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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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7 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, and you don’t either. There are 7.5M non-U.K.-born living in the U.K., 3.7M of them are from the EU (including 0.375 from Ireland) so 3.325M from the non cta EU. 

when the card scheme stopped 21 years ago the uk had 3m from the eu.......

uk now has 3.7m registered.........

these airport survey figures don't count freedom of movement and the obr now say they are much higher.....

uk reckons 3.2m.......eu 4.5m..........are unregistered.........

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

The "best trading bloc on the planet" has seen a steady decline in its share of global trade since before brexit.


Please provide some info/links which will verify your assumption of EU superiority... 


Yes I know.

Yesterday I pulled up the gdp growth figures from 2000 to 2017 for the UK, France, Germany, Italy and the EU. Despite the EU as a whole dipping, as above points out, the major 4 entities have been nicely growing pretty much on a par.

So now the figures to watch will be the UK's performance as against that of France, Germany and Italy. Plus the £ against the basket.

Despite Woolley trying to spread the blame the fact remains that all those supporting brexit have no idea how it will pan out. So it's a gamble. I don't like gambling. Especially when the stake is the future prosperity of my kids.

The projections for the North West on a no deal exit is a hit of 15%. That's a lot of people out of work. Not that it bothers anyone on the island of course...


GDP Growth 2000-2017 Germany 1.95 to 3.677 tn USD  UK 1.648 to 2.622 tn USD

Edited by P.K.
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18 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So now the figures to watch will be the UK's performance as against that of France, Germany and Italy.

apart from france in the last quarter who are spending more than allowed.......the uk is beating them all......

germany is in technical recession and italy has had no real growth.....

if you take france''s overspend out they are doing worst than germany.......

when the ecb start printing money next month they'll bounce back......

shame on the eu for the d-notice on the gilets jaune........


"When power cannot be changed at the ballot box, it will, sooner or later, be changed on the streets." guy verhofstadt 2019


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2 hours ago, woolley said:

All she achieved last time was to give the triggering of A50 the force of parliament. Should be in the all time top 10 of heroic failures. Let us hope she manages something equally hilariously unintended this time. 

She's getting desperate...



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3 hours ago, woody2 said:

when the card scheme stopped 21 years ago the uk had 3m from the eu.......

uk now has 3.7m registered.........

these airport survey figures don't count freedom of movement and the obr now say they are much higher.....

uk reckons 3.2m.......eu 4.5m..........are unregistered.........

Well, they’re not getting any benefits then. 

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

Well, they’re not getting any benefits then. 

not true.......some show up on nhs lists, national insurance, tax, vat, schools, councils and police databases.......

its time it was all done under one system but eu data rules make it next to impossible......

the numbers born outside the eu but carry eu id cards is also unknown in the uk.......

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EU data rules are the same or in effect the same as data rules in  Argentina, Canada, all the EEA countries, Israel, New Zealand, Switzerland, Uruguay, Japan and USA (if the recipient belongs to the Privacy Shield), and to any dealings between a third country entity and an EU citizen. Of course, you think the U.K. won’t have to comply after Brexit, and you wonder why we talk about unicorns. 

If non-registered EU citizens are turning up on NHS lists that is because their countries have reciprocal health agreements with the UK, as do a number of non-EU countries, with restrictions to prevent health tourism. EU citizens in the U.K. are more likely to be fit and healthy and require less treatment than the U.K. retirees and the young British pissheads that clog up the Spanish health service, so the U.K. does well out of the arrangement. 

Now, another easy mistake to make, if you are a cretin, but if EU nationals show up in national insurance, income tax and VAT data then that actually means they are contributing to the British economy, and if they aren’t registered then, despite paying in, they aren’t claiming any benefits. 

If there aren’t enough school or hospital places don’t you think this is more likely to be because of government funding priorities and tax avoidance? I know you’ll disagree because you worship the financial elite, but why not have a think about it? 

On what council lists are EU immigrants appearing, and what for? 

According to the Migration Advisory Committee report of September 2018 there has been no impact on crime rates in the U.K. from immigration from the EU. Where are you getting your information from? You do know that EU criminals can get sent back, unless they have dependent children, right? 


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6 hours ago, woody2 said:

apart from france in the last quarter who are spending more than allowed.......the uk is beating them all......

germany is in technical recession and italy has had no real growth.....

if you take france''s overspend out they are doing worst than germany.......

when the ecb start printing money next month they'll bounce back......

shame on the eu for the d-notice on the gilets jaune........

None of which will matter very shortly.

Even Woody's "eu army"  :lol:

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2 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

According to the Migration Advisory Committee report of September 2018 there has been no impact on crime rates in the U.K. from immigration from the EU. Where are you getting your information from? You do know that EU criminals can get sent back, unless they have dependent children, right? 



it's all the police are dealing with.......

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i can't see the remoans problem........let bj go ahead........it will be a disaster as remoans have said........a ge on rejoining the eu.........a referendum.........and your back in the dictatorship with the euro.......

or are you telling (melton mowbray) pork pies..........


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13 hours ago, woolley said:

You're ducking and diving. The fact that matters is the decision was ceded by parliament to the people. The people voted Leave and that should be honoured. Instead we have had a 3 year spectacle of MPs trying to duck that obligation. 


I've decided not to let you get away with this nonsense.

I ended up feeling a bit sorry for the Maybot. She was dealt a shit sandwich. The UK voting to leave the EU. Nothing she could achieve would ever be as good as what the UK was throwing away and everybody knew it. However she did everything she could to get the best possible deal for the UK under very trying circumstances. Even you thought it wasn't a bad effort.

But it simply did not fit the agenda of certain tory party members. Like the venture capatalists of the ERG. You have to understand here that these vultures don't give a stuff about what's best for the UK. Like Boris Johnson all they care about is what's best for them. Rees-Mogg's personal rotund fag Mark Francois with his permanent ERG smirk and his claims of "That's not the brexit the British People voted for" is the epitome of everything that is wrong with the current situation.

So no more nonsense claims of "a 3 year spectacle of MPs trying to duck that obligation" because May's multiple attempts to get her deal through are the proof that you're talking bollox. Not that I expect you to admit it of course.

Personally I think that with the spectre of a damaging no-deal brexit on the cards you're trying to shift the blame away from those supporting brexit onto the HoC for "prevaricating" when the reality is that it's those duped into voting brexit who got us into this clusterfuck in the first place....

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19 minutes ago, woolley said:

Oh dear. I fear I shan't sleep tonight.

I'm not surprised:

" Nothing she could achieve would ever be as good as what "

Sheeeeesh! Terrible grammar!

Sorry, but I have been travelling all day.

But as for the rest of the post, well, guilty as charged.....

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