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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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6 minutes ago, woolley said:

Semantics. The UK is obliged to nod through EU law in areas where the EU has competence. EU law is supreme. 

No they're not. Hence the EU Superstate that brexiteers use to scare little children will never happen.

How are you getting on with these questions?

On 8/15/2019 at 10:20 AM, P.K. said:


You're a brexiteer. You don't have any arguments. An argument is two opposing points of view based on how the protagonists interpret the facts of the matter. You don't have any facts. All you have is smoke and mirrors. The UK has done well in the EU. You have absolutely no idea how it will fare outside of the EU and neither has anyone else. So stop banging on about "all of the arguments" because, if our politicians are anything to go by, all you have are falsehoods.

To prove the point here are two related questions for you:

#1 - what part of our "lost sovereignty" do you most want returned to our sovereign parliament?

#2 - what would that be £worth?

Never forget that if you can't put a £value on something then it's worthless.


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12 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Last week he had to have it explained that recommendations of the EU Council which the U.K. put forward as measures to meet OECD expectations were not forms of binding legislation by an EU Superstate. I’m afraid Woolley will not be persuaded by facts, not when he feels so strongly that there must by an EUSSR conspiracy working for something other than peace and prosperity. 

The problem, Freggy, is that you are very selective with facts, ignoring the ones that don't suit your point. You have explained nothing new to me. It doesn't matter how much you bang on about how fair the rules of the club are when the club in totality is toxic. 

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On 1/25/2019 at 10:31 PM, Freggyragh said:
On 1/25/2019 at 8:58 AM, woody2 said:

your first on the list for "operation yellow snowflake hammer"

 it’s just misspelled incoherent gibberish


14 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

I’m surprised anything in yellowhammer was a surprise. It’s been obvious for years that the brexiteers would lie, cheat and sell their own country to achieve brexit. 




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13 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Which of those laws don’t you like? Which area of competence do you object to?

All of them. How many more times? It's the usual circular argument. I certainly object to tax policy set at an EU level. In all respects tax should be the responsibility of the nation state. I objected to VAT for the same reason. The more competency that is ceded in this way, the more like regional assemblies national parliaments become. Some federalists such as Ken Clarke are on record as applauding this. It is the direction of travel. Ever closer union. 

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

Yes they are. They have to be passed. No ifs, no buts. 

Not if it means an EU Superstate they won't.

Because sensible balanced reasonably well-informed folks like me unshackled by prejudice won't let them....

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