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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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6 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Thanks for the link to the text of the GFA.

What about the UN?  Could they have a role?

The UN has been a question over N Ireland since the start of the troubles but can you imagine Britain or Ireland taking a local matter to the UN and the UK on the Security Council? The GFA is between UK and ROI and that is that..

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3 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

The UN has been a question over N Ireland since the start of the troubles but can you imagine Britain or Ireland taking a local matter to the UN and the UK on the Security Council? The GFA is between UK and ROI and that is that..

Yes. They could have lots of nice friendly Russian and Chinese peacekeeping troops with blue helmets along the border.  

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17 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The Chinese are too busy massing troops in the New Territories and the Russians are too busy bombing Turks in Syria to contemplate applying for UN membership.....

What? Applying for UN membership?  Not only are they both members of the UN,  they are also permanent members of the Security Council. And they both have a lot of troops.

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6 minutes ago, woolley said:

What? Applying for UN membership?  Not only are they both members of the UN,  they are also permanent members of the Security Council. And they both have a lot of troops.

Got confused with NATO/OTAN. Tough day.

Interesting that most governments in Europe are coalitions. That was a bit of a surprise.

Have to say the Ukraine Peoples Front sounded a bit Pythonesque.

But the bottom line is that they can be made to work. If you have the will.

I can't see it working for the UK though. Never mind the state of the nation good tories always always always vote with their wallets.

They won't want to change that anytime soon.....

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Oh dear. Senior Brexiteers have been caught out it yet ANOTHER lie about crashing out. Not that you'll see much about it in the UK's rabid right wing press - which is to say pretty much all of it.

Operation Yellowhammer:

"But perhaps more interesting than the leaked material itself - which contained few warnings anyone paying attention to Brexit wouldn't have heard before - was the chaotic and contradictory response by first the government and then its outriders to the publication of its own plan.

Michael Gove, the cabinet minister in charge of preparing for no-deal, tweeted that the plans were old and dealt with the absolute worst-case scenario, without any kind of mitigation or work done to manage the impacts of no-deal, even as others pointed the fingers to disgruntled former ministers (left unnamed) who must have leaked it.

A key part of the implication of that response was this was outdated information from a previous administration that did not really believe in Brexit, and so could safely be dismissed as Project Fear.

The problem with this response is that neither element of it is true. The Operation Yellowhammer report is published monthly, and circulated around key officials who need it, including those in devolved administrations. Multiple reporters quickly managed to confirm that this report did, in fact, date from August - and so from Boris Johnson's premiership.

Furthermore, this is nothing like the worst-case scenario, and instead contains the likely situation of no-deal given not only what the UK government has done to manage its impacts, but also what EU countries have already done."

Just more lies from the brexiteers....

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At least it didn't say planes won't fly, I suppose

That precious little nugget came direct from Haw Haw.

He/his team no doubt read the completely true and accurate issues about those aircraft and their maintenance teams and pilots having EU licences and the issues that would precipitate and decided to make a headline out of it. So verifiable licencing issues were extrapolated by him to the clearly ridiculous 'planes won't fly' so he could ridicule it and brexiters down the pub could use it as an example of project fear and point and laugh. 

Haw Haw knows this is utter manipulation of true facts but recognises it as a very useful tool to feed the, let's say, 'busier' brexit supporters to be able tell their mates that it's all lies and around and around we go. They can then fill facebook and twitter with this bollox to make themselves feel better about the impending shitstorm they helped start. There are hundreds of examples of Haw Haw using this technique throughout the campaign.

You have written some valuable stuff on brexit woolley but I am surprised you are using shit like this to try get back at inconvenient opposing data.


PS If this had been a baseless lie, why have a UK airline just spent a few million re-registering their aircraft in Austria? 

PPS The EU have helped no end in this by telling the CAA that they will, for two years, assume for this purpose that the UK is still a member state if it crashes out. The CAA will need every day of that 2 years to replace all the regulation and compliance currently shared with the EU. This cannot just be 'copied across' as another poster, well versed in the usefulness of ridicule, alleged just a few days ago.

Edited by ballaughbiker
PS & spel
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40 minutes ago, woolley said:

But who wrote it? The europhile civil service. At least it didn't say planes won't fly, I suppose.  

The report goes on:

Operation Yellowhammer

"Furthermore, this is nothing like the worst-case scenario, and instead contains the likely situation of no-deal given not only what the UK government has done to manage its impacts, but also what EU countries have already done.

This is the reason it doesn't include things like grounded flights and so on - the EU unilaterally took steps to prevent this happening in the event of a no-deal, if only for a few months. This also takes into account measures the French have taken - entirely of their own accord - to manage the disruption at their ports which no-deal would cause, while still complying with EU requirements.

The leak was not the worst-case scenario - it is the most likely outcome, as the UK government sees it. There could be much more that they don't see, especially if the crisis planning fails."

But hey, we'll get blue passports.....

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5 hours ago, P.K. said:

The report goes on:

Operation Yellowhammer

"Furthermore, this is nothing like the worst-case scenario, and instead contains the likely situation of no-deal given not only what the UK government has done to manage its impacts, but also what EU countries have already done.

This is the reason it doesn't include things like grounded flights and so on - the EU unilaterally took steps to prevent this happening in the event of a no-deal, if only for a few months. This also takes into account measures the French have taken - entirely of their own accord - to manage the disruption at their ports which no-deal would cause, while still complying with EU requirements.

The leak was not the worst-case scenario - it is the most likely outcome, as the UK government sees it. There could be much more that they don't see, especially if the crisis planning fails."

But hey, we'll get blue passports.....

Like I said, who wrote it?

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6 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

That precious little nugget came direct from Haw Haw.

He/his team no doubt read the completely true and accurate issues about those aircraft and their maintenance teams and pilots having EU licences and the issues that would precipitate and decided to make a headline out of it. So verifiable licencing issues were extrapolated by him to the clearly ridiculous 'planes won't fly' so he could ridicule it and brexiters down the pub could use it as an example of project fear and point and laugh. 

Haw Haw knows this is utter manipulation of true facts but recognises it as a very useful tool to feed the, let's say, 'busier' brexit supporters to be able tell their mates that it's all lies and around and around we go. They can then fill facebook and twitter with this bollox to make themselves feel better about the impending shitstorm they helped start. There are hundreds of examples of Haw Haw using this technique throughout the campaign.

You have written some valuable stuff on brexit woolley but I am surprised you are using shit like this to try get back at inconvenient opposing data.


PS If this had been a baseless lie, why have a UK airline just spent a few million re-registering their aircraft in Austria? 

PPS The EU have helped no end in this by telling the CAA that they will, for two years, assume for this purpose that the UK is still a member state if it crashes out. The CAA will need every day of that 2 years to replace all the regulation and compliance currently shared with the EU. This cannot just be 'copied across' as another poster, well versed in the usefulness of ridicule, alleged just a few days ago.

You see, the whole terminology around this is loaded to give a certain impression. What does "crash out" convey? It's almost as though some cataclysmic disaster will befall. I appreciate that to those writing the copy, Brexit appears like the end of the world, but it won't be.

I'll take your word for Farage being involved in promoting and then ridiculing the planes won't fly nonsense, but it was widely publicised as part of Project Fear around the referendum too. Certainly in the Grauniad and on BBC.Evidence is still there online. Unsurprisingly, there have been lies and exaggeration by both sides. The latest being a list of manufactured stuff that could be in short supply. Perhaps this is a wake up call that we should not have allowed our manufacturing infrastructure to become so debased. It is about time that we reversed the process and started making stuff for ourselves once more, preferably in areas that have been sacrificed on the altar of globalisation at the behest of unregulated capitalism. As for the EU being co-operative with the CAA, well, it is entirely in their interest to be so, in this and all other respects. Everyone benefits from co-operation, nobody benefits if they try to punish the UK for having the temerity to leave.

When something is the right thing to do, the perceived difficulty of doing it is no justification for shying away from getting on with it.

Edited by woolley
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1 hour ago, woolley said:

You see, the whole terminology around this is loaded to give a certain impression. What does "crash out" convey? It's almost as though some cataclysmic disaster will befall. I appreciate that to those writing the copy, Brexit appears like the end of the world, but it won't be.

I'll take your word for Farage being involved in promoting and then ridiculing the planes won't fly nonsense, but it was widely publicised as part of Project Fear around the referendum too. Certainly in the Grauniad and on BBC.Evidence is still there online. Unsurprisingly, there have been lies and exaggeration by both sides. The latest being a list of manufactured stuff that could be in short supply. Perhaps this is a wake up call that we should not have allowed our manufacturing infrastructure to become so debased. It is about time that we reversed the process and started making stuff for ourselves once more, preferably in areas that have been sacrificed on the altar of globalisation at the behest of unregulated capitalism. As for the EU being co-operative with the CAA, well, it is entirely in their interest to be so, in this and all other respects. Everyone benefits from co-operation, nobody benefits if they try to punish the UK for having the temerity to leave.

When something is the right thing to do, the perceived difficulty of doing it is no justification for shying away from getting on with it.

To me "crash out" means fall asleep quickly or lose a game you were expected to win which caused you to immediately leave the competition with f-all to show for it.

Hmmmm.... sounds about right.

As to the planes won't fly much beloved by brexiteers I think it's only reasonable to point out that it was an aspect of brexit, like tariffs on UK exports of up to 30%, that failed to get a mention during the campaign. Funny that....

As to the possible shortages imho they're everything to do with supply difficulties and nothing else. So all the guff about globalisation etc etc is a smokescreen to try and deflect criticism away from the fact that brexit inevitably will gum up the flow of trade and cause problems.

And not just for car workers...

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