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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

You have been sucking those lemons after all...

Why the bitterness?

According to totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson PM you'll be getting your stupid brexit in November.

Sure the current "proposal" looks like a non-runner but James Misnomer Cleverly has been warning of riots on the streets if they don't deliver which sound to me like groundwork prior to Emergency Powers to force through a no deal.


riots in the streets if they do deliver also........

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

But for every 3 million of EU funding the EU gives out, you have to send them 10 million. The EU has no money. You want a house? Great. You send me £1m. I'll buy you a house of my choosing worth £350k. Bargain? 

bj has said all eu signs will be changed to "uk funded"...........


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9 hours ago, woolley said:

But for every 3 million of EU funding the EU gives out, you have to send them 10 million. The EU has no money. You want a house? Great. You send me £1m. I'll buy you a house of my choosing worth £350k. Bargain? 

For every 10M you send 3M comes back as rebate - most of the rest comes back in subsidies for key industries, grants to regions and support for research projects. Apart from the money that goes to specific regions, most money goes to multinational ventures, such as Airbus, or this nuclear fusion project. If course, that doesn’t mean that Britain loses out, on the contrary, it get to share in multinational projects that bring many tangible and intangible benefits.

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34 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

For every 10M you send 3M comes back as rebate - most of the rest comes back in subsidies for key industries, grants to regions and support for research projects. Apart from the money that goes to specific regions, most money goes to multinational ventures, such as Airbus, or this nuclear fusion project. If course, that doesn’t mean that Britain loses out, on the contrary, it get to share in multinational projects that bring many tangible and intangible benefits.

the eu destroyed medical research in the uk........

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6 minutes ago, woody2 said:

the eu destroyed medical research in the uk........

UK researchers have won 9 Nobel prizes for physiology or medicine over the last 20 years.

By comparison, these are the number of Noble prizes won by other countries / blocs over the same period: 

US: 25

China: 1

Japan: 4

Russian Confederation: 0

Commonwealth (Aus, Can, Ind, Pak, NZ, SA) 9

South America: 0

Norway: 2

EU 27: 5

The US score is pretty impressive, but the U.K.’s population is only 20% that of the US, so the U.K. is, by head of population, definitely one of the strongest countries for medical research on the planet, so where’s your #woodyevidence ?

The U.K. has long had a strong tradition of medical research, but in the 20 years prior to joining the EU the U.K. won only 8 Noble prizes for physiology and medicine.

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12 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

UK researchers have won 9 Nobel prizes for physiology or medicine over the last 20 years.

By comparison, these are the number of Noble prizes won by other countries / blocs over the same period: 

US: 25

China: 1

Japan: 4

Russian Confederation: 0

Commonwealth (Aus, Can, Ind, Pak, NZ, SA) 9

South America: 0

Norway: 2

EU 27: 5

The US score is pretty impressive, but the U.K.’s population is only 20% that of the US, so the U.K. is, by head of population, definitely one of the strongest countries for medical research on the planet, so where’s your #woodyevidence ?

The U.K. has long had a strong tradition of medical research, but in the 20 years prior to joining the EU the U.K. won only 8 Noble prizes for physiology and medicine.

since the introduction of eu 2001/20/ec medical research in the uk is now 1/10 the size it was........

this isn't the only uk industry the eu has wiped out.......



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