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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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3 hours ago, woolley said:

Yes. If you wish to be part of a superstate the EU direction of movement is fine. Don't look at the treaties. Look at the effects. 

Any step along that ‘direction of travel’ requires not only the British Government and all the others to vote in favour, but also for a U.K. referendum to agree to it as set out in the 2011 European Referendum Act (the ‘double-lock’ act). In the case of collective defence and foreign policy it would also require a number of states to change their own constitutions by referendum or 2/3s voting. As ever, you are talking pure nonsense. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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5 hours ago, woolley said:

On the contrary. You have confirmed them. Little manxlander governed from Douglas. Xenophobia towards other parts of the British Isles. What will be the currency? Euro? Who will you send to negotiate the accession to the EU? What will the economy be based upon? But don't you already have the best possible deal with national home rule as a Crown Dependency in the British family of nations? Which part of the arrangement do you object to? 

That's the best joke yet woody! 

Someone who suggests an independent Isle of Man is xenophobic whilst someone supporting the UK leaving the EU is somehow fighting for sovereignty? 

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

That's the best joke yet woody! 

Someone who suggests an independent Isle of Man is xenophobic whilst someone supporting the UK leaving the EU is somehow fighting for sovereignty? 

That's kind of my point to Freggy. In reality neither is xenophobic, although the term little englander is offensive to some. 

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I’m saying the IOM should continue to be governed from Douglas, where the IOM Government is now. I’m quite happy for the IOM Gov to pool sovereignty with the U.K. as long as there are tangible benefits, and I do think we have very different immigration requirements to the South of England, so that’s one area where I think we should be in control. If pooling sovereignty with the U.K. means being put at a big disadvantage for global trade and recruitment then of course we should look at alternatives. 

Who knows what Woolley is saying. He can’t understand the difference between recommendations for meeting agreed targets set by the OECD, and binding legislation, and can’t back up with one example anything he says about mission creep, usurping powers or loss of sovereignty. He’s being played by the financial elite, and all he can do is throw about buzzwords he can’t explain. 

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Had a good laugh at The Wails getting more hysterical by the day headline:

"Boris Bashes Brexit Saboteurs" 

or some such complete and utter rubbish. Do people pay real money for this nonsense? Hard to believe really. But then so is totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson being the UK's PM.

Total nonsense like that from the UK's rabid right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, can only mean one thing. All is not well on the brexit front.

Ah yes - Operation Yellowhammer aka "What could possibly go wrong....."

Johnson couldn't give a stuff about the GFA. After all, who in NI votes tory? So I guess he sees the leverage that buys him is that normal people like those in Brussels DO care about what happens about that border and their citizens.

Yep, totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson is a complete and utter shit.

Little wonder he's become a hate figure....

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Operation Yellowhammer is just what’s plain obvious. The U.K. imports 75% of its medicine and 30% of its food from the EU. The U.K. will have to enforce a border in Ireland. The financial elite will keep pretending they hold all the cards until reality catches up with them and then they’ll blame remainers and foreigners. By then they will have achieved what they always wanted: The benefits liability will be cut by axing pensions and paying out in sterling while the real economy switches to a hard currency. Tax will be cut to the bone, the NHS will be sold off and the U.K. will be rebuilt as a low wage, low tax economy. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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On 1/25/2019 at 12:51 AM, P.K. said:

Every trading nation on the planet smells blood in the water....


On 1/25/2019 at 8:58 AM, woody2 said:

the eu's blood......


your first on the list for "operation yellow snowflake hammer"




16 hours ago, P.K. said:

Ah yes - Operation Yellowhammer aka "What could possibly go wrong....."

how did i know you would be the first to fall for it........

i hope freggy had a bet on........


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clearly not......

On 1/25/2019 at 10:31 PM, Freggyragh said:
On 1/25/2019 at 8:58 AM, woody2 said:

your first on the list for "operation yellow snowflake hammer"

Woody, try to remember your audience when writing on MF. Your coded paranoia might be intelligible on the incel self help forms you spend most of your time on, but it’s just misspelled incoherent gibberish here. 


11 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Operation Yellowhammer is just what’s plain obvious.

its project fear mk2......and clearly you didn't know about it........

11 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

The U.K. imports 75% of its medicine

no it doesn't.......

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On 8/17/2019 at 7:38 PM, Freggyragh said:

I’m saying the IOM should continue to be governed from Douglas, where the IOM Government is now. I’m quite happy for the IOM Gov to pool sovereignty with the U.K. as long as there are tangible benefits, and I do think we have very different immigration requirements to the South of England, so that’s one area where I think we should be in control. If pooling sovereignty with the U.K. means being put at a big disadvantage for global trade and recruitment then of course we should look at alternatives. 

Who knows what Woolley is saying. He can’t understand the difference between recommendations for meeting agreed targets set by the OECD, and binding legislation, and can’t back up with one example anything he says about mission creep, usurping powers or loss of sovereignty. He’s being played by the financial elite, and all he can do is throw about buzzwords he can’t explain. 

If you believe that the present constitutional arrangements represent the Island "pooling sovereignty with the UK" it becomes much easier to understand why the progressive "pooling of sovereignty within the EU" rings no alarm bells with you. Thanks for the clarification.  

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