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Louvre attack stopped


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I feel like you have copy and pasted that from somewhere but I can't be bothered to check it :P ah well, pandering to the religious is always hilarious and never backfires... Honestly the amount of God fearing folk you see when driving through the south is crazy, they're filthy creatures, as bad as the Muslims they fear. Good fodder for the army though.

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Your childishness is becoming tiresome, Corporal. Why bother if you've nothing to add except how hurt your feelings are because you lost out to thicko's and xenophobic little englanders? Lol...

I just happen to have a sense of humour and unlike quite a few on here I don't take myself too seriously....

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Short of rounding all Muslims up and putting them in special camps I'm not sure.what it is you expect the French to do?

Border controls, major programme to expel immigrants who do meet criteria, crackdown on extremists mosques for a start. But they won't and more French will die until the hour becomes late.



SO how does that stop far right extremist terrorist from carrying out attacks.


Your "proposals" only seems to be focusing on one problem...so called "Islamic Terrorism"

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Far right and far left terrorism will be dampened by the stricter border controls, meaning weapons and individuals of danger will be caught at the borders. Needless to say that France doesn't have a far right or far left terrorism problem, but it has a very big Muslim problem.


I'm in Cyprus atm and just some examples from my border hopping trip into occupied Cyprus where the menace has taken over




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Far right and far left terrorism will be dampened by the stricter border controls, meaning weapons and individuals of danger will be caught at the borders.


You genuinely have no comprehension of the scale of far right extremism and terrorism world wide do you?


But then why would you? You have become so tunnel vision focused on so called "Islamic" terrorism that you are now wilfully blind to it.


Just to clarify for the frothing mouthed ultra-right wing on here, I do not, have not and will not condone any act of terrorism, regardless of it socio, political, ethnic or "religious" intentions or motivations.


The media is doing a fantastic job of keeping our attentions on the Middle East and the "War on Terrorism" which seems to have become all consuming.

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