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Police Taser their own race relations adviser in Bristol


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No, in Europe too. The French Gendarmerie do not fuck around, especially if you're not white!


The French Police do not shoot people for refusing to do what they are told - or to force people to do what they are told. It would be all over the news if they did. Like all well trained Police they use their weapons if there is a perceived threat.

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next time he should say his name when asked


Or the Police should recognise the face of someone they really should make a point of not fucking about with.


You are only required to identify yourself if you are charged with something.

is that right !.
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guys a police relations officer yet goes out of his way to be awkward great example. no idea why the taser was deployed so won't comment. facts are the police thought he was someone suspected of committing a crime asked him his name he didn't give it the police are then within their rights to arrest him. I know there will be people who say I'm wrong but save your time I'm not.

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within their rights to arrest him. I know there will be people who say I'm wrong but save your time I'm not.


It would be interesting to see a picture of the person X they were looking for and a picture of the guy tasered. Just to see if this was another case of being "illegally black".


A quick check of the address that he was trying to enter would have quickly identified that he wasn't person X that they were looking for.


It might have also highlighted that the person they were about to taser (potentially illegally and on film to boot) was in fact the local race relations rep.


The police could have saved themselves a lot of embarrassment (and potential lawsuit) by using their heads instead of getting all trigger happy.

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You are surmising quite a bit there rmanx.


Some police are always going to be cocks but it is generally not going to work in your favour if you deny them basic information when asked even if it might not actually be required. Arguing 'at the roadside' will rarely do you any favours or right any police excesses. There is a better time and place.

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How hard would it be to carry a photo of this supposed suspect?


Or do the police not have access to an app of some description with pictures of wanted persons (we all know how attached they are to their hand held devices....wink wink).

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oh come on- give your name and address job done or be an asshole dont give details and try walk away


People have a right not to be hassled going about their lawful business.


Maybe if the Police were better at doing actual police work rather than just grabbing the first black person they could find, they wouldn't be in the shit for (potentially illegally) tasering someone.

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not when you are been questioned


Being questioned has no effect on your rights.


Innocent until proven guilty.


Maybe the mans "reaction" to being stopped "while being black" has something to do with him being injured by the police before when they got the wrong man again.

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Again though it's this "i will do what I fucking like" attitude that has ended up with him being tasered.


Just give them your name you stupid old twat.


The fact he was tasered at all is reason enough to question what was going on.

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guys a police relations officer yet goes out of his way to be awkward great example. no idea why the taser was deployed so won't comment. facts are the police thought he was someone suspected of committing a crime asked him his name he didn't give it the police are then within their rights to arrest him. I know there will be people who say I'm wrong but save your time I'm not.


Seems to me that the police had no clue as to who it was they were looking for? If the description of the person being sought was wearing a hoodie then he probably fitted it, probably along with hundreds of others. Did he just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?


Of course none of us know who the police were looking for so we won't know, unless the IPPC report goes into that kind of detail. Will we get that kind of detail? Hope I'm proven wrong.

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