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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

I thought it was a reasonable question considering it's from me to you.

It would be a reasonable question, but I know that you already refuse to accept that the "sovereignty" that you hold so dear, is a lie that was bought and sold by the highest bidder.

So regardless of what information either I or the program would present, you would still refuse to accept that the Brexit vote was in any way "fair".

3 minutes ago, woolley said:

I did. Wasted 10 minutes of my life over a nice latte.

And did anything get through to you?  I'm guessing not as it appears I am still wasting my time with you.

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

It would be a reasonable question, but I know that you already refuse to accept that the "sovereignty" that you hold so dear, is a lie that was bought and sold by the highest bidder.

So regardless of what information either I or the program would present, you would still refuse to accept that the Brexit vote was in any way "fair".

And did anything get through to you?  I'm guessing not as it appears I am still wasting my time with you.

This all swings on how suggestible you believe people at large to be. You believe they are far more so than I do. You are also taking at its word a company who said it could influence a vote for reward. There is no evidence that it could, or did, just a massive conspiracy theory that it has.

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

This all swings on how suggestible you believe people at large to be. You believe they are far more so than I do. You are also taking at its word a company who said it could influence a vote for reward. There is no evidence that it could, or did, just a massive conspiracy theory that it has.

It isn't about changing opinion for the masses, its about changing the opinion of enough people to make a difference.


There is no evidence that it could, or did

Trinidad and Tobago, which if you would spend the time, is explained in great detail Alexander Nix himself (in case you don't know who he is, look him up).

Like I said, I am wasting my time trying to explain this to you.  Brexiteers are the new flat earthers.

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11 hours ago, woolley said:

Even if EU regulation was up to scratch on this, I believe that the prize of regaining full national sovereignty trumps individual regulatory measures for better or for worse. As I've said before, if our stable needs sweeping out, we should be the ones to do it, not some supranational authority with powers beyond that of the state. That is a very slippery slope that you really don't want to get to the bottom of. Too many otherwise intelligent people see only as far as trade and the status quo. They do not look beyond that to the future and where it all might end.

As the "sovereignty" card is the biggest con trick of the lot do you actually believe the lies you spout about it?

Because I'm getting so sick of the specious arguments for brexit. Face it, your view of the future has no factual basis whatsoever. So you must actually know you're peddling smoke and mirrors and f-all else.

So why do you pretend otherwise?

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EU officials: No basis for further UK Brexit talks


The message, that you can't just ditch an International Treaty such as the GFA, remains unchanged.

Personally I'm grateful that others take it a lot more seriously than narcissitic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson. And no doubt so do those who live and work in the vicinity of that border.

So the nation that was once the gold standard of democratic principles has been reduced to a basket case thanks to brexit and 92,000 clearly certifiable Daily Wail reading Little Englanders.

But hell they were promised a tax break and never mind the state of the nation good tories always always always vote with their wallets....

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