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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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I think what’s happened is that the advice was that the prorogation was legal, as long as the government could show it was for the right reasons. The government didn’t bother to try and justify it in the Scottish court, and didn’t have a leg to stand on in the Supreme Court. I wonder were they really trying to keep no-deal on the table or avoiding awkward parliamentary questions and comments about a certain young lady known to be one of Boris’ ‘friends’? 

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22 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

I think what’s happened is that the advice was that the prorogation was legal, as long as the government could show it was for the right reasons. The government didn’t bother to try and justify it in the Scottish court, and didn’t have a leg to stand on in the Supreme Court. 

As I said, these are subtly nuanced judgments. It's an art more than a science. A perfectly sound set of judges the week before in the High Court found that there wasn't a case to answer. Is anyone suggesting there was something iffy about that judgment? It's a matter of opinion and opinions, no matter how learned as we frequently find here, differ dramatically.

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9 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Visit some of the brexit supporting groups on Facebook.  Here is a couple of quotes from an Isle of Man News & Politics group about the outcome of the case;

"If people dont realise this is more about 'the establishment' and 'wealth' wanting to influence brexit and nothing to do with the law, they need to wake up. Its now a war. Them vs the people. Bring it on"

"Men fought through world wars to give us our freedom and all you snowflakes are worried about coming out of the Eu. Get behind our prime minister and lets stick together. Labour government well there was a time i was behind what you stood for but now you would not have a hope in hell getting my vote. The people voted out so do your job and look after your people weather you think its right or wrong the vote was leave. Get behind the prime minister and make Great Britain great again. A united Great Britain."

At least one of the lawyers involved with the case also had their home address published by Brexiteers.  Fake News?  No.


Let's also add in at this point that one of the arguments in favour of Brexit was that the UK had surrendered sovereignty to the EU and that the EU dictated UK Law.  Now it has been proven in a UK court of law that Parliament is Sovereign and that it is UK law and UK courts which apply the law they are really confused.

ETA: I don't include Woolley in the above because I think he is thoughtful enough to understand what the ruling really means and understand the implications.

the cleggbook........is that the best you can do......:lol:

the people are sovereign.....

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5 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

The current Prime Minister helped cause this mess by voting against Theresa May's deal twice!  So who does not have the right to sit on the green benches?

Geoffrey Cox as Attorney General has now twice given duff advice to the Government.  First in relation to the backstop (upsetting the brexiteers with his advice on the backstop) and secondly in relation to the prorogation of Parliament.  

can you tell us what this duff advice was........:whistling:

5 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

Maybe the Government should try Legal Aid, it has to more reliable advice than they are currently getting from Mr Cox.




As an aside, has anyone ever dropped dead in Parliament? There are lot of unhealthy looking people (on all sides) screaming and looking like prime heart attacks candidates in there at the moment.

can you tell us what this duff advice was........:whistling:

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On 9/20/2019 at 5:49 PM, P.K. said:

What with you reduced to making excuses for totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson PM I should imagine a very thick hide is an absolute must!


On 9/20/2019 at 5:59 PM, woolley said:

Never have. Never would.


5 hours ago, woolley said:

That is not true. The prorogation of Parliament was legal at the time the advice was given. 

Dear me.

I guess if you're a brexiteer lying becomes a matter of habit.....

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