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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Ah yes. Playing the hackneyed and much debunked "liberal elite" card. A classic brexit "get out of jail free" ploy. Of course, those "liberal elite" bastards are to blame for most of the worlds ills. Isn't that right?

Can't you see the extreme irony in making claims about the history of UK immigration and at the same time posting up links to Migration Watch UK?

In this case calling you a hypocrite is more than justified.

Migration Watch UK have a mission to paint UK immigration in the worst possible light they can. They don't care about the facts of the matter. All they care about is politicising  the likes of desperate people fleeing a war zone.

Recently barmaid, charity worker and psychiatric nurse Jo Brand was outed as a member of the "liberal elite". Strange but true I don't remember her ever making claims about UK immigration in the nineteenth century.

Funny that....

Edited by P.K.
Losing the will to live.....
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I have wondered about the "liberal elite" that have been supposedly destroying mankind.

Are the wealthy right wingers like Farage, Rupert Murdoch and the Barclay Brothers all saintly individuals who exist for the betterment of mankind, on a completely altruistic path to enlightenment and harmony?

The reality is that "liberal elite" is just another right wingers go to phrase when cornered and need a buzz word to get out of said corner.

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10 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

I have wondered about the "liberal elite" that have been supposedly destroying mankind.


5 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

I have also wondered who the "liberal elite" actually are...   Does anyone have an answer?


1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Quilp and Woolley.   They refer to them all the time.....


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1 hour ago, woolley said:

I read that very same article immediately following the inane suggestion by another poster that you and I refer to a 'liberal elite' "all the time." Don't know about you but the last time I expressed an opinion using that term was back in the American election thread.

It's not about who or what is the 'Liberal Elite', the term describes a mindset. One that is impervious to contradictory opinion. That armour (borrowed-plumage) of self-regard and righteousness is Chobham-esque, emboldened by a barbed-wire of one-eyed, grandiose confirmation-bias.

That's why it won't be read by those whom it accurately describes. 

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So the Liberal Elite is a term used by wealthy capitalists who want to keep their control over the sources of their income namely the normal people.

Creating an enemy of the Liberal Elite who would challenge the wealthy and governments to find another way of doing things is a handy way of ensuring that the general population focus blame elsewhere and away from the real culprits then?

Sorry if that is not well articulated but I am just gobsmacked. 

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Just been watching Laura K asking Boris about a no deal brexit and if he would impose it.

He immediately came back with the "Brexit Bonus Bollox" of how there wouldn't be tariffs on goods entering the UK.

The fact that tariffs would be imposed on everything being exported from the UK thus making them totally uncompetitive and unsellable semmed to slip his mind.

Be afraid.

Be VERY afraid...

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2 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

So the Liberal Elite is a term used by wealthy capitalists who want to keep their control over the sources of their income namely the normal people.

Creating an enemy of the Liberal Elite who would challenge the wealthy and governments to find another way of doing things is a handy way of ensuring that the general population focus blame elsewhere and away from the real culprits then?

Sorry if that is not well articulated but I am just gobsmacked. 

Not quite.

On here it seems that if you have an inferiority complex then you can invent all sorts of nonsense about folks that suits your agenda. Including the "elitist" badge, sneering at the proles etc etc. Jo Brand barmaid, charity worker and psychiatris nurse is, according to self-serving , lying, typical brexiteer Nigel Farage a member of the "Liberal Elite" and is determined to stop "your brexit" whatever "your" means in this context. I'm beginning to think Farage believes his own lies that brexit will be wonderful.

The fact that it exists only in the minds of the unstable and couldn't be more detached from reality is an irrelevance.

For example they simply cannot accept that pretty much all the projections indicate that brexit is a really really stupid idea. All they have to counter this is "Wait and see. In fifty years time you'll see brexit was the smart move" or some such guff. I don't like gambling. Especially when the stake is the future of my kids....

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

That author coined the term, "virtue-signalling" did he not?

Indeed he did.

He is quite perceptive about these intellectual snobs who in their own minds are righteous about all the ills of the world. As you say, those so accurately describes will not read it because they could never possibly be wrong about anything. I particularly liked: "Anyone who appears not to subscribe to these views must, of necessity, be a sinner or else appallingly misled by the Daily Mail or some other evil force. It is outrageous to the elite that the work of the Devil should prevail." :D

The liberal elite is not so much a "who" as a "type", and their "wisdom" cuts across all income groups and classes seducing anyone who is even slightly suggestible to it. The backlash was well overdue.

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40 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

So the Liberal Elite is a term used by wealthy capitalists who want to keep their control over the sources of their income namely the normal people.

Creating an enemy of the Liberal Elite who would challenge the wealthy and governments to find another way of doing things is a handy way of ensuring that the general population focus blame elsewhere and away from the real culprits then?

Sorry if that is not well articulated but I am just gobsmacked. 

Those controlling the liberal elite agenda have absolutely no intention of doing what you say, though. Where was the liberal elite challenge to the wealthy or to powerful governments as globalisation laid waste to so many communities? They have been too cosy for too long, living high on the hog in their ivory towers and they thought that all was wonderful. They just don't understand that not everybody agreed things were so great. That's why they are shocked to the core now that so many "normal people" have bitten back to disrupt their idyll. Those "normal people" are not thick. They have simply had enough of being told what's good for them by people who have had easy lives and no clue about life at the sharp end.

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I love the term "virtue signalling" and the way it implies that folks do things for themselves in order to impress or whatever.

Hilarious. So folks should only do good deeds in secret otherwise what they do will be labeled "virtue signalling" or some such nonsense? What sort of mentality would try to belittle the good works of others by trying to denigrate their efforts with a label like that which is clearly designed to cast doubt on their motives?

I've found in the past that nasty spiteful people tend to live nasty spiteful lives. I wish them well.

Here's a nice comparison.

F1 champion Michael Schumacher gave millions upon millions to charity. For example he gave €7m to the Tsunami appeal alone. The total is apparently some €18m over the years.

Contrast that to F1 champion Lewis Hamilton and his fucking jet.

No contest....

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56 minutes ago, P.K. said:

 The fact that tariffs would be imposed on everything being exported from the UK thus making them totally uncompetitive and unsellable semmed to slip his mind.

Be afraid.

Be VERY afraid...

It would simply not be in their interest to do that. In fact they wouldn't be permitted to do so by business on the continent. So don't worry.

Why does the BBC take the line that THEY are the EU broadcasting corporation? "The EU Said they won't do a b or c." Well of course they have said that. They have never been challenged to change their line. They have never had their feet held to the fire.

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