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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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39 minutes ago, woolley said:

Which should tell you something.

Yes, that if you repeat something often enough then people will believe it....

The blame the EU schtick has been around for many years and often, with just a little research can be easily debunked.  Examples?  Bendy bananas, ice pillows for Manx Kippers, employee holiday entitlements, maternity pay, paternity pay etc.  

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6 hours ago, woolley said:

Give it a few more treaties. Our sovereign parliament has to nod through European legislation without scrutinisation because it is in areas where competence has been ceded to Brussels. That will get worse.

More Brexiteer bullshit to give the impression we've "lost" our sovereignty so the ONLY patriotic thing to do is vote Brexit!

They're so full of shit. There is absolutely nothing whatever that says our Sovereign Parliament "has to nod through EU legislation" at all. It's just a clever choice of words to try and give the impression that our Sovereign Parliament has been sidelined by joining the EU. Total nonsense of course. But some 17.4 M believed it.

"That will get worse" indeed. Based on what exactly? Fuck-all, that's what.

The Brexiteers claimed that some 70% of our legislation was brexit based and tried to give the impression that it was "driven" by the EU. Drivel is more like it. The HoC library, which has the final word in such things, said it was less than 14%. And they are all about facilitating trade. You know, that the Woolster is so keen on.

Can't use those toxic pesticides. No GM crops. No growth hormones. EU standards on things like shipping containers to make everything run smoothly. Food has to meet these standards. Food must have provenance etc etc. 

All very sensible stuff and regulations rather than laws. You know, the kind of regulations you would have to meet in ANY trading bloc. But for some reason the brexiteers don't mention that. Strange, isn't it....?

So whenever the brexiteers mention "sovereignty" you can be sure that they're talking through their arses AND THEY KNOW IT!


6 hours ago, woolley said:

Where the legislatures of the nations that make it up are nothing more than glorified council chambers with no powers of statehood and the executive runs the federation from the centre. Brussels? Munich?

PK clearly doesn't think that this can happen, but it is the logical conclusion of "ever closer union", is it not?

It's only a logical conclusion to those with an anti-EU agenda.

For normal well-informed individuals who can take a balanced, top-down view it's a load of populist rabble-rousing bollox based on a completely invented premise.

That just happens to align with the brexiteers "Project Fear" that we're all going to be subsumed by an EU superstate run exclusively and undemocratically by Johnny Foreigner for the benefit of Johnny Foreigner that somehow excludes the UK.

They would be deluded if they actually believed their own propaganda...

Have to say I used to think that they didn't actually believe their own lies but these days I'm not so sure....

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"Boris Johnson’s pro-Brexit backer Crispin Odey has made a £300m bet against British businesses and stands to make huge profits from the woes of the UK economy.

The firm owned by the multimillionaire hedge fund tycoon, who made millions betting against the pound after the 2016 referendum, has taken out £299m in “short” positions on some of Britain’s biggest firms.

His apparent lack of confidence in flagship British groups, including Royal Mail and the shopping centre owner Intu, implies that he expects their share prices to fall as the pound continues to tumble.

According to fresh data obtained by IHS Markit and Short Tracker, Odey Asset Management has “short” positions on 16 UK listed firms — and has increased its “short” position on six of them since Theresa May announced her resignation in May. On the day Johnson was elected leader of the Tory party, Odey’s firm increased its “short” position in the high street lender Metro Bank. It currently has a £17.6m bet against the company."

To quote High School Musical "We're all in this together"...

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I never short sell on principle. I think it should be outlawed. You should only be able to sell equities you already own, and the loaning of shares should be banned. Yes, fortunes can be made, but they can also be lost. For every winner there are losers because it is gambling, pure and simple.  Adherents say it is a discipline on the market and keeps managements on their toes, but the damage caused far outweighs any marginal benefit. Good companies can be shorted out of existence. To me, this is unregulated capitalism at its worst. It is not a Brexit issue but one of financial probity.

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

I never short sell on principle. I think it should be outlawed. You should only be able to sell equities you already own, and the loaning of shares should be banned. Yes, fortunes can be made, but they can also be lost. For every winner there are losers because it is gambling, pure and simple.  Adherents say it is a discipline on the market and keeps managements on their toes, but the damage caused far outweighs any marginal benefit. Good companies can be shorted out of existence. To me, this is unregulated capitalism at its worst. It is not a Brexit issue but one of financial probity.

But this specific situation is a result of Brexit.

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10 minutes ago, woolley said:

I never short sell on principle. I think it should be outlawed. You should only be able to sell equities you already own, and the loaning of shares should be banned. Yes, fortunes can be made, but they can also be lost. For every winner there are losers because it is gambling, pure and simple.  Adherents say it is a discipline on the market and keeps managements on their toes, but the damage caused far outweighs any marginal benefit. Good companies can be shorted out of existence. To me, this is unregulated capitalism at its worst. It is not a Brexit issue but one of financial probity.

But that is the exact result of Brexit, Boris, Lord Snooty and all their financier friends want to de regulate further, they want out of the EU to avoid new tax and financial services regulations which would stop the evil you don't like.

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