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Donald Chumps Daily Gaffs

Albert Tatlock

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Donald Trump made a gaff?

Post it here!

Put a £1 in to bet on the day he gets shot, or impeached.

I'm opening with 4th Feb 2018...with 'being investigated'.

Shot...5th March.

Inciting violence against the POTUS. Get lost. I'd gladly take a bullet to protect him.





Plus Albert up on charges of incitement Win-Win-Win.


Liberals should just go on holiday for four years and let you weird right-wingers thin your numbers. Then we'll pick up the pieces again for you.

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Donald Trump made a gaff?

Post it here!

Put a £1 in to bet on the day he gets shot, or impeached.

I'm opening with 4th Feb 2018...with 'being investigated'.

Shot...5th March.

Inciting violence against the POTUS. Get lost. I'd gladly take a bullet to protect him.



Plus Albert up on charges of incitement Win-Win-Win.


Liberals should just go on holiday for four years and let you weird right-wingers thin your numbers. Then we'll pick up the pieces again for you.

Weird right-winger? I do not subscribe to or fit into the fake left right paradigm, thank you.

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Donald Trump made a gaff?

Post it here!

Put a £1 in to bet on the day he gets shot, or impeached.

I'm opening with 4th Feb 2018...with 'being investigated'.

Shot...5th March.

Inciting violence against the POTUS. Get lost. I'd gladly take a bullet to protect him.



Plus Albert up on charges of incitement Win-Win-Win.


Liberals should just go on holiday for four years and let you weird right-wingers thin your numbers. Then we'll pick up the pieces again for you.

Weird right-winger? I do not subscribe to or fit into the fake left right paradigm, thank you.



What you think and how you post are clearly differing then...

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Or you're dumb and can't think outside of a paradigm. There are many views I hold which people would describe as radically leftist too. Think outside the box ffs.


I hardly think I will take any sort of thinking advice from someone who can't seem to make it through the day without perpetually standing in dog shit...

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