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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Click the link.  Not only does it show the obligations and difficulties of becoming Acquis but the list of obligations reveals just how difficult Brexit will be for the UK even it breaks clean away on October 31st and also just how painful it is to come to any sort of agreement bearing in mind the vast mass of duties and obligations entered into since 1973...


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4 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

Click the link.  Not only does it show the obligations and difficulties of becoming Acquis but the list of obligations reveals just how difficult Brexit will be for the UK even it breaks clean away on October 31st and also just how painful it is to come to any sort of agreement bearing in mind the vast mass of duties and obligations entered into since 1973...


In other words come what may, and despite any preparatory white washing and blanking out legislation passed in London, the Acquis will cast a shadow for many years to come..

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On 8/13/2019 at 12:35 PM, woolley said:

Just need to get on with it now. We've had the 3 year preamble and all of the arguments repeated to distraction. Sovereignty is like virginity. Impossible to share. You either have it or you forfeit it. That's the stark choice.  


You're a brexiteer. You don't have any arguments. An argument is two opposing points of view based on how the protagonists interpret the facts of the matter. You don't have any facts. All you have is smoke and mirrors. The UK has done well in the EU. You have absolutely no idea how it will fare outside of the EU and neither has anyone else. So stop banging on about "all of the arguments" because, if our politicians are anything to go by, all you have are falsehoods.

To prove the point here are two related questions for you:

#1 - what part of our "lost sovereignty" do you most want returned to our sovereign parliament?

#2 - what would that be £worth?

Never forget that if you can't put a £value on something then it's worthless.


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8 hours ago, woolley said:

 Anyone care? No.

Well given your input on this thread you ought to. Cummins has significant power and he has allegedly:


1)Been the campaign director of Vote Leave

2)Worked in Russia before getting tangled with the KGB

3)Was the mastermind behind the big red bus whose subliminal message was "Leave the EU in order to to save the NHS" *

4)Said in private that the referendum was a dumb idea.

5)Worked for IDS who he thought was incompetent.

6)Been described as a career psychopath.

7)Said David Davis was as thick as mince and as lazy as a toad.

8)Was a driving force in linking nearly any big UK issue with immigration and therefore with the EU which on the shallowest of analysis turned out to be our responsibility not theirs. 

9)Attacked EU subsidies as "raising prices for the poor to subsidise rich farmers" yet.... wait for it...... 

10) Co owns a farm in Durham that has taken a quarter of a million € in EU subsidies


Yep, I'm surprised you don't care.........


* It is likely that brexit will do for the NHS as we know it rather the opposite what the big red bus implied.


Regarding sterling's value and your attempted blame shift, the confidence issues and uncertainty started with the referendum you 'won'.  It just did, no question.

Your comments about the French say a lot about you and your attitude to foreigners rather than them. 



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I know I keep saying I'm out until something happens,  but really! Now the KGB, which was actually abolished after the collapse of the Soviet Union but never mind because the name will frighten the snowflakes,  is actually running Downing Street. You couldn't make it up. Well,  obviously you can. Talk about desperate. 

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At the moment, the EU is the strongest trading block in the world, and in Woolley’s naive rose-tinted view of the world Russia, the US and China are quite happy with that and wouldn’t dream of trying to interfere with an important component of the EU by playing to latent English prejudices. What a lovely little world he lives in. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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1 hour ago, woolley said:

I know I keep saying I'm out until something happens,  but really! Now the KGB, which was actually abolished after the collapse of the Soviet Union but never mind because the name will frighten the snowflakes,  is actually running Downing Street. You couldn't make it up. Well,  obviously you can. Talk about desperate. 

I actually agree with you about the KGB.  It's an easy go to when actually referring too Russian interference and espionage. 

Do not forget that in the last few years that Russia has undertaken assassination attempts on ex Russian spys within the UK.  

Russia are also accused of interfering with the US elections.

I am sure though Mr Putin is a nice,  honest guy who is just horrendously misunderstood and all these actions are perfectly innocent...

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And in your world, Freggy, we all sit cowering for protection from invented bogeymen by power usurping blocs, which you tell us are benign. This Russia stuff again. Straight rerun of the US election campaign nonsense. Did you know that Trump is a Russian spy? Funny that, neither did he. ROFLMAO. 

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6 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

 * It is likely that brexit will do for the NHS as we know it rather the opposite what the big red bus implied. 

Well it's already having even more money committed than the big red bus implied, so I don't know what you base that on. It's a sacred cow that nobody dares to touch. It is in urgent need of reform.

Your comments about the French say a lot about you and your attitude to foreigners rather than them. 

You know nothing about my attitude to foreigners. In general, I admit that I prefer the Spanish and the Italians, ironically because of their joie de vivre, but there are good and bad everywhere. Some of the British are a total embarrassment abroad. I don't have any close friends now who are French, but I have had in the past, and business relationships with them. My comments about "the French" were in the context of the EU which was clear.




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The European Superstate

You will ALWAYS regret arguing with people obsessed by this because they don’t understand the difference between things that are likely to happen and crazy hypothetical events they’ve imagined. You can bleat about vetoes all you like, but they’ll come right back at you with: “SO D’YOU WANT YOUR KIDS TO BE CANNON FODDER IN THE EURO-SS?” 


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