. Then they won the referendum and it turns out they didn’t have a clue how to implement it and have spent the last three years thwarting any attempts to leave in orderly manner. The U.K. could have left  months ago but the Brexiteers ballsed it up. No wonder millions who originally voted Leave are staying at home. 

Any further move to Brexit is clearly against the will of the people and the next PM will pay the price if he drags the country out. 

No. I don't think so. Brexit is the default position according to the legislation, so if anything the Remain vote is lacklustre. If there is such a groundswell for the EU, why is the turnout only 37%? It was double that in the referendum. I would have expected at least a 50% turnout with Remain a clear winner if what we are told is true.

As for Brexiteers not having a clue how to implement it, don't forget that the negotiations have been conducted by the remain civil service to the EU script. That was a big mistake.

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14 hours ago, P.K. said:

I was appalled to see Tommy Robinson (Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) on the ballot paper.

Stayed up to see him come near the bottom of the list.

But people like him shouldn't be on the list in the first place....

ETA Unbelievably 38,908 deluded souls DID vote for him. Shameful....

Surely that fact that people like him can stand shows a healthy aspect of a supposed free and democratic society. People with minority or wrong views should still have the choice to stand up for what they believe in, and then be solidly voted down. Its the amount of coverage they get in the media that is more of a concern than being allowed to stand.

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26 minutes ago, paswt said:

If that were so , and you maybe right ,would not those who want to remain in Europe , the 48% , voted  for the Liberals ?


Those voting for remain had several parties to choose from.  The fact that the Lib Dems and Greens performed so well with clear anti-Brexit policies gives an indication of that.

23 minutes ago, woolley said:

No. I don't think so. Brexit is the default position according to the legislation, so if anything the Remain vote is lacklustre. If there is such a groundswell for the EU, why is the turnout only 37%? It was double that in the referendum. I would have expected at least a 50% turnout with Remain a clear winner if what we are told is true.

As for Brexiteers not having a clue how to implement it, don't forget that the negotiations have been conducted by the remain civil service to the EU script. That was a big mistake.

The turnout is always low for EU elections in the UK.  The voters seem to miss the point that this is a democratic process to elect representatives at the EU Parliament who then can pass laws etc.. 

Also don't forget that if Brexit happens then these elections are largely a waste of time.  People on both sides will therefore have decided it was not worth the effort to cast a vote.

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3 hours ago, Declan said:

The low turnout shows the lack of support for the Brexit Party. If this was a massive vote for Hard Brexit the 52% would have been out in force to support Farage. 

Lets face it Brexit is just a rebranded UKIP so it’s not had 6 weeks build up it has had decades. The Leavers have had many years of bleating about Europe in the press, and since about 2010 or so  even the BBC has been too scared to challenge  them on anything because they’ll go into meltdown. Then they won the referendum and it turns out they didn’t have a clue how to implement it and have spent the last three years thwarting any attempts to leave in orderly manner. The U.K. could have left  months ago but the Brexiteers ballsed it up. No wonder millions who originally voted Leave are staying at home. 

Any further move to Brexit is clearly against the will of the people and the next PM will pay the price if he drags the country out. 

I don't think so? The Brexit process seems to have been firmly in the hands of remainers such as Teresa May, who had no heart to be doing what they were tasked with. 

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3 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Surely that fact that people like him can stand shows a healthy aspect of a supposed free and democratic society. People with minority or wrong views should still have the choice to stand up for what they believe in, and then be solidly voted down. Its the amount of coverage they get in the media that is more of a concern than being allowed to stand.

Had a good laugh that the usual brexit lapdogs "Liked" your post.

Here it is:

"According to Article 22(2) TFEU, ‘every citizen of the Union residing in a Member State of which he is not a national shall have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament in the Member State in which he resides’. The arrangements for implementing this right were adopted under Council Directive 93/109/EC, as last amended by Council Directive 2013/1/EU, Article 6 of which lays down that ‘any citizen of the Union who resides in a Member State of which he is not a national and who, through an individual judicial decision or an administrative decision provided that the latter can be subject to judicial remedies, has been deprived of his right to stand as a candidate under either the law of the Member State of residence or the law of his home Member State, shall be precluded from exercising that right in the Member State of residence in elections to the European Parliament’."

The joke is, of course, that the EU is all about integration and Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is all about creating discord on the grounds of race, colour and creed.

So in a way I'm glad he could stand as he was thoroughly rumbled and humbled by the good citizens of M-town.. Manchester's Finest were ordered to ensure milkshake sales were restricted during the short time he stayed at the count to witness his humiliation. Personally I consider that a waste of police resources as the likes of the odious lying charlatan Farage wearing a milkshake has been a high point of the whole tragic farrago. 

At the end of the day it was all a wasted exercise anyway. For all their crowing the Brexit lot can achieve the square root of fuck-all in the EU parliament as they are completely negated by not managing an overall majority among the UK contingent. Mind you, it's going to be a shock to Lord Haw-Haw to have to show up regularly and try and pretend to be interested after years and years of turning up to completely ignore the issue under debate and instead "stick it" to the EU strictly for home consumption in order to farm gullible (are there any other kind?) brexiteers for clickbait that he then gets paid on.

Face it, they don't get any lower than Farage, Gove and Johnson....

Had to laugh at Gove being hated by all classes.

The teachers hate him as well.....

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4 hours ago, woolley said:

Free trade agreement is the obvious solution to benefit everyone. Why would that not happen?

Because the UK signed up to the  “EU Common External Tariff Regime” which makes it impossible.

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