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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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8 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Why would ever closer union be a bad thing?  Reduced red-tape, commonality of standards, ease of travel?

When it becomes a union that continually usurps power from the constituent states. I notice that you haven't actually said what you think the conclusion is. The destination of the direction of travel upon which it has been embarked for decades. Do you have a view of that? How much is too much? Or is a European government a positive?

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

When it becomes a union that continually usurps power from the constituent states. I notice that you haven't actually said what you think the conclusion is. The destination of the direction of travel upon which it has been embarked for decades. Do you have a view of that? How much is too much? Or is a European government a positive?

What difference does it make who governs?  We vote in the UK and get one side of the same shit coin.

Whether we are governed by the EU or Westminster, what does it really matter to the bloke on the street?

Whether Cersei or Danerys sits on the Iron Throne, will the winters be cold and the summers warm?

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

What difference does it make who governs?  We vote in the UK and get one side of the same shit coin.

Whether we are governed by the EU or Westminster, what does it really matter to the bloke on the street?

Whether Cersei or Danerys sits on the Iron Throne, will the winters be cold and the summers warm?

Not a patriot then. Don't believe in the nation state at all. A bit John Lennon "Imagine". Yep. I get it.

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

I see we have steered back around to a Woolster staple "Sovereignty", despite that myth being debunked over and over again.


Just now, RIchard Britten said:

Patriotism the last refuge of the scoundrel...

Sovereignty has never, and can never, be debunked. It is the bedrock of national security. It's what enables you to sleep secure in your bed at night.

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

Sovereignty has never, and can never, be debunked. It is the bedrock of national security.


Apparently it has, can be and is...


It's what enables you to sleep secure in your bed at night.

No it doesn't.  Multi-barrel locks and a firm mattress bed allow me to sleep securely in my bed at night.

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It is becoming easier to see Brexit cheer leaders in the same light as anti-vaxxers, flat-earthers, space deniers, 5G panickers, etc.

They are full on Dunning Kruger's, they think everything is a globalist conspiracy to rule them, no matter what evidence you show them, they don't trust it, or they call you an agent/shill of the very shadowy organisation they are afraid of.

But at least they get that narcissistic personality buzz of superiority as they "know" they are the awakened ones and everyone else asleep.  Before Brexit came into their lives, they felt marginalised and apart from normal society for some reason, but now they have a club/cult and they are part of something.

Like flat-earthers, there are many factions with in the Brexiteers (hard brexit, soft brexit, etc) and no-one party truly represents "Brexit" because no-one is able to define what Brexit really is.


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Moving the subject on a bit two "interesting" items from yesterday;

The Conservative Majority is now down to 1 following the Liberal Democrats winning the Brecon byelection yesterday.  In the process of winning the seat they overturned the Tories previous majority of 8,000 so a pretty impressive performance from a party that were virtually wiped out at the last General Election.  Obviously the result was helped by other pro-remain parties not fielding candidates but there does seem to be some cooperation between remain supporting parties.  Leave supporting parties for some reason cannot seem to unite behind anything...

A programme aired last night, "Portillo: The Trouble with the Tories" in which he explored (not in great depth) why the Tory party is so divided.  They went back to Margaret Thatcher and her desire to have the UK in the Custom's Union and other senior Tories believing that the UK should be at the head of the EU and not relegated to a small voice.  What I found telling was that Thatcher was the one who referred to the "United States of Europe" when she went through an anti-EU period and wanted the press onside with her.  Interesting that the phrase is still being used today...

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