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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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"Everyone should worry about no deal, the civil servant who was, until March, head of the Brexit department has said.

Philip Rycroft, who resigned after 18 months, told the BBC's Panorama no deal was "fraught with risk"."


Awaits the Brexshit faithful to cry foul "he's a remainer, it's the remainers fault, everything will be great"




"Frontrunner Mr Johnson has said the UK should prepare "confidently and seriously" for a no-deal Brexit, but believes the chances of it happening are "one million to one against"."

Watch this space in October...

Edited by RIchard Britten
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On 7/4/2019 at 11:50 PM, woolley said:

It must be a terrible burden for you to be white.


On 7/5/2019 at 8:01 AM, RIchard Britten said:

It is when fuckwits like Fraudage and Widecombe keep talking bollocks about the mythical repression of the white man.

So nobody who is white has been oppressed, ever. It must also be a terrible burden for you to be offended on behalf of everyone in the world. Had you not included the word white, I might have more sympathy with your criticism. 

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7 minutes ago, woolley said:

 It must also be a terrible burden for you to be offended on behalf of everyone in the world.

It must be a terrible burden for you to have to defend Farage, Gove, Johnson, Fox, Widdecombe, Rees-Mogg, Francois, Raab and all of the rest of the rabid brexiteers.

This pm I started to watch the "debate" between Hunt and Johnson. The first question came from some bloke who opened with, for whatever reason, how he had always voted tory and how he voted for the Brexit party in the EU elections and how he would like to see Nigel Farage in 10 Downing Street.

I thought if they needed kitchen skivvies then fair enough...

Then I decided that if that was going to be the level of the debate then I didn't need the low-brow discussions to follow and switched off.

It would appear that my referendum morning blues were spot on....

It's the brainless enthusiasm of the totally clueless brexit zealots that's the worry.

I mean, Nigel Farage for PM? On national tv?

I can't help thinking that when reality bites self-delusion will be all the brexit vogue.

Even more than it is now....

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55 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Strawman.  That is not what I said.

Go away and try again.

Not at all. Entirely relevant. Had you mentioned a life of privilege contrasted to the privations of others, then fine. There is an angle that those so fortunate should not invoke the suffering of others living in subjection. But you could not help also castigating her for being white, as though this has been a passport to a land of milk and honey throughout history, which obviously is not the case. 

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

Not at all. Entirely relevant. Had you mentioned a life of privilege contrasted to the privations of others, then fine. There is an angle that those so fortunate should not invoke the suffering of others living in subjection. But you could not help also castigating her for being white, as though this has been a passport to a land of milk and honey throughout history, which obviously is not the case. 

However, being white and privileged has been, is and will continue to be so.

You only have to look at the Brexit Party MEP list to see a pattern there.

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17 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Even though when it comes down to it i'd be more on the side of Richard Britten and PK than Woolley, fucking hell they're dicks. Especially Richard.

Who cares about your opinion on anything....?

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On 7/5/2019 at 8:01 AM, RIchard Britten said:

It is when fuckwits like Fraudage and Widecombe keep talking bollocks about the mythical repression of the white man.

Which he then became one, had one of the the worst attendance records and changed practically zero policy, while taking home roughly £120,000 a year - for five years (roughly £600,000). Yes really changing the system from within.  He is a parasite, plain and simple.




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