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Abortion plight should shame us all? Really?


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What is the 'norm' when it comes to breeding anyway? My grandparents, on one side there were 8 siblings, the other 5, whereas they themselves both had 3 kids. And their kids (like ME!) had less again. So 100 years ago the norm was to have loads of kids, now not so much. And even less when 'abortion becomes the norm' eh? We'll wither and die as a species. Oh its the end, oh woe, despair and the dying of our species.

Edited by TheTeapot
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1 hour ago, Gee Cee said:

It must have been a couple of years ago, but I distinctly remember Ballaughbiker making a refence to "bikers eating babies".

If you get your way BB, and abortion becomes the norm, your poor biker friends may well starve to death.


Can't say I'm a personal friend of "BB" but as a motorcyclist thought I'd have to  declare that I find your post 'unfortunate', but perhaps predictable from one who never misses a chance to denigrate  anyone who rides a motorcycle .

May your god go with you 


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He probably thinks I'm a Hell's angel paswt terrorising Ballaugh on a chopped HD. :w00t:  

Y'know, allegedly raping chickens and biting virgin's heads off or summat like that ('joking' GC before you post I thought either was a good idea in 2 years time :rolleyes:.)

Perception and reality eh? Now where's the keys of the LE?

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2 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

He probably thinks I'm a Hell's angel paswt terrorising Ballaugh on a chopped HD. :w00t:  

Y'know, allegedly raping chickens and biting virgin's heads off or summat like that ('joking' GC before you post I thought either was a good idea in 2 years time :rolleyes:.)

Perception and reality eh? Now where's the keys of the LE?

Have to say I'm more HRD than HD myself  , but as long as it's  two wheels (or three) that's OK by me :flowers:

I'm old enough to remember signs outside pubs ..... "No Irish /travellers/bikers" .:D

ETA nothing wrong with the LE  but prefer a '37 KTS:)


Edited by paswt
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  • 1 month later...
33 minutes ago, quilp said:

I was fortunate enough to see Peter Murcott this week (in the IOM Bank with people fawning over him) it cheered me up to know that no matter how much of a twat I am there are some levels I could never fall to....

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Not a moment too soon, the assertion of the basic right of a human female to choose what happens to and within her body. What a pity it took so long and the despair and suffering of so many vulnerable women, often victims of abuse, often very young, frequently both.

Better late than never though to see the end of all of this, and the rejection of the outmoded ideas of those who would impose their narrow minded, extremist, often religion based minority views over the rights of those in need of help. Such regressive forces have not the slightest legitimacy in a modern, civilised society.

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