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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

You may want to explain that to a number of brexit voters/supporters I know.  They won't accept it from me.  


ETA:  Project Fear or Fake News is the response I typically get.

£30K minimum wage has been proposed regardless which part of the world they come from......

in 2017 the uk resettled more from outside the eu than any other eu member.......


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seems pk's data is wrong......

EU net migration 'consistently higher' than first thought, admits Office for National Statistics


EU net migration was "consistently higher" than first thought while non-EU net migration was lower, the UK's statistics body has admitted.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has requested that migration figures be reclassified to "experimental" statistics after discovering they could have been misestimated over the last few years.

On Wednesday, the ONS revealed it under-estimated levels of migration to the UK from the EU, due to uncertainty over the numbers from EU8 countries.

These are Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia and Czechia.

"Our adjusted EU net migration estimates show a very similar trend over time but are consistently higher than the unadjusted estimates, indicating that we may have been underestimating net migration from the EU," the ONS said.

"In the year ending March 2016 - the latest point at which we have adjusted data available - EU net migration is around 16% higher than our published estimate."

The ONS also admitted non-EU migration figures were over-estimated.

"Our adjusted non-EU net migration estimates also show a very similar trend but are consistently lower than unadjusted estimates, indicating that we may have been overestimating net migration from outside the EU," it said.

"In the year ending March 2016, net migration is around 13% lower than our published estimate. In the year ending December 2018, this is around 8% lower."

Former prime ministers David Cameron and Theresa May stuck doggedly to a target of reducing net migration to less than 100,000 per year, despite never once reducing migration numbers below that level.

The level of EU migration was also a key debate prior to the Brexit vote in June 2016.

Boris Johnson, a leading Vote Leave campaigner, has ditched the target since entering 10 Downing Street and favours a points-based system such as that used by Australia.

The ONS announcement means the EU migration estimate for the year ending March 2016 rose by 29,000 from 178,000 to 207,000.

In the same period, the estimate for non-EU migration fell by 25,000 from 193,000 to 168,000.

The UK Statistics Authority, which is responsible for oversight of the ONS, has accepted the request for migration figures to no longer be treated as "national statistics" - which are expected to meet the highest standards of trustworthiness, quality and value - but as "experimental" statistics.

Ed Humpherson, from the regulatory arm of the UK Statistics Authority, urged the ONS and other government department to prioritise work to improve estimates.

"It remains critical for decision makers, including politicians, businesses and the public to have robust and reliable migration estimates," he said.

Madeleine Sumption, director of the Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford, said: "We have been pointing out for a while that something wasn't quite right in the net migration statistics, and that the comparison of EU versus non-EU net migration did not seem plausible.

"This matters because for the past nine years the UK policy debate has been fixated on a single data source, which couldn't bear the load that it was forced to carry."


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20 minutes ago, woody2 said:

you don't mention the one's that don't work, which is a far higher number than in work......funny that....

the one's in work don't even cover the cost to uk services which is around £15k pp......funny that....

Source please Captain Chaff....?

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3 hours ago, woody2 said:

£30K minimum wage has been proposed regardless which part of the world they come from......

And the UK has been able to send EU immigrants back to their country of origin if they do not have the means to support themselves after 3 months.  It's just that various UK governments have failed to implement it.

3 hours ago, woody2 said:

in 2017 the uk resettled more from outside the eu than any other eu member.......

Cool.  What's your point?

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When the Single Market was established in 1993 the unemployment rate in the U.K. was 10.3%. Within ten years it was down to 5.1%, having fallen every year. Apart from the three years following New Labour’s Deregulation Recession which saw a spike back up to just over 8%, it has been hovering under 5.5% ever since the Eastern states joined, and is now under 4%. I’d hazard a guess that most unemployed these days are unemployable Brits - the druggies, alkies and crims, the homeless, the lazy, the anti-social, and those not really wanting to work; the people genuinely between jobs and the budding artists, etc. If the majority of EU ex-pats in the U.K. are unemployed then then either someone other than the government is paying their benefits, or the total number of EU ex-pats in the UK must be very, very small. Saying otherwise makes you a cretin who has swallowed the lies of the financial elite, because the numbers just do not stack up. 

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4 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

When the Single Market was established in 1993 the unemployment rate in the U.K. was 10.3%. Within ten years it was down to 5.1%, having fallen every year. Apart from the three years following New Labour’s Deregulation Recession which saw a spike back up to just over 8%, it has been hovering under 5.5% ever since the Eastern states joined, and is now under 4%. I’d hazard a guess that most unemployed these days are unemployable Brits - the druggies, alkies and crims, the homeless, the lazy, the anti-social, and those not really wanting to work; the people genuinely between jobs and the budding artists, etc. If the majority of EU ex-pats in the U.K. are unemployed then then either someone other than the government is paying their benefits, or the total number of EU ex-pats in the UK must be very, very small. Saying otherwise makes you a cretin who has swallowed the lies of the financial elite, because the numbers just do not stack up. 

That reflects the way it is down on my manor. And as for the beggars on the streets they are mostly Brits and the council says there is accommodation available and support for them if they give up drugs. 

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Homelessness is a tricky one especially when it comes to non-Brits but it blame the EU for this is to ignore the issues of illegal immigration and modern slavery.

Neither of these will be addressed by brexit.

And if the UK Government continues with austerity measures and, god forbid, privatises the NHS whilst doing nothing about affordable housing then homelessness is only going to get worse.  Again not a direct impact of Brexit but any recession post brexit would compound the matter.

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9 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

And the UK has been able to send EU immigrants back to their country of origin if they do not have the means to support themselves after 3 months.  It's just that various UK governments have failed to implement it.


no they can't......the uk has lost many cases over this........see the homeless cases......

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