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Police Taser their own race relations adviser in Bristol


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"Ch Supt Jon Reilly, of Avon and Somerset police, said: “I understand the community are going to have concerns.""


No shit, you tasered some poor bastard for no reason. A civilian would get arrested for that kind of behaviour.




"Adunbi was initially charged with assaulting a constable in the execution of their duty and using threatening or abusing behaviour or disorderly behaviour likely to cause harrassment, alarm or distress. The charges have since been dropped."


Imagine how shocked I was that the charges magically disappeared...

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Slightly off topic, but Bristol does have some interesting news!




A 35 year old man, who got prisoned for tying bacon to a mosque, died in prison. Prison. For a year. For tying bacon to a mosque.


Well maybe if he wasn't such a prick....

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next time he should say his name when asked


Or the Police should recognise the face of someone they really should make a point of not fucking about with.


You are only required to identify yourself if you are charged with something.

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If it happened as reported the police are out of order. They should have approached in a courteous manner and questioned him. OK, take measures in case he tries to escape but someone of his age is hardly likely to outrun them. Did they have information that he was armed or something?


The police have a very difficult job to do but a minority of them can be supercilious bastards when dealing with innocent members of the public.

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If it happened as reported the police are out of order. They should have approached in a courteous manner and questioned him. OK, take measures in case he tries to escape but someone of his age is hardly likely to outrun them. Did they have information that he was armed or something?


The police have a very difficult job to do but a minority of them can be supercilious bastards when dealing with innocent members of the public.


Judging from the video (the Bristol one is longer), the cops picked a black guy and decided he was their man.


He even says "Your sergeant is going to tas me" before she has even drawn it. He probably knew what was coming.

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next time he should say his name when asked


Or the Police should recognise the face of someone they really should make a point of not fucking about with.


You are only required to identify yourself if you are charged with something.


If the police have reason to believe you have committed a summonable offence - which is why they stopped him in the first place - then it is an arrestable offence not to give them your name and address - so you can be summoned to court.


Be very careful about this and seek clarity if a policeman asks you for your details - it is commonly used to get you arrested and down the station, when if you'd cooperated all that would have ended up at the station would have been your name and address.

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You have every right not to give your identity until you are arrested.


They would have had to arrest him for the reported crime of person X (the one they are looking for) and then it would be an offence not to reveal his identity to them.


"You do not have to give this information if you don’t want to, unless the police officer says they are reporting you for an offence."


From the MET Police FAQ

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You have every right not to give your identity until you are arrested.


They would have had to arrest him for the reported crime of person X (the one they are looking for) and then it would be an offence not to reveal his identity to them.


"You do not have to give this information if you don’t want to, unless the police officer says they are reporting you for an offence."


From the MET Police FAQ

rmanx - it is clear the police have explained to him that they think he is XYZ who is wanted for a reported offence - the start of the extended video he says I'm not XYZ and so they ask him to confirm who he is. He then refuses to give his details - that is basically guaranteed to end in an arrest - exactly following the METS FAQs.


Be very cautious if a policeman asks for your details - seek clarity to confirm whether they are reporting you for an offence when you have to answer or not when you don't - ambiguity over this often ends up with an arrest and the police do use it to get someone down the station.

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