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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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36 minutes ago, quilp said:

Thus proving you're trolling. Nothing to add except the usual smug derision and snide. 

As you know I'm not going to to get into any more of your pissing contests. Especially as the Woolster was the one trolling with his:

18 hours ago, woolley said:

That would be a pleasant change considering that 84% of them were elected on a Brexit manifesto. 

However, prompted by your continual trying to portray me as something I'm not, for whatever strange reason you have, via comments such as "the usual smug derision and snide" I've decided to remind you both that I don't vote tory or labour....

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:


I can see where you are coming from, however, extending your logic would also mean that any majority government which fails to deliver on each and everyone of it's manifesto promises should also be regarded with contempt.  How many times has that truly happened?  We all know that and accept each party produces a manifesto but also that each candidate will have their own local manifesto's and promises to their constituents.  

Also, don't forget that more people voted against Conservative candidates than voted for them.  It is a quirk of the first past the post voting system that allows MP's to be elected when more people voted for other candidates than voted in favour of the winning candidate. 


Well, true, but here we have exceptional circumstances, to put it mildly. If we wish to bring defeated candidates into the mix, then every defeated Labour and Tory candidate also stood on a Brexit manifesto. Many of these will have taken 2nd place. Only 16% of MPs (SNP, Libs etc.) can claim a mandate for their actions in obstructing Brexit based on their 2017 election promises. The rest are mendaciously pursuing their own agenda. This is before even invoking their obligation to enact the referendum result as solemnly promised, albeit when they didn't think they would lose. 

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18 hours ago, woolley said:

That would be a pleasant change considering that 84% of them were elected on a Brexit manifesto. 


9 hours ago, P.K. said:

Keep sucking those lemons...


1 hour ago, woolley said:

Meaning you have no answer to the truth of my statement. MPs were given their orders and impertinently declined to carry them out. 


1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Actually meaning I couldn't be arsed checking the veracity of your statement because I just don't care either way.


39 minutes ago, woolley said:

Fantastic. At last.

Because of this:

49 minutes ago, P.K. said:

..... prompted by your continual trying to portray me as something I'm not, for whatever strange reason you have, via comments such as "the usual smug derision and snide" I've decided to remind you both that I don't vote tory or labour....

Which is why I don't give a flying about your irrelevant 84%

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17 minutes ago, woolley said:

Of course you don't. We know that democracy is anathema to you.

Dear me, sounding desperate now. It's nothing to do with democracy. It's that I will NEVER vote for tory or labour. So this jibe of yours you directed at one of my posts:

19 hours ago, woolley said:

That would be a pleasant change considering that 84% of them were elected on a Brexit manifesto. 

meaning tory and labour election campaigns is completely wasted on me. Which makes it a particularly stupid accusation.

Can you at least tie your own shoelaces?

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5 hours ago, P.K. said:

Lady Hale looks like a nouveau riche yuppie....?

The more of TJ's posts I read the more I believe in a parallel universe....

I will take that as a complement. No, she does not look like a yuppie; but she certainly is nouveau riche and a champagne socialist, so she matches 2 out of the 3 demographics I mentioned.

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4 hours ago, P.K. said:

Dear me, sounding desperate now. It's nothing to do with democracy. It's that I will NEVER vote for tory or labour. So this jibe of yours you directed at one of my posts:

meaning tory and labour election campaigns is completely wasted on me.

Like everything else. 

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Well QT was a bit of a disappointment really. Gina Miller slapped down Cleverly over his lies around the previous High Court judgement on prorogation and also closed down the gammons by simply pointing out she's not a politician.

They then batted around the "we voted leave, why haven't we left?" etc etc usual nonsense while totally failing to mention the fact that there were no T&C's on the ballot paper which is the problem. I was so hoping that one of the panel would ask a gammon what brexit they would like? No deal, Norway, Canada +++ ? etc just to try and make them realise that it's nothing like as simple as they seem to think.

Fat chance...

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