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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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21 minutes ago, woolley said:

Of course. Because the other side are just as ghastly and have indulged in all manner of subterfuge and dirty tricks to thwart the democratic result of the referendum that 84% of MPs were elected on a manifesto to enact. 

What a load of old.

The central tenets of the brexit campaign have all been soundly and roundly debunked.

However the gammons did win. So the government of the day (God help us all) unbelievably have a duty to get the best possible deal they can out of the shit sandwich that is brexit.

Now for various reasons I couldn't be arsed to go into yet again ANY deal we get is never going to be as good as the deal we had. So any negotiations are always going to be a damage limitation exercise with the very worst case being a no-deal exit. Only a complete idiot would want that.

You know I once coined a phrase that described the 92,000 tory idiots who voted for totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson to be PM. Time has merely served to reinforce just how accurate it was. Expecially thanks to programs like QT who week after week always have lots of absolutely classic examples of the genre shouting out their empty slogans.

I take umbridge at this though:

"Proof positive of the old adage that we get the leaders we deserve. "


IMHO the BREXITEERS have got the leader they deserve. And rightly so.

But not the rest of us....

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6 hours ago, P.K. said:

What a load of old.

The central tenets of the brexit campaign have all been soundly and roundly debunked.

However the gammons did win. So the government of the day (God help us all) unbelievably have a duty to get the best possible deal they can out of the shit sandwich that is brexit.

Now for various reasons I couldn't be arsed to go into yet again ANY deal we get is never going to be as good as the deal we had. So any negotiations are always going to be a damage limitation exercise with the very worst case being a no-deal exit. Only a complete idiot would want that.

You know I once coined a phrase that described the 92,000 tory idiots who voted for totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson to be PM. Time has merely served to reinforce just how accurate it was. Expecially thanks to programs like QT who week after week always have lots of absolutely classic examples of the genre shouting out their empty slogans.

I take umbridge at this though:

"Proof positive of the old adage that we get the leaders we deserve. "


IMHO the BREXITEERS have got the leader they deserve. And rightly so.

But not the rest of us....

who wants a deal.........

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7 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

nah ... the 70s was the outcome of the most self-entitled and selfish generation in history entering the workplace. 



nationalization which labour didn't know how to run.......

unfunded labour healthcare.......

unfunded labour benefit system.......

equals the 1970's

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Just half-an-hour before "The Enemies Of The People" deliver their verdict on totally amoral narcissistic serial phinlanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson's decision to prorogue parliament to prevent due scrutiny on whatever Dominic Cummings has come up with.

If they find against the executive the headlines in tomorrows UK rabid right wing press will  be absolutely hysterical in every shape and form.

If they find for then our HoC has become a circus where the ringmaster doubles as a clown...

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Elitist Britain doesn't change does it? Two world wars that killed the masses because of the deeds of the elite, that were won by the masses and in spite of the procrastinations and plotting of the elite. The crushing of the masses by Thatcher and the way Britain and the rich elite is kept going by the graft of the masses without acknowledgement and reward.

OK, I feel better now! lol

Edited by doc.fixit
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It’s a very clever, well thought out, judgement. The advice was unlawful, so the notice of prorogation is null and void, and never happened. Parliament can sit without anything more.

But for what purpose? What next?

Boris won’t resign.

There still isn’t a majority for a no confidence vote, unless Jezza agrees to stand down as alternative prime minister.

Bojo has to seek an extension, by law, but no penalty if he doesn’t, so he won’t.

The leave date is still set by law as 31/10. So presumably next step would be to amend that legislation, if an extension is sought ( by whom? ) and granted.

Presumably this means that the next session and Queens Speech are postponed until another prorogration.

Speaker Bercow is unlikely to recall the Commons until after the Con conference next week.

Will Boris eat his words, or be found dead in the proverbial ditch, after seeking an extension, on a deal with Jezza, I’ll seek and extension if you’ll immediately support a resolution to have a general election if it’s granted.

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