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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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17 hours ago, P.K. said:

Had a good laugh at The Wails getting more hysterical by the day headline:

"Boris Bashes Brexit Saboteurs" 

or some such complete and utter rubbish. Do people pay real money for this nonsense? Hard to believe really. But then so is totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson being the UK's PM.

Total nonsense like that from the UK's rabid right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, can only mean one thing. All is not well on the brexit front.

Ah yes - Operation Yellowhammer aka "What could possibly go wrong....."

Johnson couldn't give a stuff about the GFA. After all, who in NI votes tory? So I guess he sees the leverage that buys him is that normal people like those in Brussels DO care about what happens about that border and their citizens.

Yep, totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson is a complete and utter shit.

Little wonder he's become a hate figure....

Accusations by you of anyone or anything becoming more hysterical by the day are priceless. The most hysterical stuff on this subject on here by a country mile emanates from you, sir. How do you account for the UK's rabid right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, doing the bidding of the remain rearguard action in publishing the Yellowhammer doomsday file?

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6 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

And you do know that the EU Parliament does not, and constitutionally cannot, initiate legislation, right? 

Immaterial to my point. The legislation it does pass is also pan-continental. That is the fundamental objection.  

Edited by woolley
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7 minutes ago, woolley said:

Accusations by you of anyone or anything becoming more hysterical by the day are priceless. The most hysterical stuff on this subject on here by a country mile emanates from you, sir. How do you account for the UK's rabid right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, doing the bidding of the remain rearguard action in publishing the Yellowhammer doomsday file?

Errr this is just a wild stab in the dark but I suspect they want to sell copy....?

What a completely daft question.

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10 minutes ago, woolley said:

Immaterial to my point. The legislation it does pass is also pan-continental. That is the fundamental objection.  

The only organisation that can make UK laws are our own Sovereign Parliament.

End of.

More sovereignty "smoke and mirrors" sop to the stupid.

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Just now, P.K. said:

Errr this is just a wild stab in the dark but I suspect they want to sell copy....?

What a completely daft question.

But you accuse them of having one agenda and this goes right against it. A few quid for selling copy is nothing to billionaire right wing tax exiles, so what's going on? Shouldn't they have cleared this treachery with Johnson? 

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27 minutes ago, woolley said:

But you accuse them of having one agenda and this goes right against it. A few quid for selling copy is nothing to billionaire right wing tax exiles, so what's going on? Shouldn't they have cleared this treachery with Johnson? 

Don't bother.

You know as well as every other none  Torygraph, Excess, Just tits and bum, Wail reader that they are collectively appalling. They know they have to print it to sell copy and they know they have to print it to refute it.

Is this daft question day or something....?

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31 minutes ago, woolley said:

Oh. All EU law is fantasy then. 

The ONLY laws on the UK statute books are passed by our own sovereign parliament.

You know this.

Which is why the "EU Superstate run by Evil Goblins intent on World Domination" will never happen. Especially as our MP's won't want to lose their phoney-baloney jobs.

Just more "sovereignty" nonsense....

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5 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Don't bother.

You know as well as every other none  Torygraph, Excess, Just tits and bum, Wail reader that they are collectively appalling. They know they have to print it to sell copy and they know they have to print it to refute it.

Is this daft question day or something....?

More like gibberish day by the look of things. You do know, presumably, that it was published in the Sunday Times, part of the evil empire. I don't think we will be seeing them refuting it.

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42 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The only organisation that can make UK laws are our own Sovereign Parliament.

End of.

More sovereignty "smoke and mirrors" sop to the stupid.

Last week he had to have it explained that recommendations of the EU Council which the U.K. put forward as measures to meet OECD expectations were not forms of binding legislation by an EU Superstate. I’m afraid Woolley will not be persuaded by facts, not when he feels so strongly that there must by an EUSSR conspiracy working for something other than peace and prosperity. 

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2 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The ONLY laws on the UK statute books are passed by our own sovereign parliament.

You know this.

Which is why the "EU Superstate run by Evil Goblins intent on World Domination" will never happen. Especially as our MP's won't want to lose their phoney-baloney jobs.

Just more "sovereignty" nonsense....

Semantics. The UK is obliged to nod through EU law in areas where the EU has competence. EU law is supreme. 

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