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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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16 minutes ago, woody2 said:


glass houses......the eu is a worse mess.......

Not sure what point you are trying to make by going off on this tangent. I've never claimed the EU is perfect either, it has numerous faults too.


Going back to the actual point, do you not also think all sides in Parliament have generally handled this very poorly?

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Just now, mojomonkey said:

I think too much is being made of the contents of Yellowhammer. It stands to reason that the civil servants wrote have written it have had to do so from the worse case scenario viewpoint. 

When the likes of Leadsom lie about it all she achieves is to make more folks wanting to know it's contents.

This sort of appalling behaviour doesn't help either:

"Jacob Rees-Mogg has been criticised by doctors' leaders for the “disgraceful” comparison of a neurologist to a discredited anti-vaccine doctor.

The Commons Leader was urged by the British Medical Association to apologise to Dr David Nicholl amid a row over the potential impact of a no-deal Brexit on the NHS.

Dr Nicholl wrote the medical section of the Government's Operation Yellowhammer report into the potential effects of leaving the EU without an agreement."

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14 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

I think too much is being made of the contents of Yellowhammer. It stands to reason that the civil servants wrote have written it have had to do so from the worse case scenario viewpoint. 

its not the full document but it doesn't look any different to the one leaked in january..... which was done by remoaners to get mp's to vote for may deal.......

the date has been changed thats about it......

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8 minutes ago, P.K. said:

When the likes of Leadsom lie about it all she achieves is to make more folks wanting to know it's contents.

This sort of appalling behaviour doesn't help either:

"Jacob Rees-Mogg has been criticised by doctors' leaders for the “disgraceful” comparison of a neurologist to a discredited anti-vaccine doctor.

The Commons Leader was urged by the British Medical Association to apologise to Dr David Nicholl amid a row over the potential impact of a no-deal Brexit on the NHS.

Dr Nicholl wrote the medical section of the Government's Operation Yellowhammer report into the potential effects of leaving the EU without an agreement."

a pro remoaner........

clearly he's wrong according to the bma.......


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24 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:


Going back to the actual point, do you not also think all sides in Parliament have generally handled this very poorly?

just as expected.........but as laurak says.........

"Indeed, for Boris Johnson's team, it's almost perhaps as if this is a script they wrote long ago. "


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14 minutes ago, woody2 said:

its not the full document but it doesn't look any different to the one leaked in january..... which was done by remoaners to get mp's to vote for may deal.......

the date has been changed thats about it......

They've changed it from 'base case' to 'worst case' haven't they? Certainly seems to be what some of the internet chatter says, like this for example 


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39 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Yesterday the appalling Leadsom was trying to suppress the Operation Yellowhammer papers. One of her "reasons" was because it was out of date.

Just another brexiteer lie. It's an evergreen document that's updated monthly...

This is exactly why Grieve has it absolutely right. From the very top down this administration is never to be trusted about anything and everything.

Plus it's the duty of Her Maj's Opposition to scrutinise The Administration and what it's up to. So no more brexiteer bleating about the opposition carrying out it's raison d'etre if you don't mind.


Of course they are not to be trusted. They are politicians for goodness sake. But this parliament is pushing the boundaries of convention and sound practice in seeking to get internal government correspondence published in its rabid pursuit of overturning a democratic decision that it doesn't like. Yellowhammer was published in the Sunday Times last month. Typical biased reporting of it such as 60% of goods held up at the Channel without adding that this was applicable to Day 1. Opposition there to scrutinise? Corbyn's crew? You are having a laugh now. 

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18 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

They've changed it from 'base case' to 'worst case' haven't they? Certainly seems to be what some of the internet chatter says, like this for example


this is only the overview.......one minute the remoans claim this document is updated.....when it is updated they also complain.....:rolleyes:

it's just project fear by remoans for remoans........

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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

Of course they are not to be trusted. They are politicians for goodness sake. But this parliament is pushing the boundaries of convention and sound practice in seeking to get internal government correspondence published in its rabid pursuit of overturning a democratic decision that it doesn't like. Yellowhammer was published in the Sunday Times last month. Typical biased reporting of it such as 60% of goods held up at the Channel without adding that this was applicable to Day 1. Opposition there to scrutinise? Corbyn's crew? You are having a laugh now. 

I have to say that Johnson's shambles is the worst government I have ever know. And as we all know bad management starts at the top.

The thing is if you discount the UK's rabid right wing press this is the first time I have read newspaper comments like "It only took the PM five minutes to start lying" and similar. The reason they can publish statements like that is because they know that there will be no legal reaction to them.

In other words Johnson is an inveterate liar and even he knows it.

Sure Corbyn is not the most impressive character you might come across but some of his party are. But I should imagine they're despairing right now. I know I would! But as yet no sign of a putsch. But then the Opposition don't have to do much to embarrass the Government as Johnson and co are doing a fine job of that all on their own...

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11 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Yeah, that could be it Woolley.

Or they could have changed it because they're all a bunch of lying fraudsters.

They know they can get away with it because the UK rabid right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, will cover their arses for them and anything on the beeb will be discounted as "BBC left wing bias" or similar nonsense.

It's a racket...

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