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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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10 hours ago, quilp said:

I merely posted an accurate and factual article. Care to point out what makes you want to take the piss in your usual aggressive manner? It would do you good to drag yourself away from that bible of liberal delight you're so fond of and read other media.

Who by, the EU? Well they would say something like that, wouldn't they. Have you got an objective link to this or is it just more empty and inconsequential hot air? 

How many more times?

I owe you nothing.

Zip, zilch, zero, nada...

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8 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Unless and until Parliament completely locks out any potential manoeuvre by those pulling Johnson's strings they'd be utterly stupid to contest an election, for the following reason: If there was any chance of still going out on a no-deal on 31st October, Farage would throw his candidates under the bus to get Johnson over the line.

Corbyn has sat on the pot for three whole years, now's not the time to sh*t. 

As I have posted previously we have the worst Administration and the worst Opposition I can remember.

Perfect timing...

The HoC is bollocksed because the majority opposition will not coalesce behind Corbyn because he has too much Kinnochio effect ie no one sees him as a credible PM.

Like Boris Johnson. Who has gone out of his way to prove it....

This won't end well....

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Boris Johnson’s first concrete proposal for replacing the Irish backstop has hit the buffers in the latest “disastrous” meeting between the prime minister’s chief negotiator and the EU.

In a heavily trailed move, Johnson’s envoy, David Frost, proposed an all-Ireland food standards zone on Friday, but the UK is also seeking to give the Stormont assembly a say on whether it would continue in the years ahead.

The attempt to give the proposed arrangement what British officials have described as democratic legitimacy by involving politicians in Northern Ireland was firmly knocked back by the EU. European commission negotiators said such a proposal would leave Ireland in a constant state of uncertainty over the future.

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I looked, but I couldn’t find any sites taking bets on when Benn’s bill would get through the Lords as soon as the oracle in reverse that is Woody2 gave us his latest prediction. I’m gutted I missed out on that one, so it’s only fair he give us some more. How about the Rugby World Cup? Any tips Woody? 

Edited by Freggyragh
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Henry revealed that he works on a production line and is one of the only people in his work who doesn't read either The Sun or The Daily Mail.


For all the brexiteers who like to play down the influence newspapers have on public opinion....

incidentally I already know that last November the absolutely appalling Telegraph posted a circ loss of 22%

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11 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Henry revealed that he works on a production line and is one of the only people in his work who doesn't read either The Sun or The Daily Mail.


For all the brexiteers who like to play down the influence newspapers have on public opinion....

incidentally I already know that last November the absolutely appalling Telegraph posted a circ loss of 22%



The Guardian has published their accounts and reported on them in the paper as well. The report’s headline claims they broke even. If you read the actual accounts you will discover they did not.


The bottom line says they lost £16,600,000 after exceptionals, before exceptionals they lost a mere £7.4 million, just under £1,000 an hour, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The billion pound Guardian endowment made £42.9 million profit on “investments held at fair value”. Add the investment income from the endowment’s shareholdings to the losses and abracadabra the Guardian breaks even.

Claiming the Guardian broke even last year is “fake news”. The fact is GMG plc holding company made an overall profit thanks to investment income entirely unrelated to the company that produces the newspaper. Before you go, Guardian Media Group’s chief executive, David Pemsel has a small favour to ask, can you contribute to his total pay package of £706,000 a year?


people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones........


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