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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 minute ago, woolley said:

Don't be silly. That's what they want you to think. There is massive mutual interest when you have each other's balls in a vice.

No I  had the idea first and we are getting a leaflet about the effect and how to cope...I think the very best will be a roll over of the temporary relief put in place for October 31 but if I were EU I would wearily just accept it and carry on without UK and down on my manor that is what they are saying..Move on nothing to see...

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19 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

No I  had the idea first and we are getting a leaflet about the effect and how to cope...I think the very best will be a roll over of the temporary relief put in place for October 31 but if I were EU I would wearily just accept it and carry on without UK and down on my manor that is what they are saying..Move on nothing to see...

Of course, Bazza, but A) they want the trade, and B) they want the moolah. It will come to pass.

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A spokeswoman added the agreement negotiated by Mrs May - rejected three times by MPs - was the "best possible deal", and could not be re-opened.

That one statement sums up what the EU thinks of Britain. "Why can negotiations not be reopened? Because we say so, that's why!" Do they not think for one minute that they, by their intransigent attitude, have helped to sway public opinion away from the EU? 

A link to just one document recommending convergence of the EU into UK government affairs :-



(12) In the context of the European Semester, the Commission has carried out a comprehensive analysis of the United Kingdom’s economic policy and published it in the 2015 country report. It has also assessed the Convergence Programme and the National Reform Programme and the follow-up given to the recommendations addressed to the United Kingdom in previous years. It has taken into account not only their relevance for sustainable fiscal and socioeconomic policy in the United Kingdom but also their compliance with EU rules and guidance, given the need to strengthen the overall economic governance of the European Union by providing EU-level input into future national decisions. The recommendations under the European Semester are reflected in recommendations 1 to 3 below.

I posted earlier in this thread the EU long term plan for what is basically a USE Federal Government, it stated that time means nothing, they will wait until each country gradually accepts the EU as their new overlords. The UK Government would be a regional assembly, answerable to Brussels.

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To be fair though, Britain decided to leave, not the EU. The British Government negotiated and agreed a deal and British MPs, rejected it. Now the man who pushed for Britain to leave and led the rebellion on the deal wants to negotiate again, but still doesn't seem to know what he wants.  This is a situation entirely of Britain's making, what are the supposed to do?

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1 hour ago, Declan said:

To be fair though, Britain decided to leave, not the EU. The British Government negotiated and agreed a deal and British MPs, rejected it. Now the man who pushed for Britain to leave and led the rebellion on the deal wants to negotiate again, but still doesn't seem to know what he wants.  This is a situation entirely of Britain's making, what are the supposed to do?

Well certainly not nothing at all. It is in their interest to sort it. 

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

That one statement sums up what the EU thinks of Britain. "Why can negotiations not be reopened? Because we say so, that's why!" Do they not think for one minute that they, by their intransigent attitude, have helped to sway public opinion away from the EU? 

A link to just one document recommending convergence of the EU into UK government affairs :-


I posted earlier in this thread the EU long term plan for what is basically a USE Federal Government, it stated that time means nothing, they will wait until each country gradually accepts the EU as their new overlords. The UK Government would be a regional assembly, answerable to Brussels.

Max. I'm afraid the brethren here have cloth ears to anything as complex and intelligent as this. It's just a trading bloc, don't you know. 

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Much of the spin posted on here right from the start are (mainly unsubstantiated) fears about what the EU might do or where it might be economically in the future.

Why not wait and see and react with proper parliamentary discussion should it happen?

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3 hours ago, Max Power said:

I posted earlier in this thread the EU long term plan for what is basically a USE Federal Government, it stated that time means nothing, they will wait until each country gradually accepts the EU as their new overlords. The UK Government would be a regional assembly, answerable to Brussels.

It makes no technical sense the Euro zone countries not having unified fiscal policy given that they already have unified monetary policy. Fiscal policy (taxation, spending etc) needs to be managed centrally - it's fundamental to the stability of the currency. The same as monetary policy. Between them they determine money supply. However measured.

Obviously this would not have affected non Euro zone countries such as the UK. The UK would always have been outside of the inevitable federal model.

Edited by pongo
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3 hours ago, Declan said:

To be fair though, Britain decided to leave, not the EU. The British Government negotiated and agreed a deal and British MPs, rejected it. Now the man who pushed for Britain to leave and led the rebellion on the deal wants to negotiate again, but still doesn't seem to know what he wants.  This is a situation entirely of Britain's making, what are the supposed to do?

It's even madder than that. Boris voted in favour of that withdrawal agreement on 29th March.

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1 hour ago, ballaughbiker said:

Much of the spin posted on here right from the start are (mainly unsubstantiated) fears about what the EU might do or where it might be economically in the future.

Why not wait and see and react with proper parliamentary discussion should it happen?

By then it would be too late. It isn't unsubstantiated. Evidence has been posted on here by myself and others over the years. Max has posted more above. Do you need us to draw you a picture? We hear a lot here about sticking with the status quo. There isn't one, because the stated aim is clear. "Ever Closer Union", and that's the way it's been moving treaty by treaty. I'm always being told that there is no such thing as sovereignty. Well, if we have a federal Europe controlled from the centre, there certainly won't be. A case of you don't know what you have until you lose it.

There seem to be two types of Europhile. Those that actually would favour a federal European state and the far greater number who, despite form of long decades and copious evidence to the contrary, think it is simply a benign trading bloc without pretensions to statehood. If you are of the former group then, while it would be difficult to term your enthusiasm as logical, it is at least understandable, and you think you know what you are signing up to. If you are of the latter group, wake up! It's get out now or join the pan-continental federation. Which is it to be?


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