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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Crash out" is the hyperbole here

Nope. It is a good description of choosing to leave our present tried and tested arrangement for the totally untried and untested WTO outside of any trading bloc with no significant trade deals in place. Considering that remarkable potential situation, is anything but hyperbolic.

"Ruled from continental Europe" certainly is though as well as being inaccurate (apart from the QTH of the actual parliament of which we are a part).

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On 8/23/2019 at 7:20 PM, manxman1980 said:

That parties performance at the recent byelections have not suggested they could win a general election.  Much more likely that they split labour and conservative voters.


On 8/23/2019 at 7:58 PM, Barrie Stevens said:


On 8/23/2019 at 8:13 PM, woolley said:

Farage could probably find a strongly Leave seat in the Labour heartlands where they won't vote Tory but can't abide Corbyn. Particularly if Corbyn goes totally against his lifetime beliefs and stands on a Remain platform.  



On 8/23/2019 at 10:58 PM, manxman1980 said:

And is that not a good description everything wrong with first post the post.... 



On 8/23/2019 at 11:15 PM, woolley said:

Maybe, but it's all there is. Various forms of PR just lead to permanently hung parliaments and paralysis. The type of mess we have now in Westminster would be permanent. Nothing but the most anodyne of legislation could pass. In any case there was a referendum in 2011 at the behest of the Liberals in the Coalition government. Went down like a lead balloon. There is no public appetite to change it and the public are probably right.


eu elections in a ge.......



not looking good for a second ref........


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On 8/24/2019 at 12:41 AM, P.K. said:

So no counter arguments. Just playground name-calling. Same old same old.

Totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson is doing a snow job. He knows that the 27 are guarantors of the GFA which means the backstop is carved in stone. He will come back blaming the 27 for being "inflexible" or some such nonsense and that will be siezed upon by the UK rabid right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, as the "reason" for a no deal crash out. Which their owners want anyway.....

If it's a complete and utter horlicks I wish there was a way to make all those who voted brexit pay for their folly and not just the car workers....


the backstop breaches the gfa......

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On 8/24/2019 at 10:36 AM, P.K. said:


In any event we have a coalition right now thanks to £1bn of public money. Funny you forgetting that....

scotland and wales also got money from the same fund.....funny you forgetting that....

the uk is paying £2bn a month to the eu......funny you forgetting that....

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On 8/25/2019 at 9:12 AM, ballaughbiker said:

That precious little nugget came direct from Haw Haw.

He/his team no doubt read the completely true and accurate issues about those aircraft and their maintenance teams and pilots having EU licences and the issues that would precipitate and decided to make a headline out of it. So verifiable licencing issues were extrapolated by him to the clearly ridiculous 'planes won't fly' so he could ridicule it and brexiters down the pub could use it as an example of project fear and point and laugh. 

Haw Haw knows this is utter manipulation of true facts but recognises it as a very useful tool to feed the, let's say, 'busier' brexit supporters to be able tell their mates that it's all lies and around and around we go. They can then fill facebook and twitter with this bollox to make themselves feel better about the impending shitstorm they helped start. There are hundreds of examples of Haw Haw using this technique throughout the campaign.

You have written some valuable stuff on brexit woolley but I am surprised you are using shit like this to try get back at inconvenient opposing data.


PS If this had been a baseless lie, why have a UK airline just spent a few million re-registering their aircraft in Austria? 

PPS The EU have helped no end in this by telling the CAA that they will, for two years, assume for this purpose that the UK is still a member state if it crashes out. The CAA will need every day of that 2 years to replace all the regulation and compliance currently shared with the EU. This cannot just be 'copied across' as another poster, well versed in the usefulness of ridicule, alleged just a few days ago.

it came from the eu.......

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On 8/25/2019 at 5:30 PM, P.K. said:

As to the planes won't fly much beloved by brexiteers I think it's only reasonable to point out that it was an aspect of brexit, like tariffs on UK exports of up to 30%, that failed to get a mention during the campaign. Funny that....


the remoaners cameron, osborne and grieve never shut up about it........

funny you don't mention that.......

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she's off her head.......


Ms Swinson said the discussions should examine how to seize control of Commons business, oust Mr Johnson and install an emergency "government of national unity".



she has already submitted a no confidence motion* which would of shut down parliament at the same time as starting legal to keep parliament open......

which does she want.......

*it failed


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