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Abortion plight should shame us all? Really?


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9 hours ago, manxy said:

Yes, though the research was limited and narrowly-focused. Other environmental factors were not considered, like smoking and age, workplace exposure and sporting activities, for instance. No comparatives to other, everyday activities long-suspected of causing low sperm count and viability were interpreted and included (and it seems there are many variants of suspects).

A large proportion of the info was collated from clinics dealing with fertility problems (confirmation bias?) rather than a broad scope of the male population in general.

Not denying the possible effects of mobile phone use. 

From the conclusions of the report... 


Edited by quilp
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9 hours ago, manxy said:

Possible link from mobile phones?



9 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Too busy staring at them to fuck?

There is a serious point there. I was in a hotel bar in Central London one evening in the week and seated nearby were 3 young couples, obviously at leisure. 2 of these couples hardly acknowledged the presence of their partners the whole time. They just continued to sit, phone in hand and eyes glued to the screen, so it didn't seem too conducive to romance. Perhaps, however, evolution has reached the point where it is quite possible to complete the sexual act to orgasm whilst still engaged on the phone and expending minimal energy. You don't even have to look at each other. I bet it's been done.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Perhaps, however, evolution has reached the point where it is quite possible to complete the sexual act to orgasm whilst still engaged on the phone and expending minimal energy. You don't even have to look at each other. I bet it's been done.

Er...that's unusual is it? Asking for a friend.

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On 1/19/2019 at 2:50 PM, Andy Onchan said:

Weren't tight fitting jeans linked to low sperm counts at one time? (I jest ye not!)

I think they were. In fact wasn’t there some generally accepted medical advice that boxer shorts were preferable for a gentleman’s dangly bits than briefs due to the more open, non-squeezy environment?

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On 1/19/2019 at 2:50 PM, Andy Onchan said:

Weren't tight fitting jeans linked to low sperm counts at one time? (I jest ye not!)

Yes. Tight underpants too. Apparently, the more pendulous the scrotum and the lower the balls hang the richer the semen and the more active the sperm. They like being a bit cooler.

Average sperm count of the Western male has fallen in recent decades. https://www.nhs.uk/news/pregnancy-and-child/western-sperm-counts-halved-in-last-40-years/

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8 hours ago, woolley said:

Yes. Tight underpants too. Apparently, the more pendulous the scrotum and the lower the balls hang the richer the semen and the more active the sperm. They like being a bit cooler.

Average sperm count of the Western male has fallen in recent decades. https://www.nhs.uk/news/pregnancy-and-child/western-sperm-counts-halved-in-last-40-years/

Indeed. Seems there's much to be said for donning a kilt!

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or running around  trouser less , a cottage industry in the north of the island I've been told.

Could it also explain the underwear spotted by Gladys on Marine Drive as a female stands more chance of conceiving if she "goes commando" ?:D


Edited by paswt
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4 hours ago, gettafa said:

The preamble says according to recent statistics 1 in 3 women in the UK have had an abortion. Well I would have said a lot less but there you go, the internet said it.

It looks surprising at first, but the figures seem to add up.  The abortion rate in England and Wales in 2017 was 16.7 per 1,000 resident women aged 15-4 (and it hasn't really changed much for about 25 years).  Over the 30 years of that fertility span that gives you 500 abortions per 1000  women (so 50%).  But 38% of abortions were to women who had had one or more before (see page 8) which would reduce it to about 31%.  Given other complications such as abortions among women over 44 (which will be going up because of more pregnancies in that group) about a third seems a fairly good rough estimate.

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