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Louvre attack stopped


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Short of rounding all Muslims up and putting them in special camps I'm not sure.what it is you expect the French to do?

Border controls, major programme to expel immigrants who do meet criteria, crackdown on extremists mosques for a start. But they won't and more French will die until the hour becomes late.

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Short of rounding all Muslims up and putting them in special camps I'm not sure.what it is you expect the French to do?

Border controls, major programme to expel immigrants who do meet criteria, crackdown on extremists mosques for a start. But they won't and more French will die until the hour becomes late.

Jesus Christ. Waste of time even bothering to try to talk sense on here anymore.

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The leader of the 9/11 jihad, Mohammed Atta, was Egyptian.


Just saying.


Trump's implementation of the restrictions carries a powerful symbolism even if it is kind of ludicrous. Many in America, and around the world, are getting the impression that he's being true to his word and showing strength where none has been shown before. Action Man Trump.


Thing is, he can't lose on this even if it continues to be over-ruled in the courts. If no attacks occur, then the policy is working. If islamic terrorism continues on home soil, especially in the event of a possible 'spectacular' attack, it will just bolster his resolve and add credence to his will.


His pandering to the ultra-conservative christian fundamentalist movement is worrying. They need less empowerment, not more. Trump once declared the only thing he believed in was money and is allegedly at heart, an Atheist, worse than being a paedophile in America, according to some populist opinion-polls.


Trump's posturing with Iran is also another example of an easy political win-win; his salutations to Israel and Netanyahu are sending a clear message to the Ayatollahs of just whose side he's on and the days of an Obama-style policy of appeasement, to Iranian nuclear ambition for instance, are over. Iran has been placed, 'On Notice'.


He is clearly being devisive, with choreographed deliberation. He enjoys courting controversy, he has created a vacuum in the powerful liberal elite (there are concerns about who might replace them also). Some contend that this is actually a positive for US politics, however contentious he and his policy proposals become.

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