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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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You're free to your own opinion but I personally don't see Merkel as a megalomaniac, Germany has pretty much the most democratic electoral system I've ever seen. Given his political career and attempts to reform their constitution and electoral process I do think it is fair to call Erdogan a megalomaniac though, nice to see May forging arms deals with him. I sincerely hope that May's plan for the UK is to become everyone's bitch, sadly it looks a bit like that at the moment.


I don't get the relevance of Trump's wall to this discussion, could you please explain?

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she fits the description of a megalomaniac perfectly


so its ok for germany to give billions to turkey, yet if they spend this with the uk its wrong? reichtards springs to mind


incased you missed the news merkel has been turkeys bitch for years, even this weekend trying to stop the boarders been reopened, putting army's on standby


lets not forget merkel has been trying to ring trump all week and failed, sending a team to the whitehouse begging for an appointment. all rather desperate and sad


megalomaniacs usually drown in their own shit, merkel is going that way fast along with the rest of the reich eu

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she fits the description of a megalomaniac perfectly


so its ok for germany to give billions to turkey, yet if they spend this with the uk its wrong? reichtards springs to mind


incased you missed the news merkel has been turkeys bitch for years, even this weekend trying to stop the boarders been reopened, putting army's on standby


lets not forget merkel has been trying to ring trump all week and failed, sending a team to the whitehouse begging for an appointment. all rather desperate and sad


megalomaniacs usually drown in their own shit, merkel is going that way fast along with the rest of the reich eu


Reichtards? Why does modern politics appear to be turning into some sort of stupid advertising campaign as to who can bring the daftest term to the market (Brexiteer, Remoaner, Alternative Facts, etc.)? What ever happened to adult discussion and the ability of people to accept that others have a different view without needing to give them a silly name? As I've said before I voted remain but accept I'm adult enough to accept that others felt differently. At the end of the day once Parliament have finally done what they should have to begin and taken responsibility the UK will leave the EU. I want the UK to prosper and if leaving the EU transpires to be the best way to achieve that then good (no one can truly say it will or that it won't at this point of time). At the same time I don't want any other particular nation to economically fail, why would any normal person want that?


Turkey is free to spend their money however they want, though I still don't see how selling weapons to someone like Erdogan is a thing to particularly proud of. The same people who were horrified at the thought of Turkey joining the EU (never going to happen) because of things like their awful human rights stance and general military stance now seems delighted that their own country has agreed to sell them more weapons. Call me whatever you want but that strikes me as hypocritical and downright odd. Given the amount of Turkish in Germany I think Turkey is equally dependent on Germany, neither particularly appears to be either's bitch.


Not that I get the real importance of all this playground game of who meets or speaks to Trump first but Merkel has already spoken to him, not sure where you getting the idea that she hasn't - https://www.thelocal.de/20170129/trump-and-merkel-agree-on-natos-fundamental-importance . I'm no great fan of Merkel but I do accept that she has been democratically elected. That democratic right will be tested once again in the forthcoming elections, it will be interesting to see what transpires there. I'm now eligible to vote in those elections and honestly don't know who I'll vote for, the CDU are effectively the Conservative party of Germay but the alternatives are all a bit pants.

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what wrong with reichtards? fits perfectly and something i made updevil.gif


merkel had not spoken to him (as of yesterday ffsrolleyes.gif) and had been trying all week. it shows the importance of the euthumbsup.gif


no trade ban on turkey, so cant see any reason not to help with plane parts


the looting of europe by germany has to stop. with another crash on the way and no growth in the eu in the last 10 years, the eu is on its last legs

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I do love the thought of Merkel constantly pressing redial on her phone only to keep reaching Trump's answerphone, quite amusing. I still don't get the real need or importance of being the first (second, third or anything for that matter) to meet Trump. Trump is too busy writing his executive orders at the moment anyway.


Who mentioned a trade ban with Turkey? Not me or anyone else that I can think of. Going back to what I actually said I presume you can see the hypocrisy of some (I'm not saying you) who previously vilified Erdogan but are now pleased with the UK agreeing an arms deal with him?


As far as I can see the growth rate of the EU has pretty much mirrored the World trend over the last ten years with the obvious crash in 2008, something which was a result of the US and their toxic mortgage loans. As before I can see no pleasure to be taken in seeing any country suffering economically, but maybe that's just me.

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