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If everyone was the same color, would we have passports?


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We would need to add same religion, we would probably need to have a globe where the seasons were the same all year round. A globe where we all lived in constant temperatures, at the same threat from volcanic eruptions.... blah blah blah


Why can't I buy a ticket from China to the UK for my family without Government intervention? May says my wife can't come. We have to qualify. Who the fuck is May, Trump, Farrage, or anyone, to say where I Can or can't go to?


I thought the whole point of capitalist politics was about small government and free trade.


Why is Government small when it comes to trade, but, massive when it comes to free movement?

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Yes. We'd find something else retarded to fight about such as culture, religion (even if it's the same religion), eye colour, eye slant, height, whether you have a democracy or a republic.

I'm a big fan of free movement for myself but at the same time "I don't want a hundred thousand foreigners descending on my rock".


In response to "Who the fuck is May, Trump, Farrage, or anyone, to say where I Can or can't go to?", which is intentionally trying to provoke a response - here it is! Why can't I go to China without a visa? It's a pain in the cunt. Fuck those slanty eyed weirdos

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Yes. We'd find something else retarded to fight about such as culture, religion (even if it's the same religion), eye colour, eye slant, height, whether you have a democracy or a republic.


I'm a big fan of free movement for myself but at the same time "I don't want a hundred thousand foreigners descending on my rock".


In response to "Who the fuck is May, Trump, Farrage, or anyone, to say where I Can or can't go to?", which is intentionally trying to provoke a response - here it is! Why can't I go to China without a visa? It's a pain in the cunt. Fuck those slanty eyed weirdos



The slanty eyed weird people are racist as fuck. But history says, that if the chinks, the niggers, the wogs, the pakis, or even the Muslims... want even parity with the white boss... then they need to accept the white guy as their boss. The white guy says you need be in my culture to be equal.


What if we were all the same color?


White?... erm Polish.Romanian. German.


Not good enough. Fucking Polish... coming here taking my job.


So the enemy includes all people not off "our" culture. No matter what color.


Note to admin.... I use those words as part of an argument, not as an insult.

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FYI I wasn't using slanty eyed weirdos as an insult, I was using them to make the point. I actually find chinese women hot, though Russian and Eastern European are still where my love is! It is double standards, but there we go!

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Yep. We're a tribal species, and I suppose it's a bit like how tigers don't stray into another's territory. It's inside us to have boundaries. We've done pretty well so far in getting past the small tribe mentality and expand it to countrywide. Imagine how other apes would act if they lived in a city with millions of other strange apes. Violent chaos. Political globalisation would be nice theoretically, and may be essential to long term survival of the species, but it'll take a long time to get there.

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