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Quebec terrrorist attack


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And now they've been named. Moroccan origin Mohamed and some french Canadian white boy (the one who rang up and surrendered).


"The terror suspects were identified as Mohamed el Khadir and Alexandre Bissonnette, a court clerk told The Associated Press. The two men were arrested soon after the shooting at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre Sunday night and were expected to appear in court later Monday, police told reporters."

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Twitter's been interesting today. Most of the morning it was the right saying "why aren't the liberal media calling it what it is - Islamic terrorism". Now it's the left saying "why aren't the media calling the white trump supporter* a terrorist"


*Apparently he's 'liked' trump's facebook page, and marine le pen's, and Richard Dawkins' (amongst others). I guess we'll have to blame it on evolution and atheists to keep everyone happy.

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All gun crime should be called terrorism.




With that many Twitter followers she could run for President. But could a reality TV star really ever get elected?

Just got to say I went to a talk just recently by Nassim Nicholas Taleb who called this sort of thing naive empiricism.


If you flew off to Mars and returned to learn of an atrocity what are the odds that this atrocity has been caused by armed toddlers - zero - Islamic State - pretty high odds.


Islamic State aspires to kill thousands of Americans and if they could would.


America has lots of frog in the pan problems which are just left to run their statistical damage through a society inured to their destructiveness, but Islamic State is a whole new metastasis and using old statistical comparisons to rank its destructiveness is to misunderstand statistics, distributions, black swans and IS.


IS is more dangerous than gun wielding toddlers and it is naivety of the first order to pretend it isn't.

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So it turns out the Morrocan fella was actually a witness...


Queue the usual right wing apologist back peddling:


"Lone wolf"


"He doesn't represent Christians"


"We should be more worried about Muslims...they are the real threat"


It is refreshing to see a nations leader stand up and call right wing fascists what they really are...terrorists.


The sooner America realises the biggest terrorist threat in their country is one of them, the sooner they can bring some harmony to their fractured nation.

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All gun crime should be called terrorism.




With that many Twitter followers she could run for President. But could a reality TV star really ever get elected?

Just got to say I went to a talk just recently by Nassim Nicholas Taleb who called this sort of thing naive empiricism.


If you flew off to Mars and returned to learn of an atrocity what are the odds that this atrocity has been caused by armed toddlers - zero - Islamic State - pretty high odds.


Islamic State aspires to kill thousands of Americans and if they could would.


America has lots of frog in the pan problems which are just left to run their statistical damage through a society inured to their destructiveness, but Islamic State is a whole new metastasis and using old statistical comparisons to rank its destructiveness is to misunderstand statistics, distributions, black swans and IS.


IS is more dangerous than gun wielding toddlers and it is naivety of the first order to pretend it isn't.



IS might aspire to kill thousands of Americans....but its Americans are offing each other every day.


If I was IS I would just let the Grand Divider do his work and Americans will tear themselves apart.

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