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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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3 hours ago, woolley said:

Why did it take them 20 years? :D

Didn't Liam Fox and the rest of The Jolly Brexiteers mention these things take time?

A lot of time....

I can't help thinking that Trump's somewhat erratic and bullying trade wars have concentrated the minds of the Mercosurs somewhat. Teamed up with the EU makes it a very different ball game.

Heaven help The Entity that thinks it can get a better deal going it alone....

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4 hours ago, woolley said:

Ah, I see. So if the DIT are becoming desperate about future inward investment in the UK, the situation in France and Germany must be truly dire since investment to the UK eclipses both of them put together.

Just giving you my recent experience of meeting with the DIT.  Post Brexit will be the real acid test.

Oh, my company have also decided to open a new manufacturing facility in Europe.  The UK was considered and rejected.  Can you guess why?

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

Just giving you my recent experience of meeting with the DIT.  Post Brexit will be the real acid test.

Oh, my company have also decided to open a new manufacturing facility in Europe.  The UK was considered and rejected.  Can you guess why?

Clearly not, because although known to you, the proposition is entirely anecdotal to me. Is it because they are French, perhaps?

It depends on a lot of things such as the sector, the product, the market, the skills required and availability of same, development grants on offer, tax policies, etc. in the various jurisdictions. There are always trade offs to be considered in startups. In my business decisions I have not factored in a disruption to trade because I would bet the farm that it isn't going to happen (or at least not for more than a fortnight!).

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EU signs landmark trade deal with Vietnam

Agreement to cut 99% of tariffs is first with developing country in Asia and swiftly follows deal with South American bloc

In Asia, the EU now has deals with South Korea, Japan and Singapore, and has embarked on talks with Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. The Singapore deal is due to come into force this year.


After signing up the Mercosur nations the EU trade negotiators just go from strength to strength.

Lucky EU member states eh? All those new markets to expand in.

A central tenet of brexit was how a "liberated" UK would be able to sign up all these terrific trade deals with other nations without being "shackled" by the EU.

It was sold as "The easiest trade deals in human history" if I remember correctly. Make of those who believed it as you will...

So how is Liam Fox getting along?

Ah yes, that's right.


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Maybe Liam Fox is hoping to corner the market in cuckoo clocks...

The EU has said time and again that the deal on the table is the only one in town. So it's the May Way or the highway.

Yet still Johnson and Cockney Rhyming Slang, knowing that no deal would be a disaster, are maintaining that they will re-negotiate a better deal or hold back on the divorce bill payment thus making the UK an international pariah.

And the brexiteers, ill-informed by the UK right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, STILL believe their nonsense!

They say you get the government you deserve.

Well the brexiteers certainly deserve that pair!

But not the rest of us....

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15 hours ago, woolley said:

Clearly not, because although known to you, the proposition is entirely anecdotal to me. Is it because they are French, perhaps?

It depends on a lot of things such as the sector, the product, the market, the skills required and availability of same, development grants on offer, tax policies, etc. in the various jurisdictions. There are always trade offs to be considered in startups. In my business decisions I have not factored in a disruption to trade because I would bet the farm that it isn't going to happen (or at least not for more than a fortnight!).

The investment would have created 150 jobs, mostly skilled, and would have led to opportunities for apprentices and graduates.

It would also have had a positive impact on other businesses as there would have been a need for new suppliers.

The decision had nothing to do with the company being French and everything to do with Brexit.  The UK has gone from being a key market to target to one over which there are major concerns.


On another point I see Jeremy Hunt is pledging £6 billion pound for farmers and fishermen effected by a no deal Brexit....

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58 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Mercosur a tiny positive EU morsel?  :lol::lol::lol:

Well Paddy isn't too pleased for a start. https://www.thejournal.ie/eu-mercosur-deal-explained-4704790-Jul2019/

20 years in the making and, er, could take years, if ever, to ratify. Typical EU. And Mercosur are even worse, they can't agree anything among themselves. Not only that. To prepare to flood the market with cheap beef, they are cutting down what is left of the Amazon rainforest, which provides 20% of the oxygen we breathe. The end of life on Earth, and all down to the EU..........

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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

Well Paddy isn't too pleased for a start. https://www.thejournal.ie/eu-mercosur-deal-explained-4704790-Jul2019/

20 years in the making and, er, could take years, if ever, to ratify. Typical EU. And Mercosur are even worse, they can't agree anything among themselves. Not only that. To prepare to flood the market with cheap beef, they are cutting down what is left of the Amazon rainforest, which provides 20% of the oxygen we breathe. The end of life on Earth, and all down to the EU..........

Dear me Woolster, you've gone from desperate to stupid!

One of the great strengths of the EU is setting standards.

But worse trying to blame the EU for the rise of a populist like Bolsonaro with stupid policies (Sound familier? It should...) when the EU has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the Brazilian electorate really is pushing the envelope.

Of course, if it was the US wanting to push hormone-enhanced product into the UK you would be all for it.

I thought the "bag-carrier" was laughable enough but blaming the EU for the rise of Bolsonaro and the destruction of the rainforest?

You're losing it my friend....

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

@ PK. Does Brussels know about you? You really should be running their PR. Any time of day or night, any tiny positive EU morsel and you're on it. Maybe you're already on the payroll.


You’re the traitor here, mate. It’s not an us or them situation, it’s a Britain’s best interests versus any old bullshit that’ll save billionaires from paying their taxes situation. ‘Tiny positive morsel’ is it? It’s up 35% off tariffs for exports to most of a continent. You’ve never managed to  offer the tiniest of positive morsels, except your dumb idea that the U.K. would be able to back out of international treaties on wasteful tech. Instead of ignoring reality, repeating the financial elite’s buzzwords and offering the stale shit sandwich that is brexit, why don’t you try and serve up a ‘tiny positive morsel’ of your own. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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