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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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21 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

The remain side probably have more to say.

Timing how long folks speak on a tv program.....?

Sad and a bit desperate both at the same time.

I'll miss red-faced angry people on QT shouting "Leave means leave!" or whatever empty slogan enters their heads and then sitting back as though they've made a particularly telling contribution.

Always worth a smile...

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5 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Timing how long folks speak on a tv program.....?

Sad and a bit desperate both at the same time.

I'll miss red-faced angry people on QT shouting "Leave means leave!" or whatever empty slogan enters their heads and then sitting back as though they've made a particularly telling contribution.

Always worth a smile...

i see i'm still on block..........


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the most sense yet. you are just a dog woody. pavlovs dog

The fact that Parliament is compelled to pass a law to ensure the will of parliament is upheld shows what extraordinary times we now live in. The house has rejected no deal, businesses and trade unions are united in rejecting no deal, and there is no majority for it across the country.

The Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster [Michael Gove], the co-convenor of the vote Leave campaign, said in March this year ‘we didn’t vote to leave without a deal. It is clear there is no mandate for no deal.

In trying to diminish the act, the government’s spin doctors have branded it the surrender bill and ministers dutifully trotted out this phrase in the media and the minister who’s going to reply has already replied like Pavlov’s dogs always do.

We are not at war. The prime minister is obsessed with this hyperbole and aggressive language. ‘Surrender bill’, ‘Do or die’, or ‘I’d rather be dead in a ditch’, the list goes on. Mr Speaker, we’re supposed to be having negotiations with our European partners. The lives at stake as a result of all of this, are not those of the prime minister or his cabinet.

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40 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

the most sense yet. you are just a dog woody. pavlovs dog

The fact that Parliament is compelled to pass a law to ensure the will of parliament is upheld shows what extraordinary times we now live in. The house has rejected no deal, businesses and trade unions are united in rejecting no deal, and there is no majority for it across the country.

The Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster [Michael Gove], the co-convenor of the vote Leave campaign, said in March this year ‘we didn’t vote to leave without a deal. It is clear there is no mandate for no deal.

In trying to diminish the act, the government’s spin doctors have branded it the surrender bill and ministers dutifully trotted out this phrase in the media and the minister who’s going to reply has already replied like Pavlov’s dogs always do.

We are not at war. The prime minister is obsessed with this hyperbole and aggressive language. ‘Surrender bill’, ‘Do or die’, or ‘I’d rather be dead in a ditch’, the list goes on. Mr Speaker, we’re supposed to be having negotiations with our European partners. The lives at stake as a result of all of this, are not those of the prime minister or his cabinet.

corbyn and sense?.........you remoans are full on bds.........:lol:

it will get difficult when they have to explain why may breach the same law 3 times and they did nothing......


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12 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

that's easy for you to say

they have passed a law with no penalties for breaching it..........it doesn't repeal the part of the withdrawal act which controls the date, neither does it require a statutory instrument to change the date........nor does it stop the repeal of the european communities act 1972........


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