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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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18 minutes ago, woolley said:

Of course it does. It refers to fat Caucasian males of a certain age. So not only body shaming and racist, but also ageist. 

White people mocking other white people over the colour of their skin is not racism. White men who get offended and start spluttering when their various 'ist' opinions are called out are not a race.


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28 minutes ago, The Lurker said:

White people mocking other white people over the colour of their skin is not racism. White men who get offended and start spluttering when their various 'ist' opinions are called out are not a race.


Slice it and dice it any way you like, it's still a pejorative racist term. Similar case with black youths calling each other nigger for street notoriety. Best avoided as it is used by the ignorant to accuse others of that same failing. 

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41 minutes ago, woolley said:

Of course it does. It refers to fat Caucasian males of a certain age. So not only body shaming and racist, but also ageist. 

Bone structure + colour of hair, eyes and skin can all define a race. Nothing to do with age, gender, diet or whatever.

Watch QT and the angry ones shouting their empty slogans and then sitting back invariably with their arms crossed as though they've made some amazingly telling point are your typical gammon.

Bone structure + colour of hair, eyes and skin all totally irrelevent.

Must try harder...

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32 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Bone structure + colour of hair, eyes and skin can all define a race. Nothing to do with age, gender, diet or whatever.

Bone structure + colour of hair, eyes and skin all totally irrelevent.

Must try harder...


That's why I said it wasn't just racist but also body shaming and ageist. If you also want to include sexist, then fine.

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I think it's best to avoid calling people gammons. I know it's amusing that it triggers the very people who've challenged every effort made to move passed jokes based on stereotypes for the last thirty years. But It is a pejorative stereotype based on appearance.

Edited by Declan
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On a more serious note, I see that the crazies are out in force again today labelling the Supreme Court Judges as "enemies of the people" and decrying them as an unelected elite trying to block brexit.

It does not appear to matter how many times you try to calmly explain that the court case was about parliamentary sovereignty and parliaments right not to be prorogued by the executive without a lawful reason, they just do not seem to get it.  All these crazies see is a plot to stop brexit.  I have even seen one person claiming that the Supreme Court contained EU Judges!  

It has to be said that this judgement does not really change anything with regards to Brexit.  It just means that Parliament can continue to discussions which will get nowhere because MP's are divided over what an acceptable Brexit looks like.  The frustrating thing is that if it was not for the ERG then this whole thing would have been put to bed.  The UK would have left the EU with Theresa May's deal and all the details could be resolved over the years ahead.  

The UK now needs a general election but does not have the time to hold one before the 31st October so all we can do is strap ourselves in for a final month of squabbling in Parliament and speculating on what Boris does next.  

It is amusing that anyone anti-brexit is part of a wealthy, treacherous and self-interested elite whereas anyone who is pro-brexit and is wealthy, self-interested and actually part of an elite are seen as heroes of the people.  

My hope is that once this has all been resolved people like Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Jeremy Corbyn will all be ousted from british politics and they somehow find some competent politicians to move things forward. 

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