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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Just now, Freggyragh said:


The sum total of what has actually happened in the 3 years is that the UK has had its arse handed to it on a plate. 

If you believe that to be so, it is because of the approach taken to the negotiations by the UK side. Try using the £39bn as a bargaining chip for a start rather than saying "here, have this, now can we talk about the future?" Believe me, there are important and powerful business interests on the continent who will not allow Brussels to lash up their lucrative sales to UK customers. Or perhaps you think they'll just walk away and put it down to bad luck?

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5 minutes ago, woolley said:

Nobody can dictate terms to anybody if everybody wants to come out with the optimum situation going forward. It's a negotiation between adults, not a diktat from one side to the other. It's a massive bluff. Wake up!

Oh dear. No wonder you spent your youth on picket lines trying to wreck the British economy. The world isn’t fair. It pretty much always is diktat from one side to the other. You can stamp your feet and cry that it’s not fair, but the world moves on. The EU doesn’t care how much Prosecco or how many VWs you buy, you silly boy.

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2 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

  The EU doesn’t care how much Prosecco or how many VWs you buy, you silly boy.

Well it should, because the Germans and the Italians surely do. (Point of order - I've never been on a picket line. That was for the foot soldiers.)

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7 hours ago, woolley said:

Oh, indeed you do. The hand-wringing and cussing is most entertaining. I don't do desperation, though. I have no need.

I was having a bit of sport with you over the rainforest in part, but it is a salient point that they will accelerate the destruction to clear more land for agriculture to send cheap meat to Europe. That's why the Irish farmers are up in arms because it will hit them. Also, you are up in arms about US food standards but say nothing about South American food standards, which have had to be greatly improved specifically for the purpose of exporting to the US.

First off the EU is a net exporter.

As to Irish farmers perhaps some facts are in order. You remember facts? Think back to a time when you weren't reduced to pathetically playing semantics with bus wording in order to defend mendacious, self-centred, narcissistic, serial philanderer Boris Johnson.

The deal is that the EU will have something like 99,000 tonnes of Mercosur beef on our supermarket shelves in about eight years time.

That's a mere 1.2% of EU beef production based on the 2017 results.

So your "flooding the market" attempt at Project Fear is complete and utter bollox.

Remember this?

On 7/1/2019 at 11:31 PM, P.K. said:

Dear me Woolster, you've gone from desperate to stupid!

One of the great strengths of the EU is setting standards.

But worse trying to blame the EU for the rise of a populist like Bolsonaro with stupid policies (Sound familiar? It should...) when the EU has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the Brazilian electorate really is pushing the envelope.

Of course, if it was the US wanting to push hormone-enhanced product into the UK you would be all for it.

I thought the "bag-carrier" was laughable enough but blaming the EU for the rise of Bolsonaro and the destruction of the rainforest?

You're losing it my friend....

IMHO looking more and more likely...

Edited by P.K.
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15 hours ago, woolley said:

You're the ones who talk of unicorns.

Hahahaha my word.  I was on the fence as to whether your were just fighting a holding action over this "Brexit is best" bollocks you have been peddling the past 3 years or whether you genuinely believe in it.

Now it is clean you are just keeping the banner up because you don't know how to do anything else now.


The sum total of what has actually happened in the 3 years is that the UK said to the EU "what can we have", and the EU has said "this", and the UK has said "alright".

But, but, we held all the cards, and we were going to show Johnny Foreigner who is the real negotiators were...


What kind of a farce is it where you agree to pay £39bn before you even know the future relationship?

Well for someone who claims to be the entrepreneur and crows on about how much he knows about the financial goings on of the EU, I would of thought it was obvious.  We signed a contract, and we are being held to the terms of that contract.


The EU has never budged in it's position because it has never been properly challenged to. 

Why would the EU have to budge on it position?  We are the ones who turned up to the party, shat on the dinner table and then told everyone else to clean it up.

You are becoming more and more delusional (like most Brexiteers) the longer this farce goes on.

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15 hours ago, woolley said:

Nobody can dictate terms to anybody if everybody wants to come out with the optimum situation going forward. It's a negotiation between adults, not a diktat from one side to the other. It's a massive bluff. Wake up!

You haven't heard of these things called divorces, have you?


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9 hours ago, woolley said:

Why do the Irish care then?

It's your supposition.

You tell us why Irish farmers are concerned about it....

Notice you didn't dispute it's going to go to 1.2% over the next 8 years.

Maybe you DO remember facts after all. Unusual for a Brexiteer that.....

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"Brexit Party MEP Ann Widdecombe has been criticised for claiming that the fight against Brexit is like the fight slaves faced against their owners."

The irony of a former Tory and now FauxTory Brexshit "Party" member, who is white, from the UK and lived a life of privilege, comparing Brexshit to the plight of slavery.

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That ranks high in my all time moronic statements by politicians list. Comparing the membership of the Single Market with being auctioned off in a slave market betrays a deep and wilful ignorance of the realities of the slave trade. What must most Germans, who have mostly come to terms with their own history, think of cretins like Widdecombe trivialising people’s suffering in such a crass way? Her inhumanity is sickening and a huge embarrassment to the U.K. 

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cretins like widdicombe


Widdicombe's theorem:  If you have yet to reach a conclusion regarding a proposition, check out what Ann believes and then adopt the opposing view.

Edited by ballaughbiker
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