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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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13 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

"............... and would infuriate the nationalist parties in Northern Ireland.  "

FFS. It was the nationalists that walked out of power sharing. They know what to do. Walk back in!

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15 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

With due respect to the press barons (not much due) they are not the global financial elite.

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

And why did they walk out?

I know the reason, I am just wondering if you did.

Of course, but if affairs of state are at such a cataclysmic pass as portrayed by your linked article, is it not incumbent upon them to set aside their lesser squabbles and pitch back in to the Executive at Stormont? Is it not a dereliction of duty for them to stand back?

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39 minutes ago, woolley said:

Of course, but if affairs of state are at such a cataclysmic pass as portrayed by your linked article, is it not incumbent upon them to set aside their lesser squabbles and pitch back in to the Executive at Stormont? Is it not a dereliction of duty for them to stand back?

What’s their political objective?

Hows that served by:

turning up to Westminster and defeating Brexit?

rejoining the Northern Ireland executive, whilst DUP won’t agree any Irish Language issues, same sex marriage, abortion and exposing themselves to being responsible for the border aftermath of Brexit 

Letting Westminster impose  direct rule and be wholly responsible for the Brexit aftermath in a province that votes remain.

Its no different to the Tories voting for Brexit and Boris in an attempt to save the party from UKIP or BP, and not do what’s in the best interests of the country. Even down to the economic disaster that Brexit will be for the by then ex U.K. or a United Ireland would be for Ulster.

To turn your question back, is it not dereliction of Tory duty, bordering on treason,  to keep on generating a no deal Brexit and the break up of the U.K.? 

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

Loose, non-specific variable. Intangible. Generally accepted by whom?

Are you suggesting that there will not be additional costs incurred in a no deal Brexit?

Are you backing out of your previous agreement on this very Topic that the effect of Brexit will be a sustained period of lower economic growth?

These feel more like the positions of a bad actor. You're not one of those, are you?

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4 hours ago, woolley said:

@ JW: No. Because you cannot see the future and you don't have a monopoly of wisdom on what is best for the UK, nor surety on any of these outcomes, only an opinion, despite stating them as fact.

Let's start with the fact that the UK's growth under the EU has been fine. Of course the brexiteers all claim it could have been as  good or better outside. Simple analogy a football team buys two star players. They score a shitload of goals and the team gets to the top of the league. The naysayers, lets call them brexiteers, will have the number of goals scored by this pair put under their noses and they will STILL claim it doesn't matter. Because all they want to do is claim that as the results that could have been achieved are a big unknown  that's somehow "proof" of their case and the fact that they are top of the league is an irrelevance.

Of course, one side of the argument is based on the facts of success and the other side of the argument is based on the square root of fuck-all.

And there you have brexit.

The "sovereignty" so-called "argument" is just a nebulous chimera of complete and utter bullshit. IMHO it is the biggest con trick of the lot. Ask a brexiteer, as I have, what is the most important part of sovereignty they want back they will say "all of it". Press them on the issue and it will quickly become obvious they haven't a clue what they're talking about. The most frequent answer is "Making our own laws". Point out nobody on the entire planet can make our laws other than our Sovereign Parliament and their eyes glaze over....

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