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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Just now, woolley said:

It would simply not be in their interest to do that. In fact they wouldn't be permitted to do so by business on the continent. So don't worry.

Why does the BBC take the line that THEY are the EU broadcasting corporation? "The EU Said they won't do a b or c." Well of course they have said that. They have never been challenged to change their line. They have never had their feet held to the fire.

The BBC has been pretty much emasculated (apologies to the female contingent) by the tory party and the UK right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it.

Instead of pitching brexiteer against remainer, tory against labour etc etc it's now one side gets a say one evening being interrogated by the presenter and the other side get a go the following evening. Which is pretty meaningless really.

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7 minutes ago, woolley said:

Don't flatter yourself. I happened to look in a couple of hours after you posted, that's all. If you'd posted a couple of days ago, I would only have seen it today.

Ah yes....

The man who posted up MigrationWatchUK as if it "supported" his "argument" or some such.

Good laugh really.

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47 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Not quite.

On here it seems that if you have an inferiority complex then you can invent all sorts of nonsense about folks that suits your agenda. Including the "elitist" badge, sneering at the proles etc etc. Jo Brand barmaid, charity worker and psychiatris nurse is, according to self-serving , lying, typical brexiteer Nigel Farage a member of the "Liberal Elite" and is determined to stop "your brexit" whatever "your" means in this context. I'm beginning to think Farage believes his own lies that brexit will be wonderful.

The fact that it exists only in the minds of the unstable and couldn't be more detached from reality is an irrelevance.

For example they simply cannot accept that pretty much all the projections indicate that brexit is a really really stupid idea. All they have to counter this is "Wait and see. In fifty years time you'll see brexit was the smart move" or some such guff. I don't like gambling. Especially when the stake is the future of my kids....

You know, PK. You could be a case study for exactly the mindset we are talking about.

Accuses others of an inferiority complex without a shred of evidence. Check.

Any contrary view is instantly dismissed as nonsense. Check.

Furthermore, anyone who holds such a view must necessarily be unstable and detached from reality. Check.

Believes everything about "projections" to support their eternal, unassailable "truth". Check.

Thinks the status quo (which will not actually exist in the future) will somehow be good "for the kids". Check.

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Just now, woolley said:

You know, PK. You could be a case study for exactly the mindset we are talking about.

Accuses others of an inferiority complex without a shred of evidence. Check.

Any contrary view is instantly dismissed as nonsense. Check.

Furthermore, anyone who holds such a view must necessarily be unstable and detached from reality. Check.

Believes everything about "projections" to support their eternal, unassailable "truth". Check.

Thinks the status quo (which will not actually exist in the future) will somehow be good "for the kids". Check.

Do me a favour.

I take a ton of shit on here with accusations of all sorts of complete and utter nonsense.

Play the ball brexiteers.

Not the man...

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31 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Ah yes....

The man who posted up MigrationWatchUK as if it "supported" his "argument" or some such.

Good laugh really.

No. Merely to illustrate a population figure that came from the official census of 1851 and which proves the popular liberal fallacy of centuries of mass immigration to Britain. That's all, as you well know. You haven't yet disputed the figure again, I notice, despite rubbishing it before you knew it was from the census. Strange that.

Just because something from a source cannot be verified, doesn't mean that everything from the same source is rubbish. If you don't understand that you miss a lot of useful information in life.

Edited by woolley
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Just now, woolley said:

No. Merely to illustrate a population figure that came from the official census of 1851 and which proves the popular liberal fallacy of centuries of mass immigration to Britain. That's all, as you well know. You haven't yet disputed the figure again, I notice, despite rubbishing it before you knew it was from the census. Strange that.

Just because not something from a source cannot be verified, doesn't mean that everything from the same source is rubbish. If you don't understand that you miss a lot of useful information in life.

I just found it completely and utterly irrelevant.

Simple as....

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5 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Do me a favour.

I take a ton of shit on here with accusations of all sorts of complete and utter nonsense.

Play the ball brexiteers.

Not the man...

Now that IS funny. Physician heal thyself comes to mind. For one who hands out insults on here like confetti at a wedding, you really should not be wearing such a thin skin.

Ah yes. To add to the earlier list:

Persecution complex: Check.

Totally devoid of any sense of irony: Check.

Total lack of self-awareness of the insults they hand out to others whilst crying foul at the mildest of rebukes: Check.

A few gems from the PK archive just on this page for example:

inferiority complex

you can invent all sorts of nonsense  

sneering at the proles etc etc. 

self-serving , lying, typical brexiteer 

the minds of the unstable and couldn't be more detached from reality

brexit is a really really stupid idea.  

some such guff.

all sorts of complete and utter nonsense.

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44 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I love the term "virtue signalling" and the way it implies that folks do things for themselves in order to impress or whatever.

Hilarious. So folks should only do good deeds in secret otherwise what they do will be labeled "virtue signalling" or some such nonsense? What sort of mentality would try to belittle the good works of others by trying to denigrate their efforts with a label like that which is clearly designed to cast doubt on their motives?

I've found in the past that nasty spiteful people tend to live nasty spiteful lives. I wish them well.

Here's a nice comparison.

F1 champion Michael Schumacher gave millions upon millions to charity. For example he gave €7m to the Tsunami appeal alone. The total is apparently some €18m over the years.

Contrast that to F1 champion Lewis Hamilton and his fucking jet.

No contest....

Obviously you don't understand the meaning of virtue signalling.

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32 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Ah yes....

The man who posted up MigrationWatchUK as if it "supported" his "argument" or some such.

Good laugh really.

It’s a bit late to bring it up, but I see Woolley was citing 1851 as an example of low immigration- typical English, no understanding of the history of these isles. Woolley, the general population in Ireland was subjected to genocidal famines in the decade 1841 -1851. Anything up to 500,000  Irish emigrated to the U.K. during the decade.

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I know fact checking your bullshit means you get to tick some list that makes you salt of the earth and me a member of some elite - but how are you so thick as to not know about mass immigration from Ireland in the mid-nineteenth century? Are you even from these islands?

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5 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

It’s a bit late to bring it up, but I see Woolley was citing 1851 as an example of low immigration- typical English, no understanding of the history of these isles. Woolley, the general population in Ireland was subjected to genocidal famines in the decade 1841 -1851. Anything up to 500,000  Irish emigrated to the U.K. during the decade.

What has that got to do with the subject? 1851 was merely a convenient census date. The Irish are of the British Isles and the entire country of Ireland was then in the United Kingdom, so they certainly did not emigrate to the UK. I suggest you get the basic facts right before telling others that they have no understanding. Those that came to England were moving from one part of the British Isles to another, my paternal grandmother's family among them.

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5 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

I know fact checking your bullshit means you get to tick some list that makes you salt of the earth and me a member of some elite - but how are you so thick as to not know about mass immigration from Ireland in the mid-nineteenth century? Are you even from these islands?

Same answer. Check your facts.

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