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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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21 minutes ago, woody2 said:

without looking into each country.......they have not caught up with applying eu regs........it's a big problem when touring......


The above relates to supplemental EU citizenship and links to individual member states' requirements which seem to be their own and not  imposed by Brussels..

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4 minutes ago, woody2 said:


in other news......

CON: 35% (-)

LAB: 21% (-4)

LDEM: 19% (+3)

BREX: 12% (+1) 

via @YouGov, 05 - 06 Sep

Meanwhile In Scotland it’s 42% SNP, Lab 15% & LibDem12% with the tories on course to lose every seat. Remain is on 63% there. In the six counties the DUP are on course to lose 3 seats to LibDem allies Alliance. Remain is on 71% there. A no-deal brexit looks to me like a no-deal U.K. 

In Wales and London, remain parties are also some way ahead of the nutters. 

How well Johnson will cope if a new party of sensible tories emerges, or if there a mass defection to the Lib Dem’s occurs will be interesting. So far as pm he has shown himself to have terrible judgement, the longer he is kept there making a tit of himself yet unable to cause serious damage the better. 

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2 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Meanwhile In Scotland it’s 42% SNP, Lab 15% & LibDem12% with the tories on course to lose every seat. Remain is on 63% there. In the six counties the DUP are on course to lose 3 seats to LibDem allies Alliance. Remain is on 71% there. A no-deal brexit looks to me like a no-deal U.K. 

In Wales and London, remain parties are also some way ahead of the nutters. 

How well Johnson will cope if a new party of sensible tories emerges, or if there a mass defection to the Lib Dem’s occurs will be interesting. So far as pm he has shown himself to have terrible judgement, the longer he is kept there making a tit of himself yet unable to cause serious damage the better. 

the remoans say they are all leaving anyway.........

15% of voters voted snp at the last election......(using remoan maths)

at the end of the day anything could happen in a ge.......libdums could overtake labour at this rate with a clear remoan agenda.....

labour yesterday........




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Chancellor Sajid Javid said the government would obey the law but "absolutely will not" ask the EU to extend the date of Brexit, as it sets out.

"Of course this government will obey the law. We are going to continue to work towards exit on 31 October. We will leave on 31 October.

must have a loophole.......


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3 hours ago, woody2 said:

took a job under false pretenses....... now she’s resigned............next?

(no mojo to tell us who her brother is?)

Lots of brexit peddlers, even BJ himself, have siblings who would rather the U.K. dealt with its problems instead of blaming trade partners. 

False pretenses? How about this pretense; ‘We’re going to get a great deal ...’  and the reality; ‘we’re not going to bother negotiating’.

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I sacrificed a chicken for lunch today so looked into the entrails to see what augurs for the future.

The old Withdrawal Agreement is amended to save face and is agreed by Parliament

Brexit extension agreed after 31st October.

This puts the Brexit dinosaur out of its misery poor beast and we move along to the next stage heaving sighs of relief...

After two or so years (Personally I think it will consume more like five years) the UK is out of the EU and free of further every closer union and federalism. That is the one positive move.

There is a Free Trade Agreement or similar surprisingly not dissimilar from the present situation and by which time the scene will be full of new faces.

BoJo no longer PM but is found "honourable non-job". In my day in  the City our Directors who were too fond of liquid lunches were made consultants, given a small office and paid two days a week. This was known as "Alcoholics anonymous"..

BoJo denied knighthood but offered a title eventually...(Nice little earner and he deserves that if only for services to the media and entertainments industries)..The entrails do not say if BoJo accepts title but the Ego indicates a move in that direction.

The UK rolls a long doing good trade and in time adjusts thanks to the Transitional Period enabling the necessary adjustments.

Pax, fortuna, salus as Jacob Rees Mogg might say..(Although I had to crib it)

My main point is that I do not think the UK will leave the EU in real terms and Brino is not some animal on the verge of extinction for the sake of its horns.




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12 minutes ago, woody2 said:

the remoans say they are all leaving anyway.........

15% of voters voted snp at the last election......(using remoan maths)

at the end of the day anything could happen in a ge.......libdums could overtake labour at this rate with a clear remoan agenda.....

labour yesterday........




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7 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Lots of brexit peddlers, even BJ himself, have siblings who would rather the U.K. dealt with its problems instead of blaming trade partners. 

False pretenses? How about this pretense; ‘We’re going to get a great deal ...’  and the reality; ‘we’re not going to bother negotiating’.


Despite Raab saying they are negotiating Rudd, who is just another fairweather chancer like Gove, resigns because they're obviously not. Clearly she thinks Johnson is a loser so she's upping her anti no-deal street cred in order to hang in tight with the replacement should it be a tory.

I'll bet Johnson's puppeteer is most pissed at the money wasted backing him....

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