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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, Declan said:

It's interesting you blame the EU for the disruption in UK politics, but isn't it the unnecessary decision to Leave the EU that's caused it. It's this very disruption, that was dismissed as Project Fear, that was the main reason I opposed Brexit. I could easily have accepted an orderly exit, followed by a negotiated future relationship with the EU. But the leading proponents of Brexit have done nothing to mitigate the worries of leaving, in fact they've voting against a moderate orderly exit three times and now are insisting on an unnecessary deadline to the conclusion to the current talks.

The majority of Britain probably lies in an alliance between those that voted Leave and want an orderly exit and those that voted Remain but believe in making the best of a bad job.

Or the unnecessary decision to join in the first place. Actually, I don't blame the EU for it. It's just an evident fact that the EU is toxic to the UK. It splits us right down the middle. I agree with your final sentence.

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24 minutes ago, woolley said:

It's who they talk to and the slant they put on it. As ever.

The point I made that you're trying to avoid is that the Super Soaraway Scum didn't talk to anybody. Zip, zilch, zero, nada.

You and the rest of the brexiteers appear to be completely blinded to the reality of NI presumably because it doesn't suit your narrative. In the last QT between slapping down gammons* novelist Bonnie Greer made the point that "Ireland owes this country nothing" and she's absolutely right. But the likes of our tory party behave as though it just doesn't enter into the equation!

I mean Woolster, are you going to claim that this statement is not factual and was just picked for political gain?

"Customs checks would be bad enough, but Johnson’s apparent plan to give the Stormont Assembly a veto over trading arrangements verged on surreal, said McCaffrey. Power sharing in Northern Ireland collapsed in January 2017 and shows little sign of reviving. “The future of how we trade is to be decided every four years by an assembly that hasn’t sat in three years? Bizarre.”

But the Wail, Scum, Torygraph and Excess are all trumpeting how wonderful Boris is and if we crash out of the EU it will all be the fault of the Evil Goblins running Brussels...

* Gammons as in supporters of Dr Gammons who recently transferred from the Brexit Party to UKIP on a Bosman (courtesy of the European Court of Justice don'tcha know....)

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5 hours ago, P.K. said:

The point I made that you're trying to avoid is that the Super Soaraway Scum didn't talk to anybody. Zip, zilch, zero, nada.

You and the rest of the brexiteers appear to be completely blinded to the reality of NI presumably because it doesn't suit your narrative. In the last QT between slapping down gammons* novelist Bonnie Greer made the point that "Ireland owes this country nothing" and she's absolutely right. But the likes of our tory party behave as though it just doesn't enter into the equation!

I mean Woolster, are you going to claim that this statement is not factual and was just picked for political gain?

"Customs checks would be bad enough, but Johnson’s apparent plan to give the Stormont Assembly a veto over trading arrangements verged on surreal, said McCaffrey. Power sharing in Northern Ireland collapsed in January 2017 and shows little sign of reviving. “The future of how we trade is to be decided every four years by an assembly that hasn’t sat in three years? Bizarre.”

But the Wail, Scum, Torygraph and Excess are all trumpeting how wonderful Boris is and if we crash out of the EU it will all be the fault of the Evil Goblins running Brussels...

* Gammons as in supporters of Dr Gammons who recently transferred from the Brexit Party to UKIP on a Bosman (courtesy of the European Court of Justice don'tcha know....)

customs checks happen now........

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19 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:


He needs punching in the face repeatedly because he's a whinging prick, not cos he likes men.

What a bizarre and frankly FUCKING STUPID thing to think.

Maybe you need one too?

Not bizarre at all.

Jones was recently given a good kicking by three or four violent morons while celebrating his birthday with friends.

That was a motive that was considered. Because as we all know it happens.

Three arrested, charged, released on bail.

Clearly you want to join them...

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