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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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"In my view, the advice given in relation to the prorogation decision is a matter involving high policy and political judgement.

"This is political territory and decision making which cannot be measured against legal standards, but only by political judgements.

"Accountability for the advice is to parliament, and ultimately the electorate - not to the courts."

Lord Doherty also said it was opinion that there had been "no contravention of the rule of law" by the prime minister.

He said: "The power to prorogue is a prerogative power and the prime minister had the vires (powers) to advise the sovereign as to its exercise."



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7 hours ago, woolley said:

It's never got through Parliament, Woody, except as the default position as part of the Withdrawal Act. There is no majority for it and it will keep getting knocked back. Johnson has tried a number of tricks, but as we can see, they are kicking back hard and the tide is not really running with him as he would like it to. It isn't good, because the only way you can make the EU move is if they think no deal is a real possibility. If this legislation passes today, which looks inevitable, the only way for a no deal to go through is if there is a big, hard Brexit majority in a new Parliament. Do you see that happening? I'm not convinced.

Maybe BJ will find a magic solution for the border he and his mates want to reinstall in Ireland? Or maybe the EU will chuck Ireland under a bus. Or maybe he’ll explain that he lied about easy deals, frictionless borders and the consequences of breaking the GFA. To paraphrase Jeremy Clarkson, brexit was like voting for a 16” penis, now we’ve thought that through and looked at costs, procedures and outcomes, well, let’s just forget that particular brainfart ever happened. The only possible beneficiaries for brexit are Trump, Putin, Xi, the financial elite and the numskulls with emotional investment in it. Everyone else sees it for the ludicrous idea it always was. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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13 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Maybe BJ will find a magic solution for the border he and his mates want to reinstall in Ireland? Or maybe the EU will chuck Ireland under a bus. Or maybe he’ll explain that he lied about easy deals, frictionless borders and the consequences of breaking the GFA. To paraphrase Jeremy Clarkson, brexit was like voting for a 16” penis, now we’ve thought that through and looked at costs, procedures and outcomes, well, let’s just forget that particular brainfart ever happened. The only possible beneficiaries for brexit are Trump, Putin, Xi, the financial elite and the numskulls with emotional investment in it. Everyone else sees it for the ludicrous idea it always was. 

your really losing it........

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

Surely everyone votes with their wallet. Aren't militant union members who vote Labour voting with their wallets? They are voting for their own advantage.

There will always be poverty because it is defined as a percentage of the average income. So whatever the average income rises to, it will drag people on half of that into relative poverty.

I appreciate that there are some people in absolute poverty, but they are comparatively few in number. Relative poverty is not really poverty in the traditional sense of the word. You can be driving a car and have satellite tv and all manner of modern conveniences and still be classed as in poverty. Coupled with the fact that their are legions of people who are clueless at running their own budget and nourishing themselves properly. Did you see the news about the youngster who went blind after a 10 year diet of chips and crisps? That''s not poverty. That's willful neglect.

It's not difficult to imagine that everyone that you know does. After all, the island is very right wing. You only need to see the piles and piles of Daily Wails that are delivered to island newsagents every day to realise that.

This is funny and stupid all at the same time: "You can be driving a car and have satellite tv and all manner of modern conveniences and still be classed as in poverty "

What a sick joke and a slap in the face to all those who are genuinely struggling.

Fortunately "no deal" is probably off of the menu as the NW would have raken something like a 15% hit. That's a lot of folks out of work.

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19 minutes ago, P.K. said:

It's not difficult to imagine that everyone that you know does. After all, the island is very right wing. You only need to see the piles and piles of Daily Wails that are delivered to island newsagents every day to realise that.

This is funny and stupid all at the same time: "You can be driving a car and have satellite tv and all manner of modern conveniences and still be classed as in poverty "

What a sick joke and a slap in the face to all those who are genuinely struggling.

Fortunately "no deal" is probably off of the menu as the NW would have raken something like a 15% hit. That's a lot of folks out of work.

mao is right wing to you........

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