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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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7 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

How’s your bollocks squeezing analogy going?

Debunked you on it earlier.

8 hours ago, woolley said:

No, not at all. Your contention, whilst vividly artistic, is also simplistic, untested and one dimensional, as usual. What you say is all very well in theory. In practice it is a little like nuclear mutual assured destruction. It doesn't matter if power A has 10 nuclear warheads aimed at power B's capital provided power B has a couple aimed at power A's capital. You see the damage is still severe and not evenly distributed.

A lot of immensely powerful people in the EU make a very nice packet out of the £340 billion pounds of imports the UK buys from them. They do not want that to be disrupted so they would always send Brussels back to the table. The problem that we have, of course, is that the craven idiots in Parliament are undermining their own side by constantly wittering that they will not countenance no deal. We all know that they are EU adherents anyway who have been manoeuvreing in the direction of a second referendum for 3 years.


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5 minutes ago, woolley said:

Welcome. Don't mention it.

Project Fear had no truth in it at all. Remember the instant recession we were going to have the day after the vote? The mass unemployment?


Project fear was based on Cameron’s promise to trigger article fifty on the 24th of June 2016, not the 29th of March 2017. It was based on the assumption that the government would implement the vote, not on finding ways of avoiding implementing the vote once the monumental idiocy became apparent. 

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1 minute ago, Freggyragh said:

Project fear was based on Cameron’s promise to trigger article fifty on the 24th of June 2016, not the 29th of March 2017. It was based on the assumption that the government would implement the vote, not on finding ways of avoiding implementing the vote once the monumental idiocy became apparent. 

Ah right. You're making more stuff up again. Of course, at this stage it's been finding ways of doing nothing for 3 years.

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

Debunked you on it earlier.


Tell you what, how about we settle this with a bollock kicking contest - you’ll be limited to 37psi and I’ll be limited to 107psi. (Very generous, seeing as I haven’t factored in all the third party deals that will render you sterile before we begin). 

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7 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Tell you what, how about we settle this with a bollock kicking contest - you’ll be limited to 37psi and I’ll be limited to 107psi. (Very generous, seeing as I haven’t factored in all the third party deals that will render you sterile before we begin). 

You are taking the testicles too much to heart. It was just a figure of speech in the first instance and is not really a valid analogy. The mutually assured destruction one is far more appropriate. Do you really believe that all of those European industry magnates who sell billions to the UK every year are going to stand idly by while Tusk and co have a strop by stopping trade with the UK? Ridiculous! One thing where bollocks are relevant is that the UK needs to find some people who have a set to deal with the negotiation. Up to now they haven't managed that. Or of course we could just do what Parliament wants and revoke Art. 50.

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I know you got so balls deep into this Brexshit bollocks woolley that you can't see the way out anymore, but please try to dial back the kool-aid consumption.

Every time Brexit negotiations failed...you said it was a remainers fault (despite the chief "negotiators" being leavers and us "holding all the cards").

Every time some forecast came out saying that Brexit was going to have a negative impact...you say it was Project Fear (and even when said projection became true..."Its not Brexit's fault")

Every time a Leave Campaigner is shown to be a lying scumbag who demonstrably is only in it to make themselves and their not-liberal elite mates richer, you moan about Corbyn or Abbott or liberal elites.

It is high time that people who voted Leave and those who support Brexit owned the abject failure that is Brexit, rather than blaming anyone else around them.

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8 hours ago, woolley said:

Of course you are not a member of the liberal elite, but like so many others you are a bag carrier for it...

Starting to sound like Manxy and calling everyone who isn't against 5G (Pro-Brexit) is a shill for Huwaei (Remainers)...


What about lies of Remain, Project Fear, planes won't fly etc, etc?

But what about the truths of Remain?  The only Project Fear (as I have shown time and time again) was the likes of Farage and his ilk.

Here is an interesting list:


Now, before you get too bubbly at the gusset, not all of the companies have specifically stated Brexit as the cause of leaving the UK, but (and it is a big but), is it not a massive co-incidence that said companies are moving from the UK around the time of Brexit and made no noises pre-Brexit?

The economic and political environment is not exactly a business utopia is it.

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4 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Reached the end of the line in terms of a rationale for brexit some time ago. It’s now a question of faith, not logic.

Not bad.

Not bad at all.

For a "bag carrier for the liberal elite" that is!

Every time I think about just how unbelievably naff that is it makes me smile...

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19 hours ago, woolley said:

You are taking the testicles too much to heart. It was just a figure of speech in the first instance and is not really a valid analogy. The mutually assured destruction one is far more appropriate. Do you really believe that all of those European industry magnates who sell billions to the UK every year are going to stand idly by while Tusk and co have a strop by stopping trade with the UK? Ridiculous! One thing where bollocks are relevant is that the UK needs to find some people who have a set to deal with the negotiation. Up to now they haven't managed that. Or of course we could just do what Parliament wants and revoke Art. 50.

Tell that to the UK car workers.

What's left of them....

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19 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

‘Bag carrier for the liberal elite?’ I wonder when you’re going to realise what a twit you’ve become.

When you realise it was The Woolster who accused you of that perhaps....?

I think it's nice that even when the UK is facing a world trade financial abyss courtesy of self-centred, lying, narcissistic philanderer Boris Johnson we can still find things to smile about - like a lack of cohesion.....


  • Haha 1
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