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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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5 minutes ago, woody2 said:

private eye........

OK I believe that Private Eye published many, many times pics of Andrew Neil in a vest holding an Asian lady. There were also reports from apparently reliable sources that his pubic hair resembled a brillo pad. This was when Andrew Neil had hair on his head. Later on  his hair style resembled that of TinTin…

The term "Ugandan Discussion" originated from the liner SS Uganda which in the 1960s anyway did educational cruises taking children to places like a floating school.

It was reported/revealed that the boys and girls were indulging in great sex activity and some of the teachers were at it as well. So as to sort of talk round the subject Private Eye referred to illicit or secretive bonking as "Ugandan discussions" and it went from there to actually encompass some extra marital goings on with diplomats in Uganda the African country..


Totally useless information and completely irrelevant but then so is everything else on here.

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59 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

There were also reports from apparently reliable sources that his pubic hair resembled a brillo pad. This was when Andrew Neil had hair on his head. Later on  his hair style resembled that of TinTin…

Totally useless information and completely irrelevant but then so is everything else on here.

His first syrup's resembled a Brillo pad placed on his Uncle Ned, not his pubes. You can't see the join now. 

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2 hours ago, woody2 said:

so you haven't read it........


The 10% tariffs on Japanese cars and parts has gone, as have the (up to) 30% tariffs on EU products like wine and cheese. You seem to think that agreement isn’t in force. It is, and has been since Feb 1st. Woolley thinks that it will have a negative effect on European manufacturers, which is a shame for the U.K. as Japanese car parts were being assembled in the U.K. until the financial elite took over - not that this matters a jot to the gammon though, because of the great opportunities for Global Brexit Britain, right? 

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

Folks go out of business all of the time. That's life. It is no justification for micromanaging within states from a pan-European level. Read the Cohesion Policy. Healthcare. Regional development assistance. Immigration and asylum policy. Integration. Social Rights. Quality employment, education, skills, social inclusion and equal access to healthcare. It goes on and on.

How come we manage to buy most of the stuff we need to get by from the Far East with no such harmonisation? Maybe the EU should start prescribing social, economic and development policy to Beijing too. I wonder what response they would get.

If you want free trade with other countries you have to enable fair competition. The reason China does not have an FTA with the EU, but countries like Japan does is because of agreements like this:


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11 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

The 10% tariffs on Japanese cars and parts has gone, as have the (up to) 30% tariffs on EU products like wine and cheese. You seem to think that agreement isn’t in force. It is, and has been since Feb 1st. Woolley thinks that it will have a negative effect on European manufacturers, which is a shame for the U.K. as Japanese car parts were being assembled in the U.K. until the financial elite took over - not that this matters a jot to the gammon though, because of the great opportunities for Global Brexit Britain, right? 


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13 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

If you want free trade with other countries you have to enable fair competition. The reason China does not have an FTA with the EU, but countries like Japan does is because of agreements like this:


And the EU imports 70 billion euros value from Japan. Very impressive. Until you realise that the EU imports 400 billion euros value from China without a FTA.

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2 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

https://www.oswaldmosley.com/downloads/18b Detainees List.pdf

Glass houses and stones! I rather think the blessed Isle has played a large part in locking up wearers and would be wearers of political uniforms...Click the link..

The BUF scum were mostly held in Peel.

During the tariff wars of the 1930s when the previously free trading, or mostly free trading blocs such as the US and the Empires of Britain, France, Holland and Belgium raised tariffs countries geared for export, but without large empires to trade in, found themselves struggling. Germany, Italy, Japan and Spain were badly effected. They all succumbed to facist militarism and the industrialised three inevitably set out to carve out empires of their own.

The U.K. had blackshirts, Ireland had blueshirts, then greenshirts. The IOM also had greenshirts and blueshirts, I don’t know much about them, but they seem to have been more concerned with reform of local government and the IoM’s relationship with the U.K. than with xenophobia. 

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13 minutes ago, woolley said:

And the EU imports 70 billion euros value from Japan. Very impressive. Until you realise that the EU imports 400 billion euros value from China without a FTA.

Japan has a gdp per capita 4x China’s. China imprisons people for thought crimes, runs forced labour factories, does not allow free and fair elections or criticism of the government. China dumps products like steel on foreign markets and has comparably very poor environmental, health, safety and labour standards. An FTA with China would be a race to the bottom. 

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15 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

The BUF scum were mostly held in Peel.

During the tariff wars of the 1930s when the previously free trading, or mostly free trading blocs such as the US and the Empires of Britain, France, Holland and Belgium raised tariffs countries geared for export, but without large empires to trade in, found themselves struggling. Germany, Italy, Japan and Spain were badly effected. They all succumbed to facist militarism and the industrialised three inevitably set out to carve out empires of their own.

The U.K. had blackshirts, Ireland had blueshirts, then greenshirts. The IOM also had greenshirts and blueshirts, I don’t know much about them, but they seem to have been more concerned with reform of local government and the IoM’s relationship with the U.K. than with xenophobia. 

Now they all have football shirts. Progress eh?

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