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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Johnson and Patel have pledged to employ an additional 20,000 police officers in three years.

Strange, because since the Tories have been in power (2010), police numbers have dropped by 20,000.

And have we found another magic money tree to pay for the additional 20,000 officers (including wages, police stations, vehicles, equipment, support staff, etc)?

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9 hours ago, woolley said:

Strange that you think everyone in Brussels is a hard nosed professional while everyone from the UK is a blithering idiot.

It would be rather strange too, if they thought that the UK is a basket case seeing as it is the number one destination in Europe for foreign investment. Just because you would like that to be the case to prove your perverse and interminable pessimistic moaning correct doesn't mean it is so.

You seem to like trying to put words in peoples' mouths. I don't think everyone in Brussells is a hard-nosed professional but I do know that Tusk does not suffer fools gladly. Step forward Boris Johnson!

I see you had to trot out the hackneyed "UK #1 place for foreign investment" yet again! So yet again I will have to point out that it's been like that for years in part as the UK is seen as a gateway into the EU and strange but true since the Brexit vote France and Germany are catching up. Why is that do you think?

Before you also play your ridiculous "We're in this mess because our civil servants doing the negotiations on our behalf were all remainers" card there was a v interesting program on Aunty the other week that demonstrated just how useless David Davis is. For example they invited Barnier over to the UK with the aim  of "to try and make him feel uncomfortable" FFS! On the now infamous picture of the first meeting where Barnier and his side are sitting there with their piles of briefing papers and our lot are sitting there with nothing but sickly grins according to Davis that was because "We had it all in our heads....."

With "leadership" like that it's little wonder it was all reduced to farce....

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8 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

But this is the sleight of hand that has been pulled.

You keep saying "ignore print media".  Lets guestimate a daily circulation of 10 million total for the likes of the red top rags and the tory-graph.

Now you say "60 million", lets take anyone under the age of 16 out of the equation as they are the least likely to buy a newspaper and are below voting age.  That is nearly 20% of the population according to recent ONS figures.  So roughly 12 million people out of the pool leaving roughly 48 million people.

There were 46 million registered to vote for Brexit with only 33.5 million people actually voting, 17.4 million of which voted to Leave.

So that 10 million copies a day starts to sound like quite a big number when you consider the target audience size is not 60 million, but rather close to 17 million.  And I haven't even factored in online subscriptions, Facebook, Twitter, etc (plus a light sprinkling of Cambridge Analytica)

For someone who considers themselves so "woke", you really do buy into the financial elites propaganda hook line and sinker.

Not at all. The financial elite created the horrific globalisation beloved of liberals everywhere. They did this to put down organised labour in the developed world. Now we ship everything around the planet from wherever it is cheapest. Good eh?

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8 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

17.4 million of which voted to Leave.

So that 10 million copies a day starts to sound like quite a big number when you consider the target audience size is not 60 million, but rather close to 17 million.  And I haven't even factored in online subscriptions, Facebook, Twitter, etc (plus a light sprinkling of Cambridge Analytica)

So the crux of your argument is that nobody who voted for Leave has a mind of their own and they were programmed by the print media to do the barons' bidding. Nothing to do with a genuine  distaste for the putative eurostate that nobody was consulted about. Same as all europhiles. Anyone who doesn't support the project must be raving mad. 

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12 minutes ago, woolley said:

Not at all. The financial elite created the horrific globalisation beloved of liberals everywhere. They did this to put down organised labour in the developed world. Now we ship everything around the planet from wherever it is cheapest. Good eh?


You've managed to throw the financial elite and liberals in the same convenient container (despite them being diametrically opposed to each other) and missed the point I was making entirely.

You must get so tired from the mental gymnastics defending the billionaire media tycoons from evil liberals.

The likes of Murdoch and Barclay Brothers are laughing their £0 tax paying arses off at mugs like you who actually believe their bullshit.


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Just now, woolley said:

So the crux of your argument is that nobody who voted for Leave has a mind of their own and they were programmed by the print media to do the barons' bidding. Nothing to do with a genuine  distaste for the putative eurostate that nobody was consulted about. Same as all europhiles. Anyone who doesn't support the project must be raving mad. 

Strawmanning again.

I said that they potentially were influenced by the very media which you claim has no influence because of your inaccurate figures.

But then its not like a Brexiteer to make up facts and figures is it...

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8 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:


You've managed to throw the financial elite and liberals in the same convenient container (despite them being diametrically opposed to each other) and missed the point I was making entirely.

You must get so tired from the mental gymnastics defending the billionaire media tycoons from evil liberals.

The likes of Murdoch and Barclay Brothers are laughing their £0 tax paying arses off at mugs like you who actually believe their bullshit.


Straw man. I don't believe anyone's bullshit and I don't read their blandishments at all. I am certainly not defending  the press or the elite. I said the liberals love globalisation which they do. Globalisation is all about the financial elite bossing the world. The elite own the lliberals who are too stupid to see it. The liberals are their bitches. 

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12 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

That isn't what he said and you know it.


3 hours ago, woolley said:

He certainly gives the impression in every post. I think he must be French. 

Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?

Zut alors!

Mais enculez mes vielles bottes....!

Edited by P.K.
My restaurant French
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3 hours ago, woolley said:

I said the liberals love globalisation which they do. Globalisation is all about the financial elite bossing the world. The elite own the lliberals who are too stupid to see it. The liberals are their bitches. 

There's a definite whiff of desperation in the air tonight.

If I had to guess it's between The Democrats wondering whether to impeach Trump or run it to the election or the EU telling the UK that swapping The Maybot for narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson doesn't change their stance because there's no reason why it should.

Still, the front pages of The Daily Wail, The Excess, The Torygraph and The Sun were all worth a good laugh today at the way they were all "reporting" that Johnson was really sticking it to the EU. The only concern being that anyone who believes that nonsense should have their vote taken away from them....

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‘Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’

Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947

It doesn’t matter if people thought they were voting for breakfast - they voted brexit and the government has to give it a real go - and when it all goes pear-shaped, we’ll know who to blame, who the leaders were and who the cheerleaders were. 

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10 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

‘Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’

Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947

It doesn’t matter if people thought they were voting for breakfast - they voted brexit and the government has to give it a real go - and when it all goes pear-shaped, we’ll know who to blame, who the leaders were and who the cheerleaders were. 

Fully agree. But IF it all goes pear shaped.

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17 hours ago, woolley said:

Globalisation is all about the financial elite bossing the world. The elite own the lliberals who are too stupid to see it. The liberals are their bitches. 

The media and a nebulous 'elite' of global capitalists, liberals and bankers.

I can almost picture them. They don't look like us do they?



Edited by pongo
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4 hours ago, woolley said:

Fair comment in view of the fact that there was only you on the thread for several hours either side of this insightful observation.  

Hardly when there's cricket on the box.

What a very strange assumption to make....

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