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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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43 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

You’re the traitor here, mate. It’s not an us or them situation, it’s a Britain’s best interests versus any old bullshit that’ll save billionaires from paying their taxes situation. ‘Tiny positive morsel’ is it? It’s up 35% off tariffs for exports to most of a continent. You’ve never managed to  offer the tiniest of positive morsels, except your dumb idea that the U.K. would be able to back out of international treaties on wasteful tech. Instead of ignoring reality, repeating the financial elite’s buzzwords and offering the stale shit sandwich that is brexit, why don’t you try and serve up a ‘tiny positive morsel’ of your own. 

We all seem to be getting a little hot under the collar tonight, don't we? I don't bother trying to reason with you nowadays because it isn't worth the wasted time just to get a "are you alright, mate" as the puerile response.

Don't hold your breath re this deal. 20 years to negotiate it and no prospect of it being ratified any time soon. You must understand by now that the EU is in no sovereign country's best interests. Meanwhile you continue to promote your well rehearsed advocacy of the superstate with convincing and incisive terms such as "bullshit", "dumb", "stale shit sandwich" etc. You know that it's doomed in the medium term, but you crack on with the fantasy. I see they are now arguing about who to elect as the four new presidents. Couldn't make it up.

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8 hours ago, woolley said:

We all seem to be getting a little hot under the collar tonight, don't we? I don't bother trying to reason with you nowadays because it isn't worth the wasted time just to get a "are you alright, mate" as the puerile response.

Don't hold your breath re this deal. 20 years to negotiate it and no prospect of it being ratified any time soon. You must understand by now that the EU is in no sovereign country's best interests. Meanwhile you continue to promote your well rehearsed advocacy of the superstate with convincing and incisive terms such as "bullshit", "dumb", "stale shit sandwich" etc. You know that it's doomed in the medium term, but you crack on with the fantasy. I see they are now arguing about who to elect as the four new presidents. Couldn't make it up.

Just doing what any sensible adult would do.

Comparing the reality of the EU to Brexit.

You know, the EU's trade deals with Mercosur, Vietnam, Singapore and so forth compared to Liam Fox's errrrr, well, errrr, Switzerland?

You have to admit that "the easiest deals in human history" have gone down in the annals as just another brexit complete and utter fabrication.

As reality bites try challenging it with facts by playing the ball and not the man.

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2 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

That was last December wasn't it?  

Goods only too, no services in the CH "deal".

The brexiteers have to try and rubbish agreements like the recent one with Mercosur because they have absolutely no positives to challenge with.

So if you're a bag-carrier for the ERG you have to play the man and not the ball...

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16 hours ago, woolley said:

We all seem to be getting a little hot under the collar tonight, don't we? I don't bother trying to reason with you nowadays because it isn't worth the wasted time ...

Touchy, eh? You are the one who came up with ‘bag carrier for the liberal elite’ and ‘are you on the payroll?’ People like you, and the shysters you carry bags for; McLuskey, Corbyn, Scargill, Fraudage, Grease-Mogg, François and Borish de Pfeffer have done huge damage to the U.K.’s economy and international standing. You are no patriot. You’ve never offered any reason for brexit on here beyond a forlorn hope it would keep tungsten lamps in production and ‘sovereignty’ (which you clearly don’t understand). You might be more naive than treacherous yourself, but you are a bag carrier for people who have only their own personal interests in furthering this national calamity. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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Worst of all, these wasters are actually being handsomely paid to conduct themselves in this fashion. Is this representing their electors? Worse than petulant children.

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42 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Aren't we all a bit ashamed of this lot ? I know I am.

They're no worse than those who voted them in.

Make of that faction of the electorate as you will....

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4 hours ago, P.K. said:

The brexiteers have to try and rubbish agreements like the recent one with Mercosur because they have absolutely no positives to challenge with.

So if you're a bag-carrier for the ERG you have to play the man and not the ball...


2 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Touchy, eh? You are the one who came up with ‘bag carrier for the liberal elite’ and ‘are you on the payroll?’ People like you, and the shysters you carry bags for; McLuskey, Corbyn, Scargill, Fraudage, Grease-Mogg, François and Borish de Pfeffer have done huge damage to the U.K.’s economy and international standing. You are no patriot. You’ve never offered any reason for brexit on here beyond a forlorn hope it would keep tungsten lamps in production and ‘sovereignty’ (which you clearly don’t understand). You might be more naive than treacherous yourself, but you are a bag carrier for people who have only their own personal interests in furthering this national calamity. 

Well PK is like the old dog wandering around with the bone that he can't put down. Then he comes over all persecution complex about playing the man and not the ball, while seeing nothing wrong in labeling people "thick as pig shit, racist, xenophobic little Englanders". Very strange. We all got a bit excited about the subject at first, but fair play, he's still here morning, noon and night waiting to deliver the latest good news about the EU. If he isn't on the payroll then he certainly should be. They have lots of taxpayers' money to waste, after all.

As for Freggy, well, congratulations on this latest post which is the epitome of diametric opposition to reality. Degrees of touchiness? Well if you are holding up my "bag carrier for the liberal elite" against your "bullshit", "dumb", "stale shit sandwich" etc, I don't think it's difficult to see who is on the shortest fuse. (Clue: It isn't me.)

If you have both forgotten, over 3 years ago there was a referendum in which 17.4 million people voted to leave the EU. It could have been done within a year and by now it would be history and all would be well, with trade on the up and sovereignty restored. Instead we have had a long period of obfuscation while the liberal elite try to work out how the hell they can duck the result and keep the UK in the EU, accompanied by all sorts of threats of dire prognostication about the fate that will befall anyone daring to step outside the "club". This is still a work in progress. It is the delay which is the national calamity and it will be exacerbated if the referendum result is successfully frustrated. Yes, I do understand sovereignty and so do many others. Clearly, you don't, or perhaps you just don't value it.

Despite your regular declarations to the contrary, I have never mentioned tungsten lamps in this context. On the other hand, I have set out the intractable problems created by the "one size fits all" EU and explored the likely circumstances of its eventual demise. You dream of a status quo which is built on sand as far as the future is concerned. Your latest gimmick is silly names, I see. Very good.

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

he's still here morning, noon and night waiting to deliver the latest good news about the EU.

It’s a brexit thread, duh. 

If he isn't on the payroll then he certainly should be.

You well know it’s the brekshitters on undeclared payrolls, including Chelsea townhouse and chauffeured limo.

They have lots of taxpayers' money to waste, after all. 

So does Northern Ireland - the U.K. spends  more propping up NI than it sends to the EU.

As for Freggy, well, congratulations on this latest post which is the epitome of diametric opposition to reality. Degrees of touchiness? Well if you are holding up my "bag carrier for the liberal elite" against your "bullshit", "dumb", "stale shit sandwich" etc, I don't think it's difficult to see who is on the shortest fuse. (Clue: It isn't me.)

’Bullshit’ and ‘stale shit sandwich’ are factual statements as regards the claims and reality of brexit. Apologies if I said brexit was ‘dumb’, I should have said ‘moronic’. 


2 hours ago, woolley said:

If you have both forgotten, over 3 years ago there was a referendum in which 17.4 million people voted to leave the EU. It could have been done within a year and by now it would be history and all would be well, with trade on the up and sovereignty restored.

You’re just taking the piss here, surely? Davis, Raab and Fox have had over three years to sort out trade deals. I suppose you think no deal would make the bargaining position stronger, or a forceful leader like de Pfeffer or Sir Nigel could get a deal. No, I’ve read it again - you are taking the piss. Yup, almost fell for it, funny guy. 

Instead we have had a long period of obfuscation while the liberal elite try to work out how the hell they can duck the result and keep the UK in the EU, accompanied by all sorts of threats of dire prognostication about the fate that will befall anyone daring to step outside the "club". This is still a work in progress. It is the delay which is the national calamity and it will be exacerbated if the referendum result is successfully frustrated.

You are either a comedy genius, or you live in a parallel universe where the U.K. hasn’t had its arse handed to it on a plate by all trade negotiators, even the Norwegians and Swiss. 

Yes, I do understand sovereignty and so do many others. Clearly, you don't, or perhaps you just don't value it.

You don’t understand it. You’re out of your depth.

Despite your regular declarations to the contrary, I have never mentioned tungsten lamps in this context.

Oh yes you have. That is, so far, your only concrete example of a possible tangible brexit benefit. The freedom to produce old tech  

On the other hand, I have set out the intractable problems created by the "one size fits all" EU and explored the likely circumstances of its eventual demise.

No you haven’t. 

You dream of a status quo which is built on sand as far as the future is concerned. Your latest gimmick is silly names, I see. Very good.

’Bag carrier for the liberal elite’?  You’re such a touchy snowflake these days. 


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4 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Aren't we all a bit ashamed of this lot ? I know I am.

Image result for meps turn backs at eu parliament images

Petulant children. Turning their backs on the anthem and flag of the Council of Europe (the Council is distinct from the EU. It is was proposed by Churchill and established at the 1949 Treaty of London, with the UK as a the most influential founding member). The flag and anthem weren’t even adopted by the EU (then ECC) until 1985. Fraudage hates the idea that any entity except a national government should have a flag and anthem - as if he’s never seen the olympics, champions league or rugby World Cup. What a chump. 

Anyway, it’s been done before, as they no doubt know, dog-whistlers that they are (pre-war Nazis in the reichstag):


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9 hours ago, P.K. said:

So if you're a bag-carrier for the ERG you have to play the man and not the ball...


4 hours ago, woolley said:

Well PK is like the old dog wandering around with the bone that he can't put down. Then he comes over all persecution complex about playing the man and not the ball, while seeing nothing wrong in labeling people "thick as pig shit, racist, xenophobic little Englanders". Very strange. We all got a bit excited about the subject at first, but fair play, he's still here morning, noon and night waiting to deliver the latest good news about the EU. If he isn't on the payroll then he certainly should be. They have lots of taxpayers' money to waste, after all.

As for Freggy, well, congratulations on this latest post which is the epitome of diametric opposition to reality. Degrees of touchiness? Well if you are holding up my "bag carrier for the liberal elite" against your "bullshit", "dumb", "stale shit sandwich" etc, I don't think it's difficult to see who is on the shortest fuse. (Clue: It isn't me.)

I rest my case....

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