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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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32 minutes ago, woolley said:

Instead of the usual tit for tat arguments about the pros and cons of Brexit/EU, anyone have any predictions on what will happen next and where it will all be in 6 months?

well bj has planned this.........

did sturgeon losing 21 mp's in 2017 stop her......

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I’m going to miss uninformed posters sharing hilarious shite like claiming the number of EU born on benefits is massively more than the number of people actually on benefits, that the evil goblins are about to raise a conscript army, that Blighty can get better trade deals than the EU, that the EU legislates ice pillows for kippers, that trading on WTO rules only is a bright idea, that the EU dictates the colour of your passport, that the EU controls UK immigration, that Boris can invent an electronic border across Ireland by the end of October that won’t cause any upset at all, that the U.K. can avoid deaths from drug shortages by ‘writing better mitigation papers’, etc, etc. What’s your funniest brexit whopper? Who do you think will be hung out to dry when people finally reflect on the damage, cost and utter bullshit of the whole fiasco? 

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3 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

I’m going to miss uninformed posters sharing hilarious shite like claiming the number of EU born on benefits is massively more than the number of people actually on benefits, that the evil goblins are about to raise a conscript army, that Blighty can get better trade deals than the EU, that the EU legislates ice pillows for kippers, that trading on WTO rules only is a bright idea, that the EU dictates the colour of your passport, that the EU controls UK immigration, that Boris can invent an electronic border across Ireland by the end of October that won’t cause any upset at all, that the U.K. can avoid deaths from drug shortages by ‘writing better mitigation papers’, etc, etc. What’s your funniest brexit whopper? Who do you think will be hung out to dry when people finally reflect on the damage, cost and utter bullshit of the whole fiasco? 

and you have been proven wrong at every turn remoaney mcremoanface......

it's like yellowhammer all over again........

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8 minutes ago, woody2 said:

and you have been proven wrong at every turn remoaney mcremoanface......

it's like yellowhammer all over again........

I’ve checked my glasses and I am reading that right. You’re calling me out as a ‘remoaney mcremoanface’ - I usually have a laugh at your simple-minded, childish and usually completely made up contributions to this thread, but now you’ve stepped your thinking up a gear I just can’t come up with a suitable riposte to your newfound biting wit and nuanced political insight. Congratulations Woody, I hope the news that you’ve completely flummoxed me takes the edge off your meltdown. 

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5 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

I’ve checked my glasses and I am reading that right. You’re calling me out as a ‘remoaney mcremoanface’ - I usually have a laugh at your simple-minded, childish and usually completely made up contributions to this thread, but now you’ve stepped your thinking up a gear I just can’t come up with a suitable riposte to your newfound biting wit and nuanced political insight. Congratulations Woody, I hope the news that you’ve completely flummoxed me takes the edge off your meltdown. 

no meltdown here.........


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6 hours ago, woolley said:

Instead of the usual tit for tat arguments about the pros and cons of Brexit/EU, anyone have any predictions on what will happen next and where it will all be in 6 months?

The UK  will tend towards leaving the EU in name only ie some sort of BRINO. The UK  will be right to avoid an integrated or federal EU as it would not be happy in that situation. Therefore there has to be some sort of permanent break in that context. 

The UK  will not be able to ignore the magnetic pull of the EU market overall. Pragmatism will dominate.

The price will be that the WA or tweaked similar will be put in play in the interim and an FTA worked on in peace and quiet when we are all either dead or a bit older and bored.

As regards the issues of access to the Single market and Customs union and immigration one cannot tell until a general election reveals public sentiment and the way of it in Ireland by which I mean All of Ireland...

Age profiles will be a key. What the younger element as it were says, thinks and votes will signal the way assuming there is an imminent general election.

Smash. The cat just knocked my crystal ball on the floor.

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The grandson of Winston Churchill was one of the 21 tory MPs to vote against BJ last night.

Can we now stop the references claiming that Churchill would have supported Brexit? 

I understand that BJ has to win another vote tonight to call a general election.  What are the chances of Parliament frustrating that plan? 

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