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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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25 minutes ago, woolley said:

EXACTLY! But they are just projections, not facts.

Now THAT'S funny coming as it does from a brave new (fuck knows?) world brexiteer!

One £number I didn't bother figuring out was the UK's growth in GDP whilst in the EU for the last 45 years. I just saw the number $1,8nn,nnn went to $2,8nn,nnn and thought how very decent it was in percentage terms compared to our nearest rivals.

So just don't bother trying to argue the numbers.

Oh, I see you haven't.....


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20 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Now THAT'S funny coming as it does from a brave new (fuck knows?) world brexiteer!

One £number I didn't bother figuring out was the UK's growth in GDP whilst in the EU for the last 45 years. I just saw the number $1,8nn,nnn went to $2,8nn,nnn and thought how very decent it was in percentage terms compared to our nearest rivals.

So just don't bother trying to argue the numbers.

Oh, I see you haven't.....


Why credit the EU with that? It was due to shaking off the stranglehold of the communist union leaders of the 70s and the modernisation of the entire economy in recent decades. History would not have ended had we not joined the EU. You seem to credit it exclusively with all of the good stuff. So blinkered.

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51 minutes ago, woolley said:

Why credit the EU with that? It was due to shaking off the stranglehold of the communist union leaders of the 70s and the modernisation of the entire economy in recent decades. History would not have ended had we not joined the EU. You seem to credit it exclusively with all of the good stuff. So blinkered.

Dear me.

The figures clearly show that in the EU the UK done good.

End of.

Gefushen gehen schnell....

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3 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Brexit is dead. Trump delivered the coupe de grace when he admitted the insurance industry’s hankering for the NHS. Time for the principal liars to face proper scrutiny, and where appropriate, justice. 

Freggers, I think I'd like some of what you're on for the weekend.

Trump admitted nothing and I don't believe that you are crazy enough to believe that he did. He isn't so clued up as to know what the score is with the NHS on the minutiae level. He just reacted to a planted question: "Will the NHS be included in the trade deal?" He probably thought he was saying what people wanted to hear by answering: "Sure. Everything will be on the table." Later on, someone put him right, so he backtracked on it. No big deal. The outraged drama by ill-informed Remainers on social media about this in response to the predictable Momentum/SWP propaganda just shows how easily these people are taken in.

As for Brexit being dead and people facing scrutiny and justice, I think you are advocating a civil war. Do you also want the Project Fearers in the dock?

To some degree I do wish it was all sorted now because I am sick of the mess that has been made of it. Of course this is all part of the plan by the metropolitan liberal establishment. Five years of utter gridlock and then promote another referendum with the aim of sneaking a narrow Remain win and then sail on as though nothing happened. If we'd just left within six months of the vote we'd be two years on now and soaring to all time highs. It's uncertainty that kills.

Edited by woolley
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11 minutes ago, woolley said:

He isn't so clued up as to know what the score is with the NHS on the minutiae level. He just reacted to a planted question: "Will the NHS be included in the trade deal?" He probably thought he was saying what people wanted to hear by answering: "Sure. Everything will be on the table." Later on, someone put him right, so he backtracked on it. No big deal.

Isn't this the whole issue with Trump though?  Most politicians would have had a briefing ahead of the press conference and been aware that the question of the NHS was likely to be raised and just how sensitive an issue it would be.  Wasn't it one of his ambassadors in the 24 hours before his visit who suggested that the NHS would be part of trade negotiations?

Trump backtracking on comments made off the cuff are another example of what a poor leader of the US he is.  Trump says whatever he thinks will get the reaction he wants and then has to face the consequences later when it turns out he was talking crap (again!).  

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 If we'd just left within six months of the vote we'd be two years on now and soaring to all time highs.


( but not impossible if, by chance, the three ducks line up)

Edited by ballaughbiker
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Yes. At a stretch I wouldn't seriously argue with either of the last two interjections. Must be going soft.

I still don't see an easy way out of it though. You have a referendum then you abide by the result. Do nothing for 3 full years and you have an almighty festering argument.

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27 minutes ago, woolley said:

Freggers, I think I'd like some of what you're on for the weekend.

Trump admitted nothing and I don't believe that you are crazy enough to believe that he did. He isn't so clued up as to know what the score is with the NHS on the minutiae level. He just reacted to a planted question: "Will the NHS be included in the trade deal?" He probably thought he was saying what people wanted to hear by answering: "Sure. Everything will be on the table." Later on, someone put him right, so he backtracked on it. No big deal. The outraged drama by ill-informed Remainers on social media about this in response to the predictable Momentum/SWP propaganda just shows how easily these people are taken in.

As for Brexit being dead and people facing scrutiny and justice, I think you are advocating a civil war. Do you also want the Project Fearers in the dock?

To some degree I do wish it was all sorted now because I am sick of the mess that has been made of it. Of course this is all part of the plan by the metropolitan liberal establishment. Five years of utter gridlock and then promote another referendum with the aim of sneaking a narrow Remain win and then sail on as though nothing happened. If we'd just left within six months of the vote we'd be two years on now and soaring to all time highs. It's uncertainty that kills.

Weighing it all up I think I would prefer to try what you're on than Freggy's.

Freggy is on downers whereas the uppers you're on have clearly got you to Cloud 9 and beyond....

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You have a referendum then you abide by the result. 

Normally I would agree but this referendum wasn't entirely straight and the result was far too close for such a precipitous change. That said, the remain campaign was non-existent which is their fault.



Do nothing for 3 full years and you have an almighty festering argument.

Of course and she has just been putting off the day with false hope. Whilst ending free movement of workers was #1 on a majority of leavers wish list, it was always going to be. 

Population cannot be controlled without some form of ID system (not necessarily a card) and it is my belief the referendum would not have happened if we had taken the opportunity to control excesses without 'barricading the beaches'.

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4 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

 Population cannot be controlled without some form of ID system (not necessarily a card) and it is my belief the referendum would not have happened if we had taken the opportunity to control excesses without 'barricading the beaches'.

Blimey. Can you imagine the LibDems? :D

I remember when such things were the biggest issues of the day. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/5012972.stm

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8 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Weighing it all up I think I would prefer to try what you're on than Freggy's.

Freggy is on downers whereas the uppers you're on have clearly got you to Cloud 9 and beyond....

I am convinced that ALL Remainers are on downers. As for myself I have a natural joie de vivre. No artificial stimulants needed.

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I see that Donald Trump recommended that Farage and the Brexit Party should be involved in the discussions with the EU in relation to how the UK leaves.    Trump has also "endorsed" at least of the candidates for the Conservative Party leadership and therefore the Prime Minister.

Why are those in favour of leaving the EU and reclaiming sovereignty not screaming from the roof tops about the POTUS involving himself in UK politics? 

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