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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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46 minutes ago, P.K. said:


"Several of the rights and entitlements that are provided for directly or indirectly in the GFA are themselves either directly or indirectly underpinned by EU law, and its system of effective remedies."

But that does not make the EU members guarantors. The only guarantors to the Belfast Agreement are Britain and Ireland. They signed the treaty and put certain measures in place for discussion and cooperation. The EU is supporting Ireland as an  EU member and certain issues may come under EU law but last I looked the UK was dumping EU law...Once UK leaves the EU it will remain as now up to Britain and Ireland despite whatever they say about backstops etc.I attach a link...


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21 minutes ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

What is the censure if one of the parties happens to break some of the terms of the GFA?

There is no censure save for the meetings ie British-Irish Council, North South Ministerial Council and British Irish Governmental Conference and the elected assembly/devolution of N Ireland. Britain and Ireland signed a treaty which some academics say is about to collapse...There is responsibility and fall out but no censure..The link takes you to the GFA


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Nobody is threatening the GFA. Moreover,  nobody is compelling communities in Ireland to return to a civil war. Perhaps some people signed the GFA on a false premise. Maybe some people assumed that the EU was the future and would eventually hold sway over the whole island as the UK faded away into history. If so,  then obviously the UK reasserting its sovereignty would come as an unwelcome development politically. This does not mean that there needs to be disruption to everyday life on the ground. All that is needed is the will to make it work. 

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9 hours ago, woolley said:

Once a Lib, always a Lib.


9 hours ago, P.K. said:

So no counter arguments. Just playground name-calling. 


So you believe that the epithet 'lliberal' has now fallen so far in popular esteem as to be considered a pejorative?  Progress of a sort, I suppose. I'd already made the point. You were trying to counter it by advocating permanently hung parliaments which, frankly, is too risible to warrant further discussion. 

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6 minutes ago, woolley said:

So you believe that the epithet 'lliberal' has now fallen so far in popular esteem as to be considered a pejorative?  Progress of a sort, I suppose. I'd already made the point. You were trying to counter it by advocating permanently hung parliaments which, frankly, is too risible to warrant further discussion. 

The right whingers on here, which are by far the majority, view being "liberal" as weak etc etc.

In any event we have a coalition right now thanks to £1bn of public money. Funny you forgetting that....

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3 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The right whingers on here, which are by far the majority, view being "liberal" as weak etc etc.

In any event we have a coalition right now thanks to £1bn of public money. Funny you forgetting that....

Actually there is a confidence and supply arrangement, not a coalition. Had it been a formal coalition it would have collapsed by now after the DUP voted against the government on several occasions. Liberals are not so much weak as credulously negligent. Agree about right wingers, though. 

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23 hours ago, woolley said:

Can't have a national anthem without a nation? Don't worry. They're working on it. Of course, the anthem per se isn't the problem. It's just a marker for what comes next. For what the anthem represents. The EU SELLS us food. It doesn't just send it along like manna from heaven. Those suppliers will still want to sell. You're just falling for all of the lies. 

Are you also worried that the Rugby World Cup, UEFA Champions League, the Olympics  WWF etc. symbols, flags and anthems presage world superstate domination, or is it just the EU? 

Edited by Freggyragh
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16 minutes ago, woolley said:

Actually there is a confidence and supply arrangement, not a coalition. Had it been a formal coalition it would have collapsed by now after the DUP voted against the government on several occasions. Liberals are not so much weak as credulously negligent. Agree about right wingers, though. 

I am still disgusted of PSM that the bribe was public money. Not tory party money.

Still, it meant a strong and stable government.


Anyway, let's see what entities in Europe have coalition governments:


Albania: Socialist Party of Albania, Socialist Movement for Integration, Unity for Human Rights Party, Demochristian Party of Albania.

Belgium: Christian Democratic and Flemish, Reformist Movement, Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats.

Bulgaria: GERB, United Patriots

Croatia: Croatian Democratic Union, Croatian People's Party – Liberal Democrats

Cyprus: Democratic Rally, European Party, Ecological and Environmental Movement.

Czech Republic: Czech Social Democratic Party, ANO 2011, Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party.

Denmark: Venstre, Liberal Alliance, Conservative People's Party.

Estonia: Estonian Centre Party, Social Democratic Party, Pro Patria.

Finland: Centre, National Coalition, New Alternative

France: En Marche, MoDem

Germany: Christian Democratic Union, Christian Social Union, Social Democratic Party.

Greece: Coalition of the Radical Left, Independent Greeks.

Iceland: Independence Party, Reform Party, Bright Future.

Italy: Five Star Movement, Lega Nord

Kosovo: Democratic Party of Kosovo, New Kosovo Alliance, Turkish Democratic Party of Kosovo, Independent Liberal Party.

Latvia: Unity, National Alliance, Union of Greens and Farmers.

Lithuania: Social Democratic Party, Labour Party, Order and Justice.

Luxembourg: Democratic Party, Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party, The Greens.

Moldova: Democratic Party, European People's Party of Moldova

Monaco: Union for the Principality, National Union for the Future of Monaco, Promotion of the Monegasque Family.

Montenegro: Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro, Social Democratic Party of Montenegro, Democratic Union of Albanians, Bosniak Party.

Netherlands: People's Party for Freedom and Democracy, Christian Democratic Appeal, D66, Christian Union.

North Macedonia: Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization-Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity, Democratic Union for Integration, Socialist Party of Macedonia, Party for the Movement of Turks in Macedonia.

Norway: Conservative Party, Progress Party, Venstre

Romania: Social Democratic Party, Alliance of Liberals and Democrats

San Marino: Sammarinese Christian Democratic Party, Popular Alliance, Freedom List, Sammarinese Union of Moderates.

Serbia: Serbian Progressive Party, Socialist Party of Serbia

Slovenia: Modern Centre Party, Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia, Social Democrats.

Sweden: Swedish Social Democratic Party, Green Party (Sweden).

Switzerland: Social Democratic Party of Switzerland, Free Democratic Party of Switzerland, Christian Democratic People's Party of Switzerland, Swiss People's Party.

Ukraine: Petro Poroshenko Bloc, People's Front.

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1 minute ago, Freggyragh said:

Are you also worried about the Rugby World Cup, UEFA Champions League, the Olympics  WWF etc. symbols, flags and anthems presage world superstate domination, or is it just the EU? 

Last time I checked, none of the above had a parliament or held public elections, but I am keeping a watching brief on all of them, you can rest assured. 

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4 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Are you also worried that the Rugby World Cup, UEFA Champions League, the Olympics  WWF etc. symbols, flags and anthems presage world superstate domination, or is it just the EU? 

Just the EU because it's run by Evil Goblins intent on world domination. Apparently....

So pretty much all of Europe has coalition governments and they seem to have done ok.

Fancy that.....

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